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Why Node.js Is the Best Software for Enterprises to Grow

Everyone is saying that Node.js is taking the development world to a new height. Though the other available languages and frameworks have some benefits, this application is considered the best for several enterprises. You might think that-

Why most of the developers now using Node.js, and it has become a standard for large enterprises?

This article will get an idea about this application and how medium and large companies are using it for development.

Javascript is said to be one of the most popular development technologies. Though used traditionally for front-end development, it has become popular as a major cross-platform mobile development tool that acts as the basic technology for running various other platforms, including Apache Cordova or PhoneGap, NativeScript, Appcelerator Titanium, React Native, and so on. However, the areas of JavaScript application do not end here. Nowadays, this is also used as server-side programming. One of the tools by which JavaScript was used for shifting it to web development is Node.js.

Now, what is Node.js?

It is not a framework or an app library; it is the runtime environment based on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. This tool was first used in 2009 by Ryan Dahl, and it was indicated as the most promising single-piece software in the current JavaScript market. This open-source tool was sponsored by Joyent, a cloud computing and hosting solution provider. It is the runtime environment that allows the infrastructure to be built and run an application over. It is light and scalable and also a cross-platform for executing the code. Here a result-driven I/O model is being used, which is highly effective and makes the scalable application possible to happen. This tool has more than a billion downloads, and it is used for making the Internet of Things, microservices, and real-time applications.

Some of the most important benefits of using Node.js-

  1. It is really fast for building real-time and high-traffic apps.

  2. It makes it possible for coding in JavaScript for both the client and the server-side

  3. It helps increase the efficiency of the development process as it fulfills the gap between the front-end and the back-end developers.

  4. It has an ever-growing NPM or the Node Package Manager allow the developers to make multiple tools and modules for using which further boost up the productivity of the same

  5. Node.js is perfect for the microservices that are popular among the various enterprise applications

  6. The Node.js code executes faster than the other languages possible

Why Node.Js Is Used On a Next Enterprise Level

It is the programming language that offers several more reasons to the users for choosing from the lot. The main thing about this tool is that it was developed for the applications at scale. With modern tools and developing complex applications as a whole, Node.js has become of the best programming tools ever. Every company working on Node.js has a team of proficient and experienced developers who know details about this programming tool. If you want to know more about the developer and choose one such, you can click

Node.js is famous for scalability and high performance. This tool is made upon Google Chrome’s V8 Runtime, and it is written in C++. It is being for multiple operating systems and is super-fast. Both the V8 and Node are updated fast with the help of security patches and high-end performance boosters. The use of JavaScript also means transforming the given JSON data, which is the most common data interchange format used by developers worldwide.

The single-thread and the event-driven architecture of Node.js made it easy to handle by the multiple simultaneous connections. Most of the popular website platforms help in additional treads for each new type of request; it uses up the RAM for the entire time for making the process.

What Is The Use Of Node.js?

We all know that every project starts to be small. Combining Node.js with the microservice pattern has made all the changes in the development. But as time flies, Node.js is the best remedy for several issues. The popularity of the tool is growing with the latest features and with high-end expectations.

Now, how to choose the Node.js developer for your functionalities?

If you are looking for a developer who can develop software applications with the help of Node.js, there are some of the factors that you must keep in mind that will further help you pick the best expert who will work for you.

As Node.js is used for back-end development, the expert you are choosing should perform the back-end development. He should be able to make a connection between the customer and the server-side. It is also included that the Node.js services also have the front-end part. There is a strong relationship between the front-end and the back-end development for making any application.

Some of the important features that most of the developers working with Node.js should have-

  1. Code review and continuous integration process

  2. An experience working in the field of Git and GitHub

  3. Should have the ability to write unit and integration tests

  4. Should be familiar with the Agile and Scrum tool

Apart from this, it is also important for the developer to be familiar with the product niche to work on a particular project line.

Before you hire the developer who will be working on Node.js, you must know about the specific needs of your business. You must determine the length of the project along with the prospects. It will help you to know whether you will hire an in-house developer or outsource the same. No matter which developer is choosing, the step is to choose the best among all.

Evaluating the portfolio is a must for picking up a Node.js developer

  1. Take an interview directly to discuss the requirements

  2. Evaluate the skills the expert has.

If you plan to work with a Node.js development company for your next project, you can visit, one of the popular and trusted software development companies to choose from.

This article does not necessarily reflects on the opinions of the editors or the management of EconoTimes

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