

Matthew Skiles

PhD Student in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
As an NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Matt has conducted systems analysis research as it relates to power grid operations and sustainability. Currently, he is focused on assessing the role of energy efficiency and demand response in increasing power grid resiliency during extreme weather events. As part of this research, Matt characterizes electricity demand profiles using the ResStock building energy model developed by NREL. He uses the ResStock model to generate building stock that is statistically representative of current residential housing and apply efficiency retrofits and equipment upgrades to investigate different development scenarios. He has also focused on investigating the impact that weather conditions have on electricity demand for historical severe weather events and future climate change scenarios.

Before joining The University of Texas at Austin, Matt earned a B.S. in civil engineering from the University of Wisconsin where he worked for several organizations conducting research to inform environmental and energy policy-making processes. After graduating, he worked as an engineer in the energy services industry implementing energy optimization projects at commercial and industrial facilities.



Matthew Steggle

Professor of Early Modern English Literature, University of Bristol
D.Phil., PGCLT



Matthew Stewart

Postdoctoral Researcher, Harvard University
Matthew is a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University in the Edge Computing Lab. His main area of research focuses on the development of embedded machine learning (aka. TinyML), machine learning sensors, and lifetime-aware system design. He also manages multiple projects including silicon photonics, designing and manufacturing flexible microprocessors, large language models for hardware-software co-design, benchmarking tools for robotics and reinforcement learning, and neuromorphic computing.



Matthew Sturchio

PhD Student in Plant and Ecosystem Ecology, Colorado State University
I am interested in plant physiology, global change ecology, and climate-carbon cycle feedbacks. My PhD research is focused on quantifying how photovoltaic (PV, a.k.a. solar panel) energy expansion might impact ecosystem process and their underlying physiological mechanisms in grasslands.



Matthew Taliaferro

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
We study how the expression of genetic information is spatially regulated within a cell. Individual mRNA molecules are often trafficked to specific cellular locations. This facilitates robust, localized protein production where and when it is needed. Although thousands of mRNAs are asymmetrically distributed in cells, the RNA sequences and protein factors that regulate this process are unknown for the vast majority of messages. We use experimental and computational methods to understand mechanisms behind this regulation and how disruption of the process can result in neurological disease.



Matthew Tickle

Lecturer in Operations Management Operations and Supply Chain Management, University of Liverpool
Matthew Tickle is a Lecturer in Operations Management at the University of Liverpool. He holds a BSc and a PhD in Operations Management, both from the University of Liverpool. His PhD thesis created a framework for building and managing business-to-business virtual communities. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy as well as a Member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply.

Matthew is the Director of Studies for the MSc in Operations and Supply Chain Management and teaches both on campus and online.

Matthew’s research interests include Operations and Supply Chain Management, in particular Humanitarian Supply Chains, Quality management, and e-business tools and technologies. He has published in journals such as Technovation, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, International Journal of Production Research, Production Planning and Control, and the International Journal of Logistics – Research and Applications. He has also been involved in ERDF, FP6 (PRO-INNO Europe), and KTP research projects.

Prior to his Academic appointment, Matthew worked as a project manager in the software development industry.



Matthew Tyce

Lecturer in International Political Economy, King's College London
Dr Matthew Tyce is a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer in International Political Economy at King's College London. Matthew's research sits at the intersection of development studies, comparative politics and international political economy. His research explores the political economy of state building and economic transformation under conditions of so-called ‘late’ (or ‘late-late’) development, with a particular focus on countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Matthew’s current British Academy research fellowship (2021-2024) is looking at the political economy of energy transition, renewable energy adoption and ‘green’ industrialisation in Ghana and Kenya.



Matthew Walsh

Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney
Matthew Walsh is an Anaiwaan man and early career academic at the Faculty of Law University of Technology Sydney. Matthew's career has seen him lead a number of programs in Indigenous policy engagement and implementation across the government, higher education, corporate and not-for-profit sectors.



Matthew Wells

Lecturer in Architectural Humanities, University of Manchester
Matthew Wells is Lecturer in Architectural Humanities at University of Manchester and member of the Manchester Architecture Research Group (MARG). His research uses architecture and visual culture to examine society, institutions, and individuals in the long nineteenth century. Particular focus is given to the intersection between representational techniques, technology, and professional expertise in the built environments of Britain and Europe.

He studied art history at the Courtauld Institute of Art and completed his doctorate in the History of Design Programme at the Victoria & Albert Museum and the Royal College of Art. Before his appointment at Manchester he was junior faculty at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich.

Wells is the author of two monographs Modelling the Metropolis: The Architectural Model in Victorian London (2023) and Survey: Architecture Iconographies (2021) and co-editor of An Alphabet of Architectural Models (2021). Recently his research has been published in Architectural History, the Burlington Magazine, JSAH, and the Journal of Art Historiography, as well as contributing to the Paul Mellon Centre’s Royal Academy Summer Exhibition: A Chronicle, 1769-2018.

His most recent book, Modelling the Metropolis, provides a new understanding of how Victorian London was conceptualised, debated, and constructed through architectural models. At a crucial moment of the London’s development, models were a vital medium of communication that enabled architects, politicians, and the wider public to conceive the city’s expansion of buildings and spaces. The research was awarded the Theodor-Fischer-Preis (2019) from the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich and commended in the RIBA President's Awards for Research (2017).

Additional research is concentrated in two areas. First, ‘Things of Modernity’, a new history of modern architecture researched through its material culture. Second, ‘Lines of Communication’ examines the relationship between architecture and the new forms of media that emerged in Britain and further afield.

Dr Wells welcomes enquiries from potential PhD students with interests in Victorian and Edwardian architecture in Britain; material and technical history of architecture; architecture and empire in the British World; any aspect of architectural professionalism and construction labour.



Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon

Writing fellow at the African Centre for Migration Studies, University of the Witwatersrand
Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon is a Writing Fellow on the Migration and Health Project Southern Africa, based at the African Centre for Migration & Society at the University of Witwatersrand (Wits).

Matthew holds a doctorate from the University of Oxford, which was ethnographic study of HIV/AIDS treatment programmes to displaced communities in northern Uganda. Over the past five years he has conducting research in inner-city Johannesburg on themes of migration, religion, health and housing. He is beginning new research looking at African migration to Brazil.

Matthew has published widely in different books and journals including Medical Anthropology, Critical African Studies and the African Cities Reader, and a number of newspapers and journalistic publications including the Mail & Guardian, Sunday Times, Chimurenga Chronic and the ConMag. He is presently completing a narrative book about unlawfully occupied buildings in inner-city Johannesburg. He is the lead editor on the forthcoming book 'Routes and Rites to the City: Mobility, Diversity and Religious Space in Johannesburg' to be published by Palgrave-MacMillan.



Matthew Wingfield

Postdoctoral fellow, Stellenbosch University
My research has broadly been focussed on social movements and questions of 'justice'. Ranging from spatial justice to environmental justice, I have done research on groups that have had to strategically leverage a range of resources to actualise South Africa's progressive constitutional rights. I have worked with groups such as Reclaim the City, the Climate Justice Charter Movement and the Philippi Horticultural Area Campaign, and in doing so, developed scholarship around concepts of 'slow activism', and more recently on temporality as a lens.



Matthew Wood

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Sheffield

Matt Wood is a postdoctoral research associate at the Department of Politics and Deputy Director of the Sir Bernard Crick Centre for the Public Understanding of Politics.

He has previously worked in local journalism and lobbying, and has held visiting fellowship positions at the UK Cabinet Office and ANZSOG Institute for Governance, Unviersity of Canberra.

Matt's research interests are diverse, but centre mainly upon understanding the problem of 'anti-politics' as a societal trend of disaffection, disengagement, and anger with liberal democratic politics in western states.



Matthew Wright4

DPhil Candidate, University of Oxford
I am a DPhil Student at the University of Oxford, working on improving seasonal forecasting. I'm supervised by Tim Woollings and Antje Weisheimer. I also hold an Energy Science Engagement Fellowship at the Royal Meteorological Society, where I help the society bridge the gap between weather/climate and the energy sector. I am interested in climate change, how we can model it and how we can mitigate it.
My PhD is in partnership with AFRY Energy Consultancy, and I will be working for them for 3 months in September 2023.



Matthew Wynn Sivils

Professor of American Literature, Iowa State University
Matthew Wynn Sivils is Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean’s Professor of American Literature at Iowa State University, where he also directs the Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities.

Among other books, he has published the monograph American Environmental Fiction, 1782–1847 (Routledge, 2014), an edition of Harriet Prescott Spofford’s Gothic novel, Sir Rohan’s Ghost (Anthem, 2020); the critical anthology, Ecogothic in Nineteenth-Century American Literature (with Dawn Keetley, Routledge, 2017); and an edition of Paul Errington’s Of Wilderness and Wolves (University of Iowa Press, 2015).

Sivils’s articles have appeared in various critical anthologies as well as scholarly journals such as ANQ, Literature and Medicine, Nathaniel Hawthorne Review, Southern Quarterly, Studies in American Fiction, and Western American Literature. He recently guest-edited a special, double-issue of Studies in American Fiction on the ecogothic in American literature.



Matthew G. Hill

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Iowa State University
Matthew Hill works at the intersection of archaeology, vertebrate paleontology, and ecology to address questions about the people who lived on the eastern Great Plains and Upper Midwest at the end of the last Ice Age (ca. 12,000-9,000 years ago). Current research falls into several areas, including the cause of terminal extinction or regional extinction of Ice Age animals such as muskox, moose, caribou, ground sloth, and flat-headed peccary. Other active research concerns the diet and subsistence activities of late prehistoric villagers in central Iowa, Late Paleoindian ritual practices in the western Great Lakes, colonization and settlement of the Upper Midwest, and the formation of ancient bone assemblages in fluvial contexts.



Matthew I. Mitchell

Associate Professor, Political Studies, University of Saskatchewan
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan. Prior to this appointment, I was an Assistant Professor in the School of Conflict Studies at Saint Paul University and a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My research focuses on African politics, global indigenous politics, land tenure reform, migration and conflict, natural resources and governance, peacebuilding and political violence. My work has appeared in journals such as African Studies Review; Commonwealth & Comparative Politics; Conflict, Security & Development; Democratization; Ethnopolitics; Journal of Agrarian Change; Journal of Peace Research; Politics, Groups, and Identities; and The International Journal of Human Rights. I have also published in numerous edited volumes and am a co-editor of New Approaches to the Governance of Natural Resources: Insights from Africa (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) and People Changing Places: New Perspectives on Demography, Migration, Conflict, and the State (Routledge, 2019). I have conducted fieldwork in Canada, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Uganda, and is currently principal investigator on a SSHRC Insight Grant (2017-2023) titled “The Far North Act in Ontario and the Plan Nord in Québec: Sons of the Soil Conflicts in the Making?



Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer

Professor of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
I am a medical anthropologist and historian of medicine in the U.S., focusing on psychiatry and neuroscience in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. My work focuses on disabilities as they are social produced and offers ways to reconceptualize the role of institutions in the experiences of disability, health, and well-being. I hold a Ph.D. in Sociocultural Anthropology, an M.A. in American Cultural Studies, an M.A. in English Literature (with a focus on Science Fiction Studies), and a B.A. in English Literature and Language. I've published four books: The Slumbering Masses: Sleep, Medicine and American Life (2012), Theory for the World to Come (2019), Unraveling: Remaking Personhood in a Neurodiverse Age (2020), and American Disgust: Racism, Microbial Medicine, and the Colony Within (2024), all published by the University of Minnesota Press.



Matthew James Collins

Professor of Palaeoproteomics, University of Cambridge
In addition to his post in Cambridge Matthew Collins is professor of Biomolecular Archaeology and the GLOBE Institute, University of Copenhagen.

Prior to joining Cambridge Matthew founded BioArCh, a collaboration between the departments of biology, chemistry and archaeology (BioArCh: Biology Archaeology, Chemistry) at the University of York

His research focuses on the persistence of proteins in ancient samples, using modelling to explore the racemization of amino acids and thermal history to predict the survival of DNA and other molecules. Using a combination of approaches (including immunology and protein mass spectrometry) his research detects and interprets protein remnants in archaeological and fossil remains.



Matthew Robert Borths

Curator of the Duke Lemur Center Museum of Natural History, Duke University
Dr. Borths is Curator of the DLC Museum of Natural History. He earned his bachelor's degrees from The Ohio State University (Geological Sciences and Anthropology) and his Ph.D. from Stony Brook University (Anatomical Sciences).

Matt is a paleontologist who studies the evolution of animals in Africa, particularly the evolution of carnivorous mammals and primates. He has been part of field projects in Egypt, Madagascar, Oman, Kenya, Tanzania, Wyoming, and North Dakota. He is also interested in the sustainability of natural history collections and the integration of specimen databases. Matt is also the co-host of Aye-Aye Pod, the official podcast of the Duke Lemur Center.



Matthew T. Hughes

Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Dr. Matthew T. Hughes is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his PhD in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2023, where his researched focused on the potential of acoustically enhanced condensation heat transfer and the role of machine learning in the thermal sciences. His current work at MIT focuses on developing advanced diagnostics to help shed light on complex phase-change heat transfer phenomena encountered in common energy conversion systems. Beyond that, Matt has conducted research on simultaneous energy and resource recovery methods in water reclamation facilities, experimentally characterizing and enhancing waste-heat driven absorption chillers, and dynamic modeling and re-optimization of water-cooled vapor compression chillers.



Matthew Tom Harrison

Associate Professor of Sustainable Agriculture, University of Tasmania
Associate Professor Matthew Harrison is an award-winning scientist based at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture in Launceston, Australia. Matt is internationally renowned for his work in improving the sustainability of agricultural and land-use systems through innovative economic, environmental and social solutions to demand-driven problems. His team uses systems thinking to develop skills, technologies and practices aimed at improving food production, enterprise profitability, social licence to operate and long-term agri-food sustainability. The impact of his work on carbon removals, greenhouse gas emissions, the climate crisis and food security will have enduring benefits for decades to come.

Matt is the Director of the Carbon Storage Partnership, a multi-million-dollar transdisciplinary initiative that is developing environmentally-contextualised and socially-acceptable pathways aimed at profitably progressing the entire Australia livestock sector to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Matt has long engendered a culture of research excellence, as shown by his mentoring and supervision of colleagues, his training of the next generation of scientists, and his inclusive approach to leading diverse teams of people. He has supervised numerous Honours, Masters and PhD scholars through to successful completion, and he welcomes enquiries relating to research supervision or collaboration. As an egalitarian, he regularly advocates for social equality of people he works with.

The knowledge, skills and technologies developed by Matt and his co-workers have contributed significantly to the University of Tasmania’s ‘well-above world standard’ Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) rankings in ‘Agriculture, Land and Farm Management’ and ‘Crop and Pasture Production’.

*Career biography*
After completing undergraduate degrees in Applied Science, Plant Science (Hons) and Civil Engineering (Hons), Matt conducted a PhD with the Australian National University while based at the Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Canberra, Australia.

From 2009, he conducted post-doctoral fellowships at the CSIRO in Canberra, Australia, working with various stakeholders to develop fit-for-purpose, legitimate and sustainable livestock production systems. Matt later worked at the ‘Institut Nationale de la Recherche Agronomique’ (INRA) in Montpellier, France, and during this period he spent extensive time at Pioneer Hi-Bred International in Des Moines, USA, and the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.

Since completing his undergraduate degrees, Matt worked with- and was tutored by preeminent scientists in crop breeding, systems modelling, agronomy, computer-, plant- and animal-science. His post-doctoral research integrated the physics, maths and computer science from his engineering background into agricultural science. It was truly a multi-disciplinary training pathway.

Matt joined the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture in 2012 at the Cradle Coast Campus in Burnie, Australia. In 2022, he relocated to Launceston in support of the University’s strategic plan to grow a critical mass of world-class plant scientists in the north of the State.



Matthias Becher

Ecological Modeller at RIFCON GmbH, Germany and Affiliate at the Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, University of Exeter
I am interested in behavioural ecology, focusing on colony organisation and division of labour in social bees. I combine experimental work with computer simulations to better understand the complex processes within a colony and its interactions with the environment.



Matthias Efing

Associate professor of finance, HEC Paris Business School
Matthias Efing is an Associate Professor of Finance at HEC Paris. His research on financial intermediation, corporate finance, and governance has been published in the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Finance, the Review of Corporate Finance Studies, and the Journal of International Economics. Professor Efing holds a PhD in finance from the Swiss Finance Institute and graduated as Diplomkaufmann from the University of Mannheim.



Matthias Scheutz

M.A., Philosophy, University of Vienna
M.S., Formal Logic, University of Vienna
M.Sc.E., Computer Engineering, Vienna University of Technology
Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Vienna
M.A., Computer Science, Indiana University
Ph.D., Jointly Cognitive and Computer Science, Indiana University

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Life
Cognitive Modeling
Complex Systems
Foundations of Cognitive Science
Human-Robot Interaction
Multi-scale Agent-based Models
Natural Language Processing



Matthieu Quidu

Maître de conférences en sociologie du sport, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Ancien élève de l'ENS de Rennes (département Sciences du sport et éducation physique) puis professeur agrégé d'EPS à l'ENS de Lyon, Matthieu Quidu est aujourd'hui maître de conférences en STAPS (Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives) à l'Université Lyon 1. Chercheur au sein du L-ViS (Laboratoire sur les Vulnérabilités et l'Innovation dans le Sport), il enseigne au sein de l'INSPE de Lyon. Ses recherches sociologiques et philosophiques portent sur les tendances sportives innovantes, que celles-ci concernent l'utilisation des dispositifs d'auto-quantification (self-tracking) ou l'essor de la sobriété et de la simplicité volontaire dans le domaine des loisirs physiques.



Matthieu Weiss-Blais

Étudiant la maîtrise en biologie, Université Laval
Je réalise actuellement une maîtrise en biologie à l'Université Laval, où je me penche sur la prédation du renard arctique sur les nids d'oies des neiges. À partir d'observations comportementales et d'expériences sur le terrain nous vérifions des hypothèses concernant les mécanismes influençant la force de l'interaction de prédation.

Le baccalauréat en biologie à l'Université du Québec à Montréal, m'a permis de participer durant deux étés à des études sur la faune cavicole en Abitibi. Les projets étaient surtout centrés sur le Grand pic et les utilisateurs secondaires des cavités qu'il creuse dans les arbres.



Mattia Saccò

Lecturer in ecology, Curtin University
I am a researcher interested in aquatic environments - both superficial and subterranean - and the incorporation of multidisciplinary designs into the study of functional ecology.



Mattias Frihammar

Associate Professor of Ethnology, Stockholm University
Reader/associate professor in ethnology with an interest in collective memory processes, difficult cultural heritage and issues at the intersection between nature and culture. Coordinate the Critical Heritage Studies Network (CHSN) at Stockholms universitet. In my thesis, I analyzed social hierarchies in (re)production of contemporary royalty in Sweden. By studying arenas where royalty was present, I showed how social authority was pruduced at the intersection between notions of exclusivity and commonness. The analysis also demonstrated the symbolic and actual importance of the material in the exercise of power, and how rituals forms social superiority.



Mattias Tranberg

Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Institute of Palliative Care, Lund University
I'm a clinical psychologist and a researcher. My focus is communication, compassion as well as psycho-therapeutic interventions in palliative care.



Mattie Toma

Assistant Professor, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
Mattie is an Assistant Professor at Warwick Business School, a Senior Research Affiliate at the Global Priorities Institute at Oxford, and an Academic Affiliate at the Office of Evaluation Sciences in the U.S. government. She received her PhD in Economics from Harvard University. Mattie's work uses behavioural and experimental economics to address policy-relevant questions.



Maureen O'Connor

Lecturer in English, University College Cork
I lecture in the School of English and Digital Humanities in University College Cork. I am an Irish Studies scholar, specializing in women's writing, from the late nineteenth century to today. Much of my work is ecofeminist analysis, including my first book, The Female and the Species: The Animal in Irish Women's Writing.



Maureen Robinson

Professor, Faculty of Education, Stellenbosch University
Currently teaching in curriculum studies at SU; formerly dean of education at Stellenbosch University and Cape Peninsula University of Technology, academic at University of the Western Cape, and high school teacher.



Maureen Bilinga Tendwa

Researcher, Rhodes University
Dr Maureen Bilinga Tendwa is a researcher at Rhodes University, a senior scientific researcher at the Global Health Catalyst and an expert evaluator of Complementary Medicine with the South African Health Product Regulatory Authority. She also serves as a moderator at the University of Johannesburg's Department of Medicine and practices Clinical Phytomedicine. Dr Tendwa focuses on addressing health disparities and promoting sustainable health systems in Africa. She holds a PhD in Bioinformatics with a specialization in Pharmacogenomics in Oncology from Rhodes University, an MSc in Medical BioSciences, and a Post-graduate Certificate in Globalization and Health from the University of Western Cape. Additionally, she has extensive experience as a researcher with the Human Heredity and Health in Africa consortium and is a mediator and arbitrator in medical negligence cases. Dr Tendwa has numerous publications on Afrocentric oncology studies in reputable journals.



Maureen G. Reed

Distinguished Professor and UNESCO Chair in Biocultural Diversity, Sustainability, Reconciliation and Renewal, University of Saskatchewan
I am Distinguished Professor and UNESCO Chair in Biocultural Diversity, Sustainability, Reconciliation and Renewal at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. My research, academic service and teaching focus on the social dimensions of sustainability, gender relations and diversity, collaborative environmental governance, and community engagement. I have conducted research about and with UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (called Regions in Canada) since the early 2000s, working with individual sites and with the national network to support capacity building in conservation, sustainable development, and reconciliation. I also work with rural and Indigenous communities to understand and plan for climate hazards. Presently, I'm leading an international partnership to train graduate students working in transdisciplinary sustainability science professional, relational and intercultural skills and competencies necessary to become sustainability change makers.

More details of my research program can be found on my website or via ORCID:



Maurice Nagington

Lecturer in Nursing, University of Manchester
I am an academic with a background in nursing who works at the intersections of health sciences, sociology, and cultural studies. My work addresses issues around death, sex, drugs, HIV and more recently covid-19.

I have an undergraduate degree in Nursing, an MA in Gender, Sexuality and Culture, and a PhD in nursing.



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