“NCIS: Los Angeles” season 10 episode 2 is titled “Superhuman” and it will show Hetty Lange and Shay Mosley facing some complications after sending their team to Mexico without proper authorization. The mission also placed the agents’ lives in grave danger in order to rescue an official’s kid, so they were temporarily replaced by retired Navy Admiral Hollace Kilbride as head of the unit.
“NCIS: Los Angeles” season 10 episode 2 will continue with the aftermath of the Mexican rescue mission. A missile blew up the vehicle carrying Callen, Sam, Kensi and Deeks but as revealed in episode 1, titled “To Live and Die in Mexico,” the four agents managed to survive despite being gravely injured and in a difficult situation.
Deeks was unconscious while Sam was bleeding profusely but luckily, they made it to the hospital after escaping and facing roadblocks that include almost being brought back to the Mexican cartel's den to be killed.
The group was saved and it was thanks to Arlo Turk, a local man that rents out ATVs. In the end, it was revealed that he is actually a special agent who was sent out to aid the four trapped protagonists.
A group of NCIS agents was sent to the hospital where Kensi and the rest ran to for a life-saving first-aid treatment. The cartel’s leader, Spencer, was shot dead by the dispatched agents there. When the battle subsided and the enemies retreated, Kensi, Callen, Deeks and Sam were immediately transported to Bogota Naval Medical Center for treatment.
It seems that at some point in the upcoming episodes, fans will see Deeks and Kensi getting married. When the two got the medical attention they needed, Deeks told his fiancee, “I want to marry you and if you marry me, I swear to God I’ll give you everything I have in this life.” Kensi then replied, “And I will give you everything I have in this life.”
As noted by TV Line, not everyone survived in Mexico. It was stated that Special Agent Harley Hidoko’s remains were found and they were severely burned. This is another reason why Mosley has a lot to explain to Admiral Kilbride.
In any case, TV Guide wrote that the synopsis for “NCIS: Los Angeles” season 10 episode 2 reads: “A prototype tactical assault suit is stolen from a Navy base and used in a jewelry heist; the team must determine who stole the suit and what their next target is; retired Navy Admiral Hollace Kilbride temporarily oversees the team while Mosley and Hetty face repercussions for the unsanctioned Mexico mission.”
“NCIS: Los Angeles” season 10 episode 2 will air on Oct. 7 at 9 p.m. on CBS.