PhD in Civil Engineering (Transport), Monash University
MA in Social Psychology, Harvard University
There's little to gain and much to lose from lowering the minimum driving age
Dec 13, 2016 00:26 am UTC| Law
Victoria is currently the only Australian state where the earliest opportunity for unsupervised driving is 18. The minimum age is 17 in all other states and territories, except the Northern Territory (16 years and six...
Delay in getting driving licences opens door to more sustainable travel
May 23, 2016 00:24 am UTC| Insights & Views Life
In early 2015, I wrote about the significant declines in the proportion of young people with a driving licence. However, at the time, significant questions remained unanswered. Were young adults forgoing cars entirely? Or...
Trump's Bold Moves: A New Era in U.S. Foreign Policy
Trade Truce: Trump Pauses Tariffs as North America Strengthens Borders
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s