The return of “SEAL Team” Season 2 has been highly anticipated by the fans of the elite military action series, with many wondering when they will be able to watch new episodes. It was recently teased by CBS that the action-packed program featuring David Boreanaz (Jason Hayes) will be coming back soon. The upcoming episodes will also be offering viewers USS Iowa as a set location, which should prove quite exciting.
As TV Series Finale reports, the return of “SEAL Team” Season 2 has been teased by CBS and it would seem that the plot this time around will be quite the dangerous game. The team of elite soldiers will basically be getting involved in another nation’s war, which is not that weird considering US history. Even so, this will be happening while everyone tries to live a normal life, including Jason, Emma Hayes (Kerri Medders), Sonny Quinn (AJ Buckley), and Lisa Davis (Toni Trucks).
“Bravo Team works with the Congolese Army on a covert mission to capture the head of a rebel militia group. Also, Jason argues with Emma about college, and Sonny and Davis make a big decision about their future,” the show’s synopsis reads.
As to what fans can expect with the return of “SEAL Team” Season 2 aside from what the synopsis reveals, fans recently posted on social media that the USS Iowa battleship will be featured. There’s no telling if this will be in the upcoming episode or not, but it will likely be shown at some point.
The return of “SEAL Team” Season 2 has been set for March 20, so fans of this show might want to keep an eye out for that date and make the appropriate arrangements. There will likely be plenty of action waiting for them, so it’s best to take their time in consuming this episode.