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Donald Trump Shock: Controversial Reasons People Aren't Voting for Ex-POTUS

Donald Trump's controversial actions and behavior have raised many eyebrows, leading to a long list of reasons some believe he should not be re-elected. Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, voters again scrutinize former President Donald Trump’s record and behavior. While Trump remains a polarizing figure in American politics, a list of reasons to reconsider voting for him has been circulating, highlighting a range of controversial and bizarre actions.

Trump’s penchant for wearing excessive orange makeup has often been ridiculed. This unusual cosmetic choice, combined with his boastful claim of taking a cognitive test, paints a picture of a leader more concerned with appearances than substance.

Legal issues have also plagued Trump. He was fined $355 million for fraud, and more recently, he has been convicted on 34 felony counts and indicted on 88 others. These legal troubles raise serious questions about his suitability for the highest office in the land.

Trump’s behavior at public events has often been mocked. His awkward dance moves are likened to inappropriate gestures, and his need to use two hands to drink a glass of water has been fodder for comedians and critics alike. Moreover, his infamous connection with Jeffrey Epstein, captured in numerous photos, continues to haunt his public image.

Regarding political endorsements, Trump has notably failed to secure support from his former Vice President, Mike Pence. This lack of endorsement is telling, especially considering Pence’s conservative credentials and former loyalty.

Trump’s grasp of history and facts has also been questioned. He once claimed there were airports during the Revolutionary War and frequently gets confused about key figures, such as mixing up Nancy Pelosi with Nikki Haley. Given his visible physique, his statement that he is 6’3” and 215 lbs has been widely doubted.

Trump has often contradicted himself despite his claim of having the best memory. He denied an affair with a porn star but still paid her $130,000, a contradiction that has not gone unnoticed. His confusion between prominent women, such as E. Jean Carroll and Marla Maples, only adds to the perception of inconsistency.

Financially, Trump’s behavior has been paradoxical. Although he claims to be a billionaire, he frequently solicits donations from his followers. This reliance on supporters’ money contrasts sharply with his self-portrayed image of wealth and success.

Trump’s bizarre suggestions and actions have also raised eyebrows. He once proposed using nuclear weapons to disrupt hurricanes and even suggested purchasing Greenland. His attempt to alter a hurricane’s path with a Sharpie remains a memorable, albeit concerning, incident.

Personal habits have further contributed to Trump’s controversial image. He is known for shitting on a gold toilet, a symbol of his luxury. His attempt to hump the American flag during a rally was widely criticized, as was his statement about having the best golf skills, which many believe is exaggerated.

Trump’s lack of typical presidential traits, such as owning pets or driving a car, adds to his image of being out of touch with ordinary Americans. His notorious Sharpie incident and the infamous photo of him hugging the American flag further prove his unorthodox behavior.

In summary, the long list of reasons not to vote for Donald Trump highlights many personal, legal, and behavioral issues that raise serious concerns about his candidacy. As voters head to the polls, these factors will undoubtedly influence their decision-making process.

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