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DJI Drone Ban Axed from 2025 NDAA by US Senate: ‘Countering CCP Drones Act’ Dropped

DJI drones receive temporary reprieve as Senate excludes them from the 2025 NDAA ban. Credit: Juan Steyn/Unsplash

The U.S. Senate has excluded the controversial "Countering CCP Drones Act" from the 2025 NDAA, offering a reprieve for DJI’s U.S. market presence.

Public Safety Agencies Oppose Ban

The controversial "Countering CCP Drones Act" is noticeably missing from the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee recently unveiled.

The popular drone firm DJI is in danger of losing its important U.S. business due to a law that recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives, effectively banning all drone sales.

According to a report by Commerical UAV News, the Senate decision was reportedly impacted by the over six thousand public safety agencies that are opposed to the prohibition.

Small Drone Businesses at Risk

As for the bill, there are anecdotal claims that hundreds of thousands of drone pilots have contacted their senators and congressmen to voice their opposition. Some have even gone so far as to say that tiny drone businesses in the US could shut down if DJI drones are no longer available.

The ban was recently removed from the 2025 NDAA version proposed by the Senate Armed Services Committee, so this isn't DJI's last victory just yet.

First, the full Senate must vote on it. Then, the House and Senate Armed Services Committees must reconcile any discrepancies between their respective versions. After receiving final approval from both the House of Representatives and the Senate, the NDAA will be sent to the President's desk for signature.

The “Countering CCP Drones Act” still has a good chance of becoming law thanks to all these measures. But with party lines running so deep in both houses, this looks quite improbable. Although the DJI ban was proposed by Republicans in the House, it was defeated by Democrats in the Senate. If the present House version includes "culture war issues," President Biden is expected to veto it, regardless of whether it passes the Capitol.

This isn't specifically about DJI, but it is one of the main concerns that arises.

Per Tom’s Hardware, since the American Security Drone Act (ASDA) was passed last year, the Chinese drone business has been the target of criticism from certain American lawmakers. This effectively bans the use of DJI drones on U.S. soil, meaning that no federal agency or employee may operate one.

Democrats Shield DJI for Now

However, another bill is being prepared to further restrict DJI drones, the Drones for First Responder Act. This bill would come into effect even if the 2025 NDAA does not include a ban on DJI drones.

Given that the Democrats now hold the White House and the Senate, DJI is reasonably protected for the time being. With a closely contested election expected later this year, DJI is probably waiting with bated breath to see who takes the majority in November.

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