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Decrypting Tere Casas's Painting And The Discoveries Made

Author: James Carnell

Tere Casas makes people think twice about life, our dreams, and our aspirations. Her art dwells on the realities of life.

At the age of 17, the talented artist landed in Canada from Mexico to quench her thirst for art, photography, and visual representation. She learned the techniques of photography in Toronto. After returning to Mexico, she began working on the beautiful art forms she had learned like etching, engraving, linoleum, monotype, embossing, serigraphic. These different techniques brought life into her paintings as if telling a story known only to her.

While working with these art forms, she found an opportunity to work with the famous artist Guillermo Pacheco and got the opportunity to learn engraving techniques from the legendary Sergio Hernandez. Later in 2000, she graduated from the Universidad Anahuac, Mexico City with a BS in Graphics Design.

Her Message through Art

With the experience of working on different art forms and as a graduate of Graphic design, she has been able to portray her messages in a strong yet subtle manner through her paintings.

She uses modest colors that are not bright and vibrant but are more peaceful and calming. The dark colors shifting towards the light give off a powerful emotional expression.

The colors calmly claim their place in the world, just as we too are born without knowledge of our presence yet grow in a way that we claim our place here, leaving a mark of our presence.

Her paintings probe deeper into the meaning of our lives, forcing us to reach deep into our souls and reflect on our lives.

The veil of darkness with letters and numbers hidden beneath the painting, create an ambiance of mystery as if telling us to peel through the layers of our mundane lives and follow our dreams. The Smoothly blended colors are mesmerizing yet give off an eerily happy vibe.

Messages to seek happiness within.

Where is peace? Where can we find it? These are the questions brought about by this unique painting. Tere has cleverly used a combination of white, black, blues, and grey to show a subtle transition from darkness to light. As if telling us that the happiness that we seek can only be found if we dare to look within us.

The colors she has used to transmit rays of hope in the otherwise sinister-looking darkness that has an alluring vibe to it. As if coaxing us to enter it and let it take over our souls. This painting is the reflection of the darkness within our hearts and soul. This painting tells us that Happiness is in the inner core of our life and therefore can only be found within us


The works of Tera Casas cannot be explained in a simple article, she has contributed a lot over a period of 15 plus years. Her contributions to connect people and cultures through her art is praiseworthy.

All her paintings have a story to tell, but it’s up to us to decipher them.

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or management of EconoTimes

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