Teasers and the official title of “One Piece” episode 902 confirm that the next installment will focus on the encounter among Luffy, Kiku, and Urashima. The latter was introduced previously as a high-profile sumo fighter who is desperate in making Kiku his wife.
“One Piece” episode 902 will likely start with Luffy, Zoro, and Kiku entering the Bakura Town. Episode 901 showed that a group of guardsmen with weapons is preparing to stop them, but they are obviously not strong enough to stop Luffy and Zoro together.
‘One Piece’ episode 902 spoilers: Luffy saves Kiku
In episode 901, a flashback was shown where Urashima’s attempt to fetch Kiku was foiled because he was intimidated by Zoro’s presence. It was also shown that a series of sumo fights are being held and Urashima is expected to be in a match once the trio enters Bakura Town in “One Piece” episode 902.
The anime series will show Urashima’s strength and his ability to send his opponents flying into the air without exerting much effort. His match will be interrupted once he notices Kiku has arrived. Urashima becomes more aggressive in “One Piece” episode 902, ordering several men to kidnap Kiku but he does not know that she is actually a samurai. Kiku fails to control her instincts to fight back and cuts off Urashima’s top knot.
Urashima’s obsession over Kiku will be replaced with immense anger, and Kiku will be left in shock over what she did. Luckily, Luffy is around in “One Piece” episode 902 to save her from the rampaging Urashima leading to their own sumo wrestling match. The fight will start shaky for both men, but Luffy will get the upper hand later on.
‘One Piece’ episode 902 release date, plot: What happens to Tama?
The sumo wrestling match between Luffy and Urashima is possibly the highlight of “One Piece” episode 902. The latter is no match to the power of the Straw Hats captain despite his size. But it will still be an interesting fight to watch.
The sumo sequence is also important because when Luffy’s punch sends Urashima flying into the air and landing exactly on the house of Holdem. The impact destroys the house leading Holdem to face Luffy and taunt him using Tama. “One Piece” episode 902 will be released on Sept. 15.