Christmas is here and parties almost everywhere are bringing out the booze. However, it is worth thinking about how all the alcoholic beverages are taking a toll on the body, and here is how.
With every holiday, people get in a celebratory mood, and during these festive gatherings, alcohol is one of the beverages of choice among partygoers and even amongst family or close friends. Even though it does not hurt to drink in moderation, the holidays somehow give people a reason to drink even more, to the extent of hangovers the next day, or not, depending on their alcohol tolerance. Express reports how drinking alcohol everyday for a month can affect the body, the first of which is developing serious conditions. Drinking alcohol everyday for a lengthy period of time may put a person at an increased risk of developing liver cancer, mouth and or throat cancer, cancer of the larynx, esophagus, colon, and rectum. For women, this would put them at an increased risk of breast cancer.
Another effect to drinking alcohol everyday for a month can also cause or worsen high blood pressure, which can increase the risk of suffering from a stroke or a heart attack. Heavy drinking can also lead to low blood sugar and weight gain, as some kinds of alcohol tend to have a lot of calories and a lot of sugar. Other aspects that heavy drinking can affect the body is the increased risk of unprotected sexual intercourse which may lead to transmitting STDs or an unplanned pregnancy in women.
Doctors recommend only drinking no more than 14 units of alcohol per week. In case a person goes overboard the recommended limit, it should be spaced out over three days or more.
Meanwhile, the holidays may tend to put other people in stressful situations, whether because of playing host or hostess or other reasons such as overwhelming social interaction. Those stressful situations could add to the strain of mental health too. Experts share some tips on how to be able to go through the holidays as best as possible.
One way is to take time to relax the mind and the body. Taking a few minutes up to half an hour of meditation can help ease the mind and body everyday. Another tip is to set expectations when at parties, from how many conversations to have rather than small talk, to setting a time to leave.