Senior Lecturer in Finance, Aberystwyth University
Dr Aloysius Igboekwu is a Senior Lecturer in Finance at Aberystwyth University. His research interests are in the areas of Behavioural Finance, Market-based Accounting, Capital Markets, International Financial Economics, AI Ethics, and Banking. He is research-active and has publications in international journals such the Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. Aloysius has presented his research works in a number of international conferences such as the European Financial Management Association and the British Accounting and Finance Association. He is a reviewer for the Journal of Risk Finance, Finance Research Letters and Review of Behavioral Finance. Also, he is a guest editor for the Qualitative Research in Financial Markets journal.
Aloysius is currently working on a series of applications of Gerd Gigerenzer’s concept of “fast and frugal reasoning” within financial markets. Aloysius is a co-author of the book entitled "A Fast and Frugal Finance: Bridging Contemporary Behavioral Finance and Ecological Rationality"
Aloysius teaches modules in Investments, Corporate Finance, Financial Theory, Banking, Financial Markets and Institutions. Previously, he taught modules in Business Economics as well as Mathematics and Quantitative Methods for Business and Social Sciences.
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