“Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru” Chapter 2 will be released on May 19, and the series is quickly gaining fame across the web. This isn’t surprising since there’s a massive potential to be found within its world and characters.
Adapting the classic mentor-apprentice plotline, “Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru” Chapter 2 will be expounding the relationship between the young boy and Daruma. And similar to other shonen series, it will likely push Hachimaru out of his comfort zone and leave his planet that he grew up on.
As such, “Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru” Chapter 2 might provide some brief and heartfelt goodbye between the main character and his father. After that, Hachimaru, Daruma and Hayataro will be setting out to find the six remaining keys that are needed to open Pandora’s Box.
It’s already been revealed that this mysterious container holds the secret into saving the universe, which is slowly approaching the end of its life cycle. As of now, nothing has been revealed about what’s going to happen in “Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru” Chapter 2. However, we may be seeing the series’ overarching antagonist and their desire to seek out Pandora’s Box.
Regarding how long “Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru” Chapter 2 will be, it’s expected it will have around 25-35 pages. As the story progresses, it will slowly dwindle down to 15-20 pages with the pacing adapting a comfortable stride.
The manga community has received the series with general positivity, although there have been comments about a steep learning curve. This, too, isn’t surprising since author Masashi Kishimoto is still setting up the magic system and technological advancement of his new world. But it’s expected fans will slowly ease into the series’ setting, with “Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru” Chapter 2 providing more grease for the transition. It also helps that the art style of the series is absolutely gorgeous, taking on a nostalgic atmosphere on some panels and gripping flow on others. With a gripping storyline and beautiful depictions, there’s no doubt that this series will become one of the most popular series in the manga community as evident by its growing following on various social media platforms.