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Pastor Declares ‘A Vote for Kamala Is a Vote for Satan!’ — Congregation Stunned as Anti-Christ Video Shown!

A pastor shocks his congregation, declaring a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Satan, sparking outrage. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

In a shocking sermon this morning, a prominent pastor told his congregation, along with viewers online and on television, that “a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Satan and the globalist Anti-Christ.” The bold declaration left many stunned as the pastor escalated his message by showing a video of Harris telling Christians they were “at the wrong rally” and having them forcibly removed from the event.

The pastor’s fiery speech quickly sparked controversy, with critics accusing him of crossing the line between religious teachings and political rhetoric. In the video, Harris is seen confronting Christian protestors at one of her rallies, where they were chanting religious slogans such as “Christ is King.” The footage shows Harris sarcastically telling the group, “Oh, you’re at the wrong rally,” before security escorted them out. The video clip, used by the pastor as evidence of Harris’s supposed anti-Christian stance, was met with a mixture of shock and applause from those in attendance.

Many in the congregation cheered the pastor’s message, viewing his comments as a bold stand for their faith against what they believe is a threat posed by Harris’s policies. “She’s openly mocking Christianity,” one churchgoer said after the service, “and we need to be aware of what a vote for her truly represents.”

The pastor’s remarks align with growing sentiments among some religious conservatives who view Harris’s pro-choice stance and support for progressive policies as conflicting with their Christian values. His assertion that voting for Harris is equivalent to voting for Satan and the Anti-Christ has ignited debates in religious and political circles, with some calling the language dangerously divisive.

Religious leaders and political commentators have expressed concern over such rhetoric, noting that it can deepen polarization within communities. One religious scholar commented, “While churches have always been involved in moral and political discourse, equating a political candidate with Satan or the Anti-Christ risks undermining the spirit of dialogue and mutual respect that should guide these conversations.”

The video used by the pastor has only added fuel to the controversy, as it paints Harris in an antagonistic light toward Christians. Harris’s supporters, however, argue that the pastor’s message is a gross misrepresentation of her actions and beliefs, accusing him of distorting the incident for political gain. They maintain that Harris’s comments at the rally were not an attack on religion but an effort to keep the event focused on the issue at hand.

Despite the backlash, the pastor stood by his remarks, doubling down on his message after the service. “Christians need to wake up to the reality of what we’re facing in this election,” he told reporters. “Kamala Harris is not on our side, and the video proves it.”

As the 2024 election approaches, this latest controversy underscores the widening gap between religious and secular voters and the role of faith in shaping political allegiances.

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