FBI vs Apple: giving up security and privacy could hurt us all
Feb 24, 2016 08:48 am UTC| Law Technology
You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide is an argument that is used often in the debate about surveillance. The latest incarnation of that debate is currently taking place in the case of the US government...
In the world of video advertising screen size doesn't matter: study
Feb 24, 2016 08:46 am UTC| Technology Business
In a recent global survey, the majority of those surveyed agreed watching video on mobile devices was convenient. Increasingly the cost of producing that video content is being paid for by advertising, with advertisers...
Feb 24, 2016 08:38 am UTC| Technology
Every now and again, we all indulge in dreams about travelling in time. Wouldnt it be wonderful to return to that specific point in the past to change a bad decision or relive an experience those halcyon days of...
Forcing Apple to open doors to our digital homes would set a worrying precedent
Feb 22, 2016 14:55 pm UTC| Technology Law
Who controls what in the digital world? Apple is currently involved in a court face off with the FBI, and has refused to produce software that would help investigators to unlock the phone of San Bernardino gunman Syed...
Riversimple's hydrogen fuel cell Rasa gives car design a clean slate
Feb 22, 2016 14:13 pm UTC| Technology
The prototype of a car powered by a hydrogen fuel cell was unveiled this month by the Welsh company Riversimple. The company has named its vehicle named Rasa after the Latin phrase tabula rasa, which means: clean...
Why big tech companies are open-sourcing their AI systems
Feb 22, 2016 13:45 pm UTC| Technology
The worlds biggest technology companies are handing over the keys to their success, making their artificial intelligence systems open-source. Traditionally, computer users could see the end product of what a piece of...
Women sellers short-changed on eBay despite gender privacy policy – study reveals
Feb 22, 2016 13:36 pm UTC| Technology Life
On the auction website eBay, women are receiving on average about 80 cents for every dollar men earn when selling the same product, according to new research. We already know that products aimed at women, such as razors...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s