In a thrilling collaboration with Barbie, Burger King Brazil has launched the exclusive BK Barbie Combo, capitalizing on the popular doll's cultural influence as it celebrates the upcoming movie release. The limited-time combo includes the signature 'Pink Burger,' 'Barbie Donut Shake,' and 'Ken's potatoes,' offering a distinct pink-themed dining experience for customers across South America.
The star of this special meal is the "Pink Burger," featuring a juicy burger patty with melted cheddar cheese, topped with crispy diced bacon and an incredible smoky pink sauce, all sandwiched between fluffy brioche buns. Customers also receive the "Barbie Donut Shake" as a delightful treat, a refreshing millennial pink drink made with vanilla ice cream and strawberry Nesquik, topped with a pink frosted donut.
To complete the delicious combo, diners will enjoy a side of "Ken's potatoes," a classic order of fries. This playful menu pays homage to the "he's just Ken" phrase from the movie's poster.
Burger King Brazil has shared these pink-themed items on social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok. In one video, a Burger King employee can be seen assembling the Pink Burger while wearing strappy pink heels and a Burger King polo.
While Burger King has previously offered movie-themed meals, such as the red-bunned Whopper inspired by "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse," the BK Barbie Combo is exclusive to South America. So if you want to experience this unique collaboration, catching a flight to São Paulo might be your best chance.
Barbie's influence extends far beyond fast food. Mattel and Warner Bros. have partnered with an impressive array of fashion brands, haircare companies, and even pool float businesses to showcase Barbie's signature color. Over 2,000 Barbie-related works, including dolls, games, and movie-related content, have been registered with the Copyright Office in the Library of Congress.
This exciting collaboration highlights the enduring popularity of Barbie and her cultural impact on various industries. Numerous brands have embraced Barbie's style, from Gap and Bloomingdales to Superga, Aldo, and Crocs. Fast fashion retailers like Pac Sun, Boohoo, Forever 21, Hot Topic, Fossil watches, jewelry, and Cold Stone Creamery ice cream have joined Barbie to create innovative products that capture her essence.
Burger King has successfully tapped into the allure of Barbie, creating a unique and engaging dining experience for fans. Currently, Burger King has not provided any official comments regarding this collaboration.
Photo: Julian Steenbergen/Unsplash