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SHIB Alert: Lucie of Shiba Inu Warns Community About Escalating Crypto Scams

Lucie alerts SHIB community to rising crypto scams.

Lucie, Shiba Inu's marketing specialist, warns the SHIB community about escalating crypto scams, urging caution.

Shiba Inu’s Lucie on Crypto Vigilance

To those who have been around the cryptocurrency field for a long time already, as well as to those who are just starting out, the official marketing specialist of the Shiba Inu developer team, who prefers to be called Lucie, took to the social media platform X (which was once popularly known as Twitter) to offer a significant warning.

Following a brief introduction, @LucieSHIB cautioned all participants in the cryptocurrency area to exercise extreme caution and vigilance in the face of the abundance of con artists operating inside the market.

Crypto Scammers Targeting SHIB Holders

These cybercriminals target professionals in the cryptocurrency field, including traders and investors with years of experience, as well as beginners. "Be careful and not naive in the crypto space—always exercise caution and due diligence," Lucie advises.

Earlier this week, a major cryptocurrency hardware wallet manufacturer known as Ledger issued a warning to the cryptocurrency community about a completely new sort of scam known as "address poisoning."

Ledger's Warning on Address Poisoning Scams

Criminals fund their own wallets with a tiny quantity of money or non-fungible tokens. By adding the sender's (the scammer's) wallet to the transaction list, the address is used to trick users into thinking it's their own wallet when they want to send cryptocurrency.

U.Today shares that TRX, MATIC, and ETH wallets began to experience this new scam not long ago. The Ledger team outlined the scam's mechanics in a brief thread. Unexpected coins or NFTs may appear in a user's wallet at some point.

Ledger cautions that transactions involving these coins and NFTs should be avoided at all costs, and it is recommended that they be concealed from public view.

Photo: Traxer/Unsplash

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