Lecturer in Bio-Law, Brunel Law School | Centre for Artificial Intelligence: Social & Digital Innovations, Brunel University London
Pin Lean is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Bio-Law at Brunel Law School, Brunel University London. She is a member of the Brunel International Law Research Group, and an active member of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence: Social & Digital Innovations, and was recently selected to join the first Brunel Research Interdisciplinary Lab (BRIL) in September 2021.
Externally, she is part of the ELSI2.0 Workspace, an international collaboratory on genomics and society research; a member of the European Association of Health Law (EAHL), and a General Manager of the Interest Group on Supranational Bio-Law of the EAHL. She has also recently joined The International Genome Editing Network (I-GEN), which aims to host information about academics working on all aspects of governance, ethics, politics, and societal impact of genome editing in a searchable, accessible online database. She has held visiting fellowships with the Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX), NDPH (Medical Sciences Division), University of Oxford; the Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences (CELLs) at the University of Hannover, Germany; and participated in the Centre for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine (CELAB) in Central European University, Hungary.
Her research encompasses European, international, and comparative law for genome editing (with a focus on pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, reproductive technologies and women's bodies; and the proliferation of virulent gene-edited pathogens and global bio-security); propertization and commodification studies of genetic materials and biomedical technologies; and the ethico-legal governance for artificial intelligence (AI) systems (with a focus on protection of fundamental rights, privacy and data protection, spatial 'body citizenship' and bio-constitutional implications of the AI-augmented biological human body).
Pin Lean is currently working on a multi-trust funded project for the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the OiE (World Organization for Animal Health), on developing and piloting of a Tripartite One Health Assessment Tool for Antimicrobial Resistance Relevant Legislation. She is also simultaneously working on a project with researchers from the EAHL to produce a Joint Statement for the European Commission's 2021 Thematic Networks, with a proposal for Health as a Fundamental Value, as part of the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy. Her latest project is a new joint interdisciplinary project which was recently awarded seed money, where her role is to develop a legal and regulatory toolkit for deployment of the negative carbon energy technologies in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
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