

Joshua Osowicki

Team Leader, Research Fellow, Paediatric Infectious Diseases Physician, Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Dr Josh Osowicki is a Paediatric Infectious Diseases physician and Team Leader in the Tropical Diseases research group at Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) in Melbourne, Australia. He is an early career clinician-scientist and emerging research leader whose work focusses on Group A Streptococcus (GAS) and human challenge research as an innovative platform for accelerating research and development of vaccines and other interventions targeting high-priority pathogens.



Joshua Pate

Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy, University of Technology Sydney
Joshua W. Pate, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy. His research focus is on a child’s concept of pain; Josh is fascinated by how re-conceptualizing pain according to contemporary science may change the way pain is treated. As part of his PhD he developed the Concept of Pain Inventory (COPI) and he is now working on developing and testing educational resources. Josh worked with TED-Ed to make two online animations with millions of views, he co-founded a pain science interview platform (‘One Thing’), and he authored the Zoe and Zak’s Pain Hacks series of children’s books each targeting a learning outcome for pain science education. Josh is on the Scientific Program Committee for the Australian Pain Society and he has been an invited speaker at several international scientific conferences. He dreams of generational conceptual and behaviour change regarding the complexity of pain.



Joshua Trigg

Dr Joshua Trigg is a public health researcher with training and experience in psychological and population health research. His work focuses on health and occupational health risk factors, risk attitudes and motivators of risk behaviours.

Dr Trigg came to the Flinders Public Health Team from Cancer Council South Australia, where he researched tobacco and alcohol use attitudes and behaviours, as well as community perceptions of culturally focused tobacco cessation messaging. His previous work has examined motivators and inhibitors of emergency risk taking behaviour, and wellbeing and quality of life domains, and has used various quantitative and qualitative methods.

He is a member of the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs and Public Health Association of Australia, and has worked with government health bodies, non-profits and various community organisations across Australia. His current research interests include:

- Tobacco control and smoking cessation
- Vaping and e-cigarette use
- Alcohol consumption patterns
- Health risk behaviours
- Health promotion/risk messaging effectiveness
- Wellbeing and quality of life

- PhD (Psychology)
- BPsycSci(Hon) (First Class)



Joshua Warrick

Associate Professor of Pathology, Penn State
Joshua Warrick is a physician scientist who practices surgical pathology and studies the genomics of bladder cancer.



Joshua Waters

Senior Research Fellow, Indigenous Knowledges, Deakin University
Joshua Waters is a First Nations K/Gamilaroi man, PhD student and Senior Research Fellow with the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Deakin University. His work explores the critical role of Indigenous Knowledges in global higher education and institutional contexts.

Joshua is also a core member of Deakin University's Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) Lab and a Director of the Indigenous Knowledge Systems Collective (IKSC) where he supports a number of regional, national and international partnerships and research projects aimed at utilising Indigenous knowledges and complexity for global systems innovation and change.



Joshua August (Gus) Skorburg

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Guelph
Joshua August (Gus) Skorburg is Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Academic Co-Director of the Centre for Advancing Responsible and Ethical Artificial Intelligence (CARE-AI), and Faculty Affiliate at the One Health Institute at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. His research spans topics in applied ethics and moral psychology.



Joshua J. Daspit

Associate Professor of Management and Dean Paul R. Gowens Excellence Professor in Business, Texas State University
Joshua J. Daspit, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Management and the Dean Paul R. Gowens Excellence Professor in Business at Texas State University. He specializes in entrepreneurship research, focusing on family firms and small businesses.

Dr. Daspit has over 40 scholarly publications. His work has appeared in numerous well-known outlets, such as California Management Review, Corporate Governance, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Family Business Review, Human Resource Management Review, Journal of Business Research, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and others.

He serves as an Associate Editor for Family Business Review and previously held a similar role for the Journal of Family Business Strategy. Additionally, he is on the editorial boards of Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Journal of Family Business Management, and several other academic journals.

Dr. Daspit is focused on conducting relevant research and applying insights to help businesses. To this end, Dr. Daspit serves as the Director of SCALEUP (, a university-wide program at Texas State with the goal of helping small businesses grow. Additionally, as a Research Fellow, he worked with the university's Translational Health Research Center to launch an awards program recognizing small businesses across Texas.

Dr. Daspit is also passionate about helping students. In 2020, he received international recognition as "Best Advisor," along with co-advisor Dr. Corey Fox, for working with the Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization. In 2021, he was honored with a Presidential Award for Excellence at Texas State University. That same year, he was recognized as a "Top 40 Under 40" LGBTQ leader in North America, an honor given to those demonstrating excellent leadership and making noteworthy contributions.

Before entering academia, Dr. Daspit worked as a senior consultant for an international consulting firm and served as Director of Community Affairs for a member of the United States Congress. He founded a business in 2017 and currently works with various organizations through his consulting work and community engagement.



Joshua R. Smith

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington
I am the Milton and Delia Zeutschel Professor in Entrepreneurial Excellence and a professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and in the Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. I am director of the Amazon Science Hub at UW and the Sensor Systems Lab. I am a Fellow of the IEEE and a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.



Joshua S. Bamford

Postdoctoral researcher, University of Oxford
Originally from Perth, Western Australia, I grew up in a household full of birds, fish, reptiles, two dogs, and my biologist parents. My first job was as a chorus singer with the West Australian Opera company, but I've always been fascinated by the social effects of music. This interest led me to complete a doctorate at the University of Oxford where I studied the cognitive processes underlying the synchrony-bonding effect. In my research, I like to combine multidisciplinary perspectives from psychology, biology and anthropology, to understand why people make music together.

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre of Excellence in Music, Mind, Body and Brain (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) and also a research affiliate with the Social Body Lab at the Centre for the Study of Social Cohesion (University of Oxford, UK).



Joshua S. Fu

Chancellor's Professor in Engineering, Climate Change and Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee
Joshua S. Fu is Chancellor's Professor, John D. Tickle Professor of Engineering, James G. Gibson Professor in Climate Change, and Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Inaugural Professor of the UT-ORNL Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education, Joint Appointment Professor in Computational Earth Sciences Group in Computational Sciences and Engineering Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

The focus of Fu’s research work includes climate change impacts on energy infrastructure, air pollution, water availability, and extreme events like heatwaves, floods and droughts, wildfires, and human health. The additional focus is to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques on climate change, human health, and mapping global total atmospheric deposition. Currently, my research team is utilizing a petascale supercomputer to simulate Arctic ice melting and improve the model on coupling chemistry and climate modules in a global (1 degree) scale and downscaling to a regional scale (4 km) and participating in developing the new chemistry solver for the US DOE’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM).

Fu has served Vice-Chair of the Measurement-Model Fusion for the Global Total Atmospheric Deposition (MMF-GTAD) of the new initiative in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), contributed as a co-author of the Final Report of the Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN Task Force Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution) and reviewing committee member for air quality status in East Asia for the EANET, a governmental consortium in East Asia and located in Japan. He also was a co-author of the Technical Report, Climate Change, and Infrastructure, Urban System, and Vulnerability, to the Department of Energy in support of the National Climate Assessment in 2012. He served as an international adviser/expert on East Asia/China air quality modeling assessments such as the Beijing and Shanghai air quality modeling assessment for the 2008 Olympic Games and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, a modeling lead of the Model Intercomparison Study (MICS-Asia), and a modeling member for HTAP on air quality and climate change. He contributed climate modeling results for IPCC AR5 based on RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios.

He develops and provides scientifically sound, cost-effective analysis tools to design and develop complex climate and environmental model applications. There is an example, he is one of the initiators for the Air Benefit and Attainment Assessment Cost System (ABaCAS) that has been used internationally.

Fu has published more than 160 referred journal articles and 110 peer-reviewed conference proceedings. He has been an invited speaker including keynote and lecture for more than 100 times in Asia, Europe, and the US. Also, and has been interviewed or reported on the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Science Daily, @EurekAlert!, Red Orbit, and more than 30 media to discuss issues of international and national importance on climate change/extreme events and air quality.

Fu obtained his Ph.D. from North Carolina State University, MS from UCLA, and BS from Taiwan’s National Cheng Kung University.

His areas of research include:
Wildfires and human health
AI/Machines learning in air quality, climate, forest/crops, health, socioeconomic data
Global and regional climate, energy, and air quality
Peta-scale computing on coupled climate and air quality modeling
Climate downscaling toward impacts of air quality, water resources, human health
Assessment of hemispheric transport and climatic effects of air pollutants:
Global and Regional Modeling of Ozone and Particular Matter
Agricultural Air Quality (ammonia, methane)
Transportation conformity and air quality
Air Toxics Modeling – link to the homeland and international security
Develop environmental modeling and decision support tools for complex multi-discipline ecosystem
Genetic algorithm and stochastic-based optimization applications in a high-performance computing
Data management/data mining and information technology applications in environmental management systems
Reliability, uncertainty, and risk analysis in environmental systems
The human dimension in environmental systems



Joshua Z. Walker

Director of Programs, Congo Research Group, Center on International Cooperation, New York University
Joshua Z. Walker is the director, Congo Research Group at New York University’s Center on International Cooperation. He has been working in and researching the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since 2004. Before joining CIC, he was a research associate at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research in Johannesburg, South Africa. He has also worked for The Carter Center and the UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC.

His research on politics, economy, and culture in the DRC sits at the intersection of academic knowledge and policymaking. It has included work on extractive economies and their social effects, public culture, and conflict and politics in the DRC.

Walker holds a PhD in sociocultural anthropology from the University of Chicago, a Master’s degree in anthropology and development from the London School of Economics, and a BA in political science from McGill University.



Josie Galbraith

Curator Natural Sciences, Auckland War Memorial Museum



Josie South

Assistant Prof. Ecology, University of Leeds
I am a researcher at the University of Leeds, UK in aquatic ecology. I hold a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship in "Upscaling invasion impact prediction" - which focuses on freshwater invasions across time and space. Broadly I am a fisheries and conservation scientist.



Jovana Acevska

Honours Graduate Student, University of Canberra



Jovana Radosavljevic

Postdoctoral Fellow, Ecohydrology Research Group, University of Waterloo



Joy Becker

Joy conducts a research program in applied ichthyology with a strong focus on fish health research and the pathobiology of infectious diseases. She uses an array of investigative tools from a variety of disciplines, such as epidemiology, immunology, microbiology and physiology to research important aquatic pathogens affecting both aquaculture species and wild fish populations.



Joy Lee

Associate Professor, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University
Adjunct Associate Professor Joy Lee leads the Asthma and Allergy Unit at the Austin Hospital and consults for Melbourne Allergy Asthma & Immunology Consultants, as well as in the public sector at the Alfred Hospital and Monash Medical Centre. She has a special interest in the management and treatment of allergic diseases, including allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma. She has experience in the use of immunotherapy for grass pollen and dust mite allergy as well as monoclonal antibody treatments for severe asthma and urticaria.

Dr Lee has a PhD with the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University. Her thesis focus was on improving asthma inhaler usage and difficult to control asthma. She has also undertaken research on epidemic thunderstorm asthma.

Dr Lee is an investigator in clinical trials for therapies in asthma and allergic nasal disease. Her research has been recognised with awards from both the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand and the National Asthma Council. She is a sought-after speaker, media expert and medical educator.



Joy McEntee

Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Adelaide
Joy McEntee writes on Stanley Kubrick, American Film, and Literature to Film Adaptation. She is affiliated with the Department of English, Creative Writing, and Film at the University of Adelaide.



Joyce Hester

Adjunct Associate Professor, Creative Arts, La Trobe University
Hester is a leading academic in policy analysis and implementation in the creative industries and arts sector, with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. She has a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) focused on Arts Policy.

Hester has numerous industry credits as a script consultant, scriptwriter, actor and theatre and screen maker.



Joyeeta Gupta

Professor, Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam
Joyeeta Gupta is the 2023 winner of the Spinoza Prize, the highest prize in the Netherlands for academic work (Euro 1.5 Million). She co-chaired UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook-6 (2016-2021), published by Cambridge University Press, presented to governments at the United Nations Environment Assembly in 2019, and won the Association of American Publishers PROSE award for Environmental Science. She is presently cochair of the Earth Commission (2019-2022), set up by Future Earth, together with Johan Rockström and Dahe Qin and has a plenary presentation to the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2023; and is member of the Global Commission on the Economics of Water (2022-2024) which is preparing a report for the UN Water Conference of 2023. In 2022, she was awarded the 2022 Piers Sellers Prize for world leading contribution to solution-focused climate research, recent world-leading research outputs and evidence of resulting impacts; application of an interdisciplinary approach; and focus on climate solutions, Priestley International Centre for Climate, Leeds University.

She is full professor of environment and development in the global south at the University of Amsterdam and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. She is also the Faculty Professor on Sustainability (2019-2024). She leads the programme group on Governance and Inclusive Development. She was lead author in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore and of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment which won the Zaved Second Prize. She has published several books, is on the editorial board of seven journals, and has (co-)edited 13 Special Issues. Her Google Scholar Impact Factor is 64, with 120 journal papers and more than 17,000 citations. She has successfully supervised 29 PhDs and is currently supervising 20 PhD students in the areas of climate change, forest, food/fish, water and disaster governance as well as in development challenges such as food governance and child marriage. She has been on the scientific steering committees of international and national scientific programmes. At national level, she was the Vice-President of the Commission on Development Cooperation (2011-2019) and member of the Advisory Council on International Affairs (2011-2019), a statutory body that advises three Cabinet Ministers in the Netherlands. In 2019 she won an ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million Euros for work on climate change and fossil fuels.

Photo credit: NOW, Studio Oostrom



Joynelle Jackson

Associate Professor of Nursing, University of South Carolina
Dr. Jackson's educational background includes a Doctorate in Education from the University of South Carolina in May 2012. Her major area of focus for this degree was in Curriculum and Instruction. She completed her Masters in Nursing from the Medical University of South Carolina with a focus in Nursing Education in May 2007. Her BSN is from the University of South Carolina in May 2003. In addition, Dr. Rivers holds the following certification: NCC Certification-Maternal/Newborn Nursing.



Jozef Syktus

Professorial Research Fellow, School of the Environment, The University of Queensland
Jozef Syktus is the Director of the University of Queensland and Department of Environment and Science (DES) collaborative research program on regional climate projection. He has over 30 years of experience of climate modelling and climate research. His has completed research with using global and regional climate model to investigate paleo-climate, land use change, drought, heatwaves, seasonal forecasting, and global and regional climate change projections. Jozef was a Science leader of projects contributing the CSIRO Mk3.6 climate model simulations to the CMIP5 archive, and dynamical downscaling of CMIP5 and CMIP6 models for Australia. At DES he was the Science Leader of the project delivering the regional climate projections for Queensland ( ).



JP Caneiro

Research Fellow in physiotherapy, Curtin University
Dr JP Caneiro has over 17 years of experience as a clinician, researcher and lecturer on the field of musculoskeletal pain management. He has published over 40 research papers and presented his work in key conferences across the globe. He is an emerging leader on the field of chronic pain, particularly in the management of back pain and osteoarthritis.



JT Torres

Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, Quinnipiac University
I am an educator for educators, helping teachers of all kinds design learning environments that empower all students to shape the worlds they want for themselves.



Jualynne Dodson

Professor of Sociology and African American & African Studies, Michigan State University

Jualynne Dodson is Professor in the Department of Sociology and the Graduate Program in African American & African Studies at Michigan State University and the founding Director of the African Atlantic Research Team. She earned the PhD in Sociology from the University of California, Berkeley with a specialization in religion.

Her research agenda focuses on religion and culture of African descendants in the Americas. She has written several articles and books on such topics as Women and Religion, Cuba’s Distinct Religions, the African Diaspora and Religion, Mentoring Racial Ethnic Students, Qualitative Research Methods and the African Diaspora, and many others. Among graduate courses Dodson has taught are “Structural Inequalities: Globalization and the African Diaspora”, “Religion, Culture, and Racial Identity”, and “Cross-Cultural Qualitative Research Methods”.



Juan Escobar-Lamanna

PhD Candidate, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University
Juan Escobar-Lamanna is a Ph.D. candidate in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at The Unviersity of Western Ontario.

His dissertation focuses on analyzing videogame accessibility through a critical disability framework, considering industry preferred player identities (who games are made for) and how videogames and the conversations we have about games can be more inclusive and accessible. His other research interests include: communities created around videogames, live-streaming on, and the voluntary digital labour undertaken by modders and other videogame-focused communities in relation to exploitable labour.

He received his M.A. in Contemporary Art Histories: New Media from OCAD University and has a B.A. in Cinema and Media Studies from York University.



Juan Garcia-Bellido

Catedratico de Fisica Teórica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Soy Catedrático de Física Teórica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Académico de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España.



Juan Noguera

Assistant Professor of Design, Rochester Institute of Technology
Juan holds a Masters of Industrial Design (MID) from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and a Bachelors of Industrial design (BID) from Universidad Rafael Landivar, in Guatemala City. He was raised in a colorful and vivid culture, quickly developing an interest in how things were made, tearing everything he owned apart and putting it back together, often with a few leftover pieces. After a succession of projects related to design for development, Juan was chosen as a Fulbright fellow for the class of 2013 by the U.S. Department of State. He went on to be the lead designer for Voxel8, helping create the world’s first 3D Electronics printer. He is currently Chair of the Product Design BFA at MICA in Baltimore, MA. Juan was honored as one of MIT Technology Review’s Innovators Under 35 for 2017.

He is currently Assistant Professor of Industrial Design at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).



Juan Pablo Ferrero

Dr Ferrero holds a PhD on political sociology from the University of Bath. His thesis is entitled 'The Politics of democratisation in post-transition contexts: social movement organisations and trade unions in the production of democratic subjectivities in Argentina and Brazil'.

His latest book was published by Palgrave Macmillan (2014): 'Democracy Against Neoliberalism in Argentina and Brazil: A Move to the Left'. The book examines the complex roots of the left turn in Argentina and Brazil. Originating in the 1990s in a process of mobilization from below against neoliberalism, this turn gained visibility in the 2000s and continues through the present day.

Offering an in-depth analysis of key protagonists, including social movement and trade union organizations, Juan Pablo Ferrero deploys an original analytical model for understanding the nature, meaning, and organizational complexity of the emerging democratic force. Democracy against Neoliberalism in Argentina and Brazil asks us to examine closely what we mean by democracy and offers suggestions for how the left should approach democratic manifestations in order to make radical democracy the center of a renewed political strategy.

He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He has been awarded a number of grants and prior to his appointment at Bath worked in academic institutions in Buenos Aires and Wellington.



Juan Sagaseta

Reader in Structural Robustness, University of Surrey
Dr Juan Sagaseta joined University of Surrey as a Lecturer in September 2010. He obtained the degree of Civil Engineering (Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos) at the School of Civil Engineering in Santander, University of Cantabria (Spain) in 2003. During his degree, he specialized in the area of structures obtaining a final grade of A (Sobresaliente). After graduation, he worked as a Structural Engineer in a consultancy office in Madrid (Proes) carrying out structural design of buildings and bridges. In 2005, he moved to London to start his PhD at Imperial College London on Shear Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures. His thesis was focused on the influence of aggregate fracture on the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams. This work included testing of large-scale specimens and developing analytical models using the strut-and-tie method, discrete crack approaches and non-linear finite element analysis. The work was summarized in five journal papers and several conference papers. During his PhD he was a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London in the following courses: Constructionarium project, Creative Design, Reinforced Concrete Design, Structural Mechanics and Autocad Drawing.

From 2008 to 2010, Dr Juan Sagaseta was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, where he carried out research on punching shear of flat slabs and slab bridges. His work at EPFL focused on extending existing punching shear models and design methods to non-symmetrical cases, which are commonly found in practice. The findings contributed towards the validation of the new design formulas for punching shear in the first version of the New Model Code 2010 produced by the Fédération Internationale du Béton (fib). In 2011 he was awarded the fib Achievement Award (research category) based on his Doctoral Thesis for the scientific and technical contributions in the area of structural concrete. In 2012 he received the Magazine of Concrete Research Award (ICE publishing) for best paper of the year. In 2013-2014 he was the principal investigator in a EPSRC project on the structural performance of flat slab-column connections under impact and blast loading. He is currently involved in research on structural robustness and the development of innovative forms of construction using steel-concrete solutions.



Juan Silva

Professor of Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion, Mississippi State University
Juan is a professor and extensionist in the Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion at Mississippi State University. He has a B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemical engineering and a Ph.D. in food science and technology. He is a member and former director of the Board of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and was the leader of many divisions. He is now a member of the FSPCA Executive Advisory Board and leader of the international network of instructors. He is a recognized trainer of trainers and expert in food processing and safety, including traditional HACCP systems and newer Preventive Control systems that include supply chain programs, as well as in thermally processed and refrigerated/frozen food systems. An industry consultant for over 35 years, has conducted nearly 300 trainings on all continents of the world.



Juan Armando Torres Munguía

Research assistant, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Juan Armando Torres Munguía holds a PhD Applied Statistics and Empirical Methods from the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, a Master in Applied Statistics from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, and a Bachelor in Economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. His expertise focuses on the use of regression models for high-dimensional data.



Juan Carlos Guix

Colaborador de la Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Coordinador del Proyecto Neopangea. Miembro de la Alliance of World Scientists y colaborador de la Facultat de Biologia de la Universitat de Barcelona.



Juan Castillo Rojas-Marcos

Investigador en Estudios Migratorios y Sociología, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Juan Castillo Rojas-Marcos cursó el Doble Grado en Sociología y Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración (UPO) y el Máster en Antropología: Gestión de la Diversidad Cultural, el Patrimonio y el Desarrollo (US). Actualmente es investigador pre-doctoral en Estudios Migratorios, contratado en el marco del proyecto europeo SafeHabitus (Horizon Europe), en el Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones (IUEM) de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas. La tesis doctoral en la que trabaja versa sobre las condiciones de vida y trabajo y mecanismos de dominación de los trabajadores y trabajadoras migrantes en la agroindustria de Huelva. Tiene publicaciones académicas previas en sociología de la educación. Otras líneas de trabajo recientes tienen que ver con el análisis de procesos y conflictos urbanos. Además del proyecto europeo ya citado, participa y ha participado en otros proyectos nacionales. Ha hecho dos estancias de investigación en Ecuador.



Juan Jose Cuenca Silva

Researcher in Electrical Engineering, University College Cork
I am a researcher in electrical engineering with experience in industry and research on planning and operation of electricity distribution networks in Colombia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland and Belgium.
I have authored numerous academic publications, my work has been presented in international conferences, and I am an IEEE (institute of electric and electronic engineers) and PES (power and energy society) member.
My interests in research are in sustainability, energy policy, integration of distributed energy resources in electricity networks, planning and operation of distribution networks and energy communities.



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