Associate Professor at the Advanced Materials Testing Centre (AMTeC), University of South Wales
Jonathan Oti is Associate Professor and Lead Consultant at AMTeC on testing of soils and concrete.
He researches into the development of sustainable construction materials, technologies, and practices. His research interests revolve around the use of natural, industrial and agricultural waste and by-product materials for partial or whole replacement of the traditional binders to produce a new generation of concrete, mortar and bricks, suppression of sulphate-induced swelling in lime-stabilised soils, development of geo-polymer binders for civil infrastructural applications.
Pulverised fuel ash: how we can recycle the dirty byproduct from coal-fired power stations
Sep 04, 2023 05:37 am UTC| Business
The ash from burning coal in coal-fired power stations lies in thousands of landfills around the world. This waste material, generally considered a hazard, is now being put to good use in the construction industry. More...
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