“Better Call Saul” Season 5 will be an exciting entry for the crime drama series as Jimmy (Bob Odenkirk) has now slipped into Saul Goodman’s persona. Due to this development, it’s expected that his relationship with Kim (Rhea Seehorn) will be severed in the fifth installment.
The downward spiral has already begun when Kim finally saw through the insincerity of Jimmy after helping him getting reinstated as a lawyer. “Better Call Saul” Season 5 will pick up from this plot development and intensify the realization of Kim that she’s actually dealing with a sociopath, MonsterAndCritics reported.
Initially, Kim helped Jimmy with his speech to convince the panel to give him another shot. The conman-turned-lawyer did a remarkable job at faking his remorse during his appearance with the board, moving Kim and the panel with his speech. But after getting his license back, Jimmy let slip the mask of sorrow to reveal a cackling and delighted criminal beneath. With Kim distancing herself from Jimmy, it’s unclear what her fate is going to be in “Better Call Saul” Season 5.
This is especially true since Kim wasn’t present in the plot of “Breaking Bad.” While this isn’t confirmed just yet, it seems that “Better Call Saul” Season 5 will be giving Kim a dark ending. Show co-creator Peter Gould hinted as much.
“It gives us a world of possibilities in a show where a lot of the character’s fates are known already. All I can say is [that] I’d be very sorry if something terrible happened to Kim, but there’s a lot of things that can happen to people that don’t involve violent deaths,” Gould said. With Kim walking out the picture and Saul Goodman taking over in “Better Call Saul” Season 5, it’s expected that Jimmy and Mike (Jonathan Banks) will be colliding at some point during the story. This means that the series will be more than violent than ever.
As for when the fifth installment will be aired, AMC has yet to announce anything. But looking at the show’s release pattern, it will be sometime after August. Each entry has more than a one-year gap between them. With the fourth installment ending in August last year, “Better Call Saul” Season 5 could air in the same month at the earliest.