A photo that has been making the rounds online reportedly shows an actual Google Pixel 3 XL in use. The device in question sports the same display notch and chin designs as shown in earlier leaked renders.
The said photo was originally captured by one of the readers of the Canadian tech news site MobileSyrup, which they posted on Thursday. According to the publication, they have reasons to believe that the photographed device is, indeed, a Google Pixel 3 XL.
A @MobileSyrup reader spotted this possible Pixel 3 XL photo in the wild on the streetcar in Toronto, Ontario today. Our team thinks the photo is legitimate, especially given the big notch and substantial chin. Do you think this is a photo of the Pixel 3 XL? pic.twitter.com/nPTGHmIVUO
— MobileSyrup (@MobileSyrup) August 16, 2018
The person who sent the photograph was reportedly riding a streetcar in Toronto, Ontario on Thursday when he happened to see the fellow passenger using the supposed Google Pixel 3 XL. Other MobileSyrup followers commented on the photo and most of them seemed convinced that it is the actual upcoming smartphone from Google. One person even said that it is possible since Google has an office near where the photo was taken.
The release of the Google Pixel 3 series is expected to happen in the coming months. But many photos and pieces of information were already leaked by reputable sources recently. For one, Steve Hemmerstoffer or OnLeaks on Twitter shared a photo render in late June that showed the Google Pixel 3 XL will be the only one to sport a display notch.
Here comes your very first look at the Google #PIXEL3 + a fresh new look at the #PIXEL3XL! (360° videos + gorgeous 5K renders + dimensions (as usual, based upon factory CADs)), on behalf of @mysmartprice -> https://t.co/tnW2qMmgRG pic.twitter.com/q6fasFiVP6
— Steve H. (@OnLeaks) June 27, 2018
Many smartphone fans are not fans of the display notch design on the rumored Google Pixel 3 XL. While it is narrow in width, it is evidently much taller compared to other Android devices with the notch. Added to that, some have also commented that Google Pixel 3 XL chin is too big for their preference.
On the other hand, the Google Pixel 3 base model does not have the display notch, according to leaked renders. But it is visibly sporting much thinner side bezels compared to the Google Pixel 2.
Google has not yet announced when the Google Pixel 3 series will be unveiled. However, another leak in Canada somehow confirmed that the upcoming smartphones are likely going to be announced on Oct. 4 — the same schedule as the first and second Google Pixel devices.