Associate Professor of French Studies, University of Adelaide
I am Associate Professor of French Studies at the University of Adelaide. I have published widely on many areas of French cinema.
Alain Delon was an enigmatic anti-hero, and France’s most beautiful male movie star
Aug 20, 2024 05:28 am UTC| Entertainment
Alain Delons death at the age of 88 brings down the curtain of one of postwar European cinemas most important film stars. Known for his striking movie star look chiselled features, piercing blue eyes and magnetic...
100 years of Disney: from a cartoon mouse to a global giant, how Walt Disney conquered the world
Oct 17, 2023 06:46 am UTC| Business
On October 16 1923, brothers Walt and Roy set up a modest cartoon studio. Their goal was to produce short animated films. They created a new character: a mouse, with large ears. Named Mickey, he soon became one of the...
Jun 09, 2022 08:39 am UTC| Science
40 years ago this month saw the release of Steven Spielbergs E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial a film about a stranded alien, the boy called Elliott who discovers it and a bond of friendship that remains as magical and...
Jul 28, 2019 11:08 am UTC| Insights & Views Entertainment
Ridley Scott and James Cameron did it, and George Lucas never stops. Directors ceaselessly return to their work to tweak, tinker, chop and change. Extended Cut, Definitive Version, Special Edition: the list goes...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s