

Miranda Stewart

Miranda Stewart is a Professor and Director of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at Crawford School of Public Policy, The ANU. She is also a Professor at Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne. Her numerous edited or coauthored books include Not-for-Profit Law (2014, with O'Connell and Harding, Cambridge U Press); Tax, Law and Economic Development (2013, with Brauner, Edward Elgar); Housing and Tax Policy (2010: Australian Tax Research Foundation) and Death and Taxes (2014, with Flynn, Thomson). Miranda was a consultant to the Henry Tax Review on housing and has authored many articles in national and international academic journals. She is currently researching tax in a global economy and institutions of tax reform.



Miranda Sheild Johansson

Senior Research Fellow in Social Anthropology, UCL
I am a social anthropologist specialising in the dynamics of fiscal systems and the sociality of tax, with a particular emphasis on the Andean region, where I have undertaken long-term fieldwork in a rural Quechua-speaking community, as well as in the peri-urban zones of Cochabamba city. In 2022 I commenced my UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship project, ‘The Sociality of Tax: A Multiperspective Study of Fiscal Relations (SocTax)’. The project investigates fiscal regimes and cultures in an anthropological fashion comparing Bolivia, the UK, and Sweden, and exploring the types of social relations that paying and not paying tax produce in different ethnographic settings. I'm a member of the Anthropology of Tax network (, founder and convenor of EASA's Anthropology of Tax Network, and affiliate of UCL's Centre for Capitalism.

I am also a member of the ERC-funded project 'Anthropologies of Extortion', working as part of an international groups of scholars to map and analyse cultures of extortion. In 2017 I was awarded the Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship for my project 'Becoming a Taxpayer: Fiscal Expansion and Economic Subjectivities in Bolivia'. Before that I worked as a Teaching Fellow in the Anthropology department at UCL 2016/17. I received my Ph.D. in Anthropology from the London School of Economics (ESRC-funded) in 2014, MSc (Research) from London School of Economics (ESRC-funded) in 2007, and MA (hons) in Social Anthropology from the University of Edinburgh in 2005.



Mireille Rebeiz

Chair of Middle East Studies & Associate Professor of Francophone & Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Dickinson College
I received my doctorate in Francophone Studies from Florida State University in 2012. I have a master’s degree in International Law and Human Rights from Université de Rouen in France, and a bachelor’s degree in law from Saint Joseph University in Lebanon. My teaching and research focus on the intersectionality of law, gender, sexuality, oral history, and trauma in the context of armed conflicts with a focus on the Middle East and North Africa. My first book, "Gendering Civil War. Francophone Women’s Writing in Lebanon", for which I earned the AAUW American Fellowship, appeared with Edinburgh University Press in 2022. Nominated for the John Leonard Prize, this book examines French-language narratives published between the 1970s and the present day by Lebanese women authors writing on the Lebanese civil war of 1975-1991. My second book examines Hezbollah’s unlawful activities in Lebanon since 1982, and the manuscript is currently under consideration. My most recent research project focuses on the Beirut barracks bombing of 1983 that killed 241 American servicemembers and 58 French parachutists. In this project, I explore gaps in Lebanese, French, and American histories and writes veterans’ oral stories. In addition to my books, I published several peer reviewed articles in French and English in national and international journals. I am also finishing a second doctorate in international law and terrorism at Penn State Dickinson Law.



Mirella Dottori

Professor, University of Wollongong
Mirella Dottori is Professor within the School of Medical, Indigenous and Health Sciences, University of Wollongong (UOW). Her research combines technologies in human pluripotent stem cell biology, neuroscience and bioengineering to develop cellular models of the human nervous system. Her roles also include Chair of UOW Health and Medical Human Ethics Research Committee and member of Australian Research Council College of Experts.



Miren Gutiérrez

Investigadora, activismo de datos, Universidad de Deusto
Investigadora Principal del programa ARES (Analysing Antifeminist Resistances). Doctora en Comunicación, especialista en activismo de datos. Licenciada en Lingüística, Máster en Comunicación. Research Associate at the Overseas Development Institute (Londres)



Miri (Margaret) Raven

Senior Scientia Lecturer (Research), UNSW Sydney
Miri is a Noongar
-Yamatji and non-Indigenous woman from Western Australia.
She's a Senior Scientia Lecturer (Research Only) at UNSW Australia with the Social Policy Research Centre, and the Environment & Society Group in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
She is also a Chief Investigator with Daniel Robinson on the 5-year Australian Research Council Discovery Project 'Indigenous knowledge futures: protecting and promoting indigenous knowledge' (DP180100507).

Miri holds a PhD from Murdoch University's School of Governance that focused on the use of protocols to protect Indigenous knowledge.
Miri is a geographer with research interests related to protocols, biodiversity conservation and Indigenous knowledge, organisational forms and practices, food security/justice, and Indigenous and human rights. She has over 20 years’ experience working on Indigenous knowledge related to biological resources and biodiversity conservation, Indigenous research (rights, health care and ageing), and food policy and food security..



Miriam Mosing

Associate Professor of Behavior Genetics, Karolinska Institutet
Dr. Mosing's main research interest is how genes and environment play together to produce individual differences in quality of life throughout lifespan as well as in expertise. Why do some people fare better than others throughout life and in old age in terms of cognitive, mental and somatic health? Why are some people more successful and become experts in a given field? Understanding how genetic predispositions interplay with environmental factors will reveal the nature of phenotypic associations observed in daily life, which will not only allow us to identify truly causal and modifiable risk/protective factors (relevant environments), but will ultimately also help us to identify those who are at greatest risk or may benefit most from interventions.
Dr. Mosing is a behavioural geneticist who conducted her PhD research at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute and the University of Queensland, Australia. After completing her PhD, she held postdoc positions at the Neuroscience and the Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Departments at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, before she became an Assistant Professor in 2016 and an Associate Professor (Docent) in 2020. In 2020, Dr. Mosing was awarded a prestigious DMR fellowship to relocate her research group from Karolinska Institutet to the University of Melbourne, Australia. Since mid 2021, she is permanently back in Europe and leads the Behavior Genetics Unit at the Max-Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt, Germany, while also regularly spending time at her office at the Karolinska Institutet.



Miriam Neigert

Lecturer in German Studies, University of New England
Dr Neigert joined UNE in 2018 as a Lecturer and Discipline Convenor of German Studies. She completed her PhD thesis at Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen and Macquarie University Sydney (Cotutelle) on the topic of older language learners at community colleges in Germany. She is passionate about learning and teaching languages and has more than 15 years of teaching experience in a variety of adult and higher education contexts in both Germany and Australia. During her studies at Justus-Liebig Universität, she was part of an e-learning team creating digital language learning material in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut and teaching German online via chats, wikis and on SecondLife. Dr Neigert has taught a variety of lectures and seminars for teachers of TEFL/TESOL and trained teachers in the teaching and learning of German as a foreign language (DaF/DaZ).

Miriam’s research interests include motivation and the language learner self, age and language learning, using digital media in the foreign language classroom, and assessment for language learning.



Miriam Nyhan Grey

Assistant Professor of History, Mary Immaculate College
Miriam joined the History faculty of Mary Immaculate College in 2024. Having completed her PhD in History at the European University Institute in Florence, she spent a decade and a half at New York University where she taught undergraduate and graduate courses and was Associate Director of NYU’s Glucksman Ireland House, Director of the MA in Irish Studies, NYU’s Global Coordinator for Irish Studies, Co-director of the Archives of Irish America Oral History Collection and both an advisory and editorial board member.A founding board member of the non-profit organisation African American Irish Diaspora Network, Miriam is also the originator of the innovative Black, Brown and Green Voices program which is an ongoing public humanities initiative with African American Irish Diaspora Network, New York Public Library Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, NYU and the Department of Foreign Affairs. She was the inaugural Associate Editor of the NYU Press Glucksman Irish Diaspora Series and is a regular co-editor of the American Journal of Irish Studies. She is the author of 'Are You Still Below?' The Ford Marina Plant, Cork, 1917-1984 (Collins Press, 2007); the editor of Ireland's Allies: America and the 1916 Easter Rising (UCD Press, 2016) and the co-editor of Forged in America: How Irish-Jewish Encounters Shaped a Nation (NYU Press, 2023). She has extensive experience in public humanities both in the US and in Ireland and she has undertaken projects with the Royal Irish Academy, the National Archives (Ireland), the Department of Foreign Affairs, and the Department of Education. Her curatorial projects have been exhibited at the National Library of Ireland, the Linen Hall Library, NYU and the Consulate of Ireland (New York). From 2014 to 2023 she was host and producer of This Irish American Life, a weekly radio hour on public radio in New York City. She is a member of the Royal Irish Academy's Working Group on Culture and Heritage. Her current research agenda is animated by the intersections of race, ethnicity and imperial legacies in the Irish diasporic experience, with a special interest in the United States and the Caribbean.



Mirjam Büdenbender

Mirjam Büdenbender is a doctoral candidate at KU Leuven. Her research is part of the ERC funded project on the ‘Real Estate/Financial Complex’, which investigates the linkages between real estate markets and financial practices in contemporary capitalist societies. Mirjam studies the case of Russia and Poland. In so doing, she explicitly addresses the relationship between real estate and modern financial practices as well as their differential construction in post-Soviet societies.

As part of this project, Mirjam spends several periods of field research in her respective case countries. In Moscow she works as a research intern at the Institute for Urban Economics. Her fieldwork includes interviewing academics and professionals in real estate and related sector, analysing newspapers, government and industry documents, and accessing locally produced secondary material.

Previously Mirjam completed a BA (First Class Honours) in International Relations and Development Studies at the University of Sussex (2011) and a Master (Distinction) in Political Economy at the University of Manchester (2012).

In her previous degrees Mirjam studied the political economy of finance and the financialisation of everyday life through the lenses of housing markets. Her bachelor dissertation investigated the financialisation of the residential housing market in post-Apartheid South Africa. Her master’s thesis explored the historical origins and subsequent failure of the housing market as a growth and welfare model in the UK.

Mirjam speaks German (native language), English (full professional proficiency), Russian (professional proficiency) and French (basic). She has training in NVivo, SPSS and elite interviewing.



Miroslav Radman

Professeur, Inserm
Miroslav Radman is a French-Croatian geneticist and molecular biologist. He graduated in biology from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. In 1969, he received his PhD degree in molecular biology from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. After working as a postdoctoral researcher with Raymond Devoret (1969-70) at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) at Gif-sur-Yvette, France, he joigned Matthew Meselson at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (1970-73). He is a former Professor of Molecular Genetics at the Free University of Brussels (1973-83) and Research Director at the French CNRS (Institute J. Monod, Paris, 1983-1997). In 1998, he became professor of Cell Biology at the Medical School of the René Descartes University (Paris-5) and director of the INSERM research Unit 571 "Evolutionary and Medical Molecular Genetics", from which he retired in 2013 as exceptional class professor emeritus.

Miroslav Radman is member of several international clubs and academies. He is also the founder of the Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS) in Split, Croatia. He is the founding member of four start-up biotech companies in the USA and France, and initiator and co-founder of the EITP (European Institute of Technology in Paris) project.

During his career, he has published over 200 research and review articles in the areas of DNA repair, DNA replication, mutagenesis, genetic recombination, evolution, microbiology, cancer research, protein oxidation and aging, that have been cited over 10.000 times. Additionally, he is the author of 2 books of scientific popularization about his recent work on the field of aging.

Three of his personal discoveries are present in standard molecular biology and genetics textbooks worldwide (the SOS response in bacteria; the discovery that the mismatch repair system acts as the genetic barrier between closely related species).
His paper on the molecular basis of extreme radiation and desiccation resistance in the most robust microbe Deinococcus radiodurans in Nature unravelled a 50 years old mystery and was commented in over thousand newspaper articles and TV news worldwide.



Mirriam Mkhize

Sue Struengmann Initiative Research Fellow, University of Cape Town



Miryam Martinez Martinez

Profesora Adjunta Área de Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados, Universidad CEU San Pablo
Miryam Martinez es Profesora Adjunta del departamento de Economía de la Empresa de la Universidad CEU San Pablo. Es directora del Grado en Marketing de la Facultad de CC EE y EE.
Participa como ponente en diversos congresos y seminarios, así como en proyectos de investigación nacionales e internacionales, dentro de su línea de trabajo: Gender Gap.
Es autora de diversos artículos científicos publicados en revistas de reconocido prestigio internacional como: Sex Roles o Educational Management Administration & Leadership.



Misha Teramura

Assistant Professor of English, University of Toronto
Misha Teramura is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Toronto, where he researches and teaches the literature of the English Renaissance. His work has appeared in such journals as ELH, Shakespeare Quarterly, Modern Philology, English Literary Renaissance, RES, Early Theatre, and The Chaucer Review, as well as in the edited collections Lost Plays in Shakespeare’s England, Loss and the Literary Culture of Shakespeare’s Time, and Shakespeare/Text: Contemporary Readings in Textual Studies, Editing and Performance. He is currently working on two book projects, titled ​Paper Plays: The Material Lives of Early Modern Manuscript Playbooks and Reading Lost Plays: Early Modern Drama and the Forms of Textual Survival, and is editing Henry IV, Part 2 for the Arden Shakespeare Fourth Series. Other current research interests include textual scholarship, classical reception, and the circle of Henry Percy, ninth earl of Northumberland. He is also a co-editor of the Lost Plays Database (with Roslyn L. Knutson [emerita], David McInnis, and Matthew Steggle) and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

Misha received his PhD in English from Harvard University after completing his undergraduate work at the University of Toronto. He taught at Reed College in Portland, OR for two years before returning to UofT.



Mislav Radic

Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Political Sciences, Bocconi University
I am an Assistant Professor at Bocconi University, and a Research Fellow at University College London. My research and teaching lie at the intersection between Strategic Management and Public Policy. Prior to joining Bocconi, I was a Research Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
My most recent research agenda is focused on exploring the evolution, dynamics and challenges of voluntary carbon markets.
My research was published in academic journals such as the Journal of Management and the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology, and is frequently featured in prominent media outlets such as the Financial Times, the Guardian, and the BBC. I was the Principal Investigator on the UKRI funded project “Hybrid Organising in the Railway Sector”. In addition, I am a collaborator on Croatian Science Foundation funded project “Resilience Enhancing Policies: Exploring the Role of Public Grants” and on the British Academy funded project "The Great Post Office Scandal".
In addition to academic research, I act as a policy and strategy advisor for several private and public sector organizations, and serve as an active member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers community.



Mitchell Dickau

PhD Candidate, Geography, Planning, and Environment Department, Concordia University
Mitchell Dickau is a student researcher at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) as well as a PhD candidate studying climate science in the Geography, Planning, and Environment department at Concordia University. In his research, Mitchell uses an intermediate complexity Earth system model to investigate how Earth responds to anthropogenic emissions. His research interests include estimating the size of the remaining carbon budget and investigating how temperature overshoot affects Earth. Mitchell's previous research focussed on the effect of climate change on outdoor skating under various emissions pathways.

Working as a student researcher for the Canadian Centre for Climate Services at ECCC, Mitchell works on a project developing projections of different fire weather indices under a range of future emissions scenarios.



Mitchell Gallagher

Ph.D Candidate in Political Science, Wayne State University
As a doctoral candidate from the UK, I began my academic journey at Wayne State University in Detroit in 2021. My research focuses on the rise of China and how it affects international relations, particularly the shifting balance of global power as China’s influence reshapes the political landscape. I explore China's foreign policy, how it interacts with international institutions, and the competition between great powers.

Beyond my research, I actively participate in forums, conferences, and debates, which sharpen my grasp of current global issues. This doctoral journey has been both challenging and rewarding, pushing me to think critically about global politics and grow academically as I pursue greater clarity in the field.



Mitchell Gibbs

Dr Mitchell Gibbs is a Lecturer in the School of Health Sciences, Discipline of Exercise Physiology. Mitchell's research aims at helping people with chronic pain by understanding how to best design biopsychosocial exercise interventions, and, how to disseminate these approaches into practice.



Mitchell Lyons

Senior research fellow, The University of Queensland
Senior Research Fellow in the Remote Sensing Research Centre, University of Queensland; and the Centre for Ecosystem Science, University of New South Wales.



Miya Warrington

Adjunct professor in Natural Resources, University of Manitoba
I am a behavioural ecologist with research interests in the evolution and ecology of animal behaviour with a focus on conservation biology and animal adaptations to environmental change. My research combines field-based mensurative and manipulative experiments with laboratory approaches (e.g. genetics) to explore the evolutionary and ecological drivers of cooperation, and behavioural response to impacts of natural environmental change, and human-induced disturbances (e.g. traffic, noise, and industrial activity) and climate change.



Mladen Zecevic

Lecturer at the School of Policing Studies, Charles Sturt University
Lecturer, assessor and curriculum developer at the School of Policing Studies, Goulburn, NSW, Australia.



Mlungele M. Nsikani

Senior scientist, South African National Biodiversity Institute
Dr Mlungele Nsikani is a senior scientist at the South African National Biodiversity Institute, extraordinary lecturer at Stellenbosch University, research fellow at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, and chairperson of the Society for Ecological Restoration - Africa. Dr Nsikani has broad interests in biological invasions and ecological restoration. His current work focuses on the restoration of native ecosystems in previously invaded areas, detection of new invasive species, eradication of invasive species limited to small areas, and risk analysis for alien and invasive species.



Mmamapudi Kubjane

Researcher, Wits Health Consortium, University of the Witwatersrand
Mmamapudi Kubjane (PhD, UCT) is an epidemiologist and modeller with interests in modelling tuberculosis and population-level impacts of interventions. She currently works as a researcher at the Health Economics and Epidemiology Research Office, Wits Health Consortium.



Mmatlou Kalaba

Lecturer in Agricultural Economics, University of Pretoria

Completed PhD at University of Pretoria, specialising in international trade, non-tariff measures, regulatory and policy issues and how they impact international trade and economic development. Hold MSc in Agricultural Economics from Oklahoma State University (OSU). Undergraduate and Honours degrees were completed at University of Limpopo



Mo Hammoud

Group Leader, LGBTQ+ Population Health Research Group, and Research Fellow, HIV Epidemiology and Prevention Program, Kirby Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW Sydney
Mo is the Group Leader for the LGBTQ+ Population Health Research Group. Situated within the HIV Epidemiology and Prevention Program at the Kirby Institute, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney, his program conducts research that addresses the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals and communities in Australia. Mo's interdisciplinary team focuses on new and emerging infectious diseases, sexual health, mental health, substance use, and health policy that affect LGBTQ+ communities.

Mo is also a Research Fellow within the HIV Epidemiology and Prevention Program at the Kirby Institute, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney. His lead authored publications were used to inform an update to the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) PrEP Guidelines, and cited by the World Health Organization, the United Nation, the Australian Governments Ministry of Health Eights National HIV Strategy, NSW Ministry of Health HIV Strategy, and two NGO strategies on mental health and illicit drug use.



Modesta Tochukwu Alozie

Lead Research Fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick
PhD, International Development, The Bartlett University College London
M.Sc, Environmental Impact Assessment and Management, The University of Manchester
B.Sc, Biochemistry, Imo State University Owerri, Nigeria

I am the Lead Research Fellow on the Data and Displacement Project at the Department of Politics and International Relations, Univerisity of Warwick.
I also teach P0374 (The Politics of Globalisation)

I also work as a Consultant at the Urban Institute, University of Sheffield. Here, I am part of the LO-Act project, investigating climate change in 100 cities in the Global South. As part of the Lo-Act team, I am investigating climate change initiatives in 33 Nigerian cities.



Modestus Fosu

Associate Professor in Language and Communication Studies, University of Media, Arts and Communication, Ghana Institute of Journalism
Dr Modestus Fosu holds a PhD in media and communication from the University of Leeds. His research interests broadly involve communication, media and language, political participation and journalism education.

His current research focus is on indigenous language broadcasting, communication ethics and climate communication.

He has been involved in various local and international projects aimed at improving journalism education and practice in Ghana and other African countries.



Mohamad El Kari

PhD Candidate in the Department of War Studies, King's College London
Mohamad is a PhD Candidate within the Department of War Studies at King’s College London where his research focuses on protest movements and emotions in Lebanon. His research is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) through the London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Programme (LISS DTP).

Mohamad holds an MA in Political Economy of the Middle East from King’s College London, for which he was awarded a distinction and a postgraduate diploma in Middle East security studies from the University of St Andrews.

During his time at King’s, Mohamad worked as a translator for The Cross-Border Conflict Evidence, Policy, and Trends (XCEPT) research programme. His translation work focused on security and stability in Lebanon and peace-building in Iraq.

Previously, Mohamad worked as a research analyst at the American Enterprise Institute’s Critical Threats Project (CTP) where he was tracking and analysing current and emerging threats to American national security posed by the Salafi-jihadi movement in Yemen and North Africa.



Mohamed Keznine

PhD Candidate, Université Abdelmalek Essaadi
My academic career began when I obtained my scientific baccalaureate in 2014, after which I joined the Higher Institute of Maritime Fisheries of Agadir, Morocco to follow my higher studies in the field of fishing, leading to me obtaining my professional fishing licence in 2017.

In 2019 I obtained a master's degree in marine environment and aquaculture at the Faculty of Science and Technology Tangier Morocco. Currently I am working on my doctoral thesis on the study of bycatch of the coastal fleet in the Moroccan Mediterranean Sea, towards the award of a PhD in biology education.
I am also president of the association of young people of the sea for sustainable development in Al Hoceima, Morocco. This association works on raising fishermen's awareness of the need to conserve marine biodiversity.

I have published several articles on my research in international journals: a study of the bycatch of elasmobranchs which was published in the journal Thalassas: International Journal of Marine Sciences; a study of the interactions of bottlenose dolphins which was published in the African Journal of Marine Sciences; and a study of marine turtle bycatch which was published in the Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries.

Impact of interactions between common bottlenose dolphins and purse-seiners in the Moroccan Mediterranean region: case study in the Al Hoceima fishing grounds
This study examines the effect of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus on the purse-seine fishery for small pelagic fishes in the Mediterranean Sea and the economic consequences thereof. The investigation focused on the fleet registered at the port of Al Hoceima, Morocco, and used information collected from on-board observations and a semi-structured questionnaire with fishermen and ship-owners. A total of 121 dolphins were captured as bycatch during 48 fishing trips, with a mortality rate of 0.23 dolphins per fishing trip. In terms of damage to the fishing gear, the number of observed holes varied between 28 and 230 per net per incident. Though some tears were large, most were <35 cm in height. The cost of repairing the holes in the nets caused by these interactions was estimated at US$179.52 per mending event. The level of interaction between common bottlenose dolphins and the purse-seine fishery targeting small pelagic fishes is a challenge for both fishery management and dolphin conservation.

Elasmobranch Bycatch in a Bottom Trawl Fishery at Al Hoceima Port in Morocco (Mediterranean Sea)
This study focused on identifying and estimating the number of rays and sharks caught incidentally in the Moroccan Mediterranean Sea and their seasonal variation. In 2020, from 62 bottom trawl surveys, it was estimated that elasmobranchs represent 6.67% (25 kg) of the total catch (372 kg/trip) per trip in Al Hoceima Bay. Raja clavata and Scyliorhinus canicula were the most abundant species, representing between 27% and 21% of the total elasmobranchs captured, respectively, followed by Prionace glauca (19%) and Oxynotus centrina (13%). Single or sporadic captures of the threatened and protected Isurus oxyrinchus and Mobula mobular were further recorded, as well as of the endemic and threatened Raja radula. Elasmobranch bycatch rates vary with depth, season and fishing area. The current data indicate that the Moroccan Mediterranean may be an important breeding area for many elasmobranchs. They also emphasize the urgent necessity of better understanding the interactions between fisheries and elasmobranchs to develop management measures.

Preliminary data on bycatch and stranding of marine turtles in Al Hoceima, Morocco.
The area of Al Hoceima in Morocco occupies a strategic biological position concerning the trajectory of migratory species. Bycatch and standing data in this area are still lacking. However, knowledge of the number of stranded individuals/species and the bycatch rate/total catch for each fishing gear is crucial to adopting more effective conservation stratégies. Given this lack of information, monitoring of total standing and bycatch data was conducted from January To June 2021. Two different approaches were used in this study: on-board observation of longline, trawlers, and seiner vessels for bycatch rate and monitoring of the torture standing area through self- déclaration by sensitized fishermen. The results showed the existence of two species. Dermochelys Caracas (Vandelli, 1761) (1 individual) was stranded on Calabonita beach, and Caretta-Caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) was caught in longliners (two individuals) and trawlers (three individuals). No individuals were reported in purse seiners. For the first time, preliminary data on the bycatch and standing of tortures in Al Hoceima have been determined and this information is vital to implementing future conservation measures.

Concerning my professional career, in 2017 I was elevated to officer and lieutenant on board a freezer trawler in Morocco, in 2019-2023 I was a trainer at the Institute of Maritime Fisheries Technology in Al Hoceïma Morocco. I taught trainees who are future fishing bosses. Currently I am an administrative executive at the maritime fisheries delegation in Boujdour in the south of Morocco.



Mohammad Houshmand

Ph.D. Candidate in Civil Engineering, Drexel University
Mohammad, a Ph.D. candidate in Civil Engineering at Drexel University, focuses on bio-inspired self-healing materials with a strong background in advanced material manufacturing and characterization. His current research is dedicated to harnessing nature's ingenuity to develop groundbreaking solutions for damage-responsive self-healing in concrete. He has also been involved in the development of vascular self-responsive composites for thermal regulation in buildings. His previous work includes the performance assessment of organic-based sealants, providing robust protection against concrete degradation. Moreover, Mohammad has worked on the conversion of waste coal combustion by-products into construction materials, striving to foster sustainability and minimize environmental impact.



Mohammad Keyhani

Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Calgary
Mohammad Keyhani is an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary. His expertise lies in the areas of digital entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial strategy and generativity. Mohammad's research has been published in top tier peer-reviewed journals and presented in international conferences where he has received multiple best paper and best reviewer awards. Mohammad is also a no-code enthusiast and entrepreneur and an OnDeck No Code Fellow (ODNC2). His other experiences include roles such as business advisor to multiple startups, Lab Strategist at the Creative Destruction Lab Rockies, and a David Rockefeller Fellow at the Trilateral Commission. He received his doctorate in strategic management from the Schulich School of Business, York University in Toronto, Canada, and has a M.Sc. in Entrepreneurship and B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, both from the University of Tehran, Iran.



Mohammad Najlah

Professor of Pharmaceutics & Nanomedicine, Anglia Ruskin University
Mohammad's research interests focus on the fabrication of multifunctional nanomedicines for drug delivery application. He has excellent experience of higher education as a teacher, researcher, external examiner and manager. Mohammad took a pharmacy degree followed by postgraduate diploma (Industrial Pharmacy) at Damascus University and worked as a community pharmacist. He obtained his PhD (2007) from the University of Manchester, Experience



Mohammad Nure Alam

PhD Candidate in Economics, Macquarie University
I am a PhD candidate in economics at Macquarie University. My research lies at the intersection of economics and public health, using advanced methods in applied econometrics to explore the intricate connections between economic factors and health outcomes. My current focus revolves around investigating socioeconomic inequalities in hearing health. My expertise includes applied econometrics, health technology assessment, health economic modelling, economic evaluation in health care and energy economics.



Mohammad Fauzan Bin Maideen

Associate Lecturer in Paediatric Physiotherapy, University of Sydney
Fauzan is an associate lecturer in paediatric physiotherapy at the University of Sydney (USyd) and has been involved in this speciality for 21 years. Fauzan has extensive experience working in paediatric physiotherapy in a variety of settings. Whilst working as a paediatric physiotherapist in the mid 2000s, Fauzan completed a Master of Physiotherapy (Paediatrics) at the University of Queensland where he was awarded the Yvonne Burns Prize for Outstanding Post-Graduate Achievement in the field of Paediatric Physiotherapy. Fauzan is currently pursuing his PhD part-time with the Thermal Ergonomics Laboratory, USyd in the field of infant thermoregulation, and teaches across units of study in the undergraduate and graduate entry masters physiotherapy programs at USyd.



Mohammad Saleh Farazi

Senior Lecturer in Innovation and Enterprise, London South Bank University
I am a Senior Lecturer in Innovation and Enterprise at London South Bank University, School of Business. I hold a PhD in Business Administration from Pablo de Olavide University, Spain. Prior to joining LSBU, I was a visiting professor at Sharif University of Technology, Iran, and a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Montpellier, France. I have also taught undergraduate, MBA, and executive education modules at various institutions around the globe including New Jersey Institute of Technology (USA), Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain), EUNCET Business School (Spain), and NEOMA Business School (France).

My main research interest is in the strategic management of technology and innovation, particularly in the biopharma industry and healthcare sector. I am interested in studying R&D alliances in the biopharma industry and I'm also passionate about digital healthcare platforms. As a secondary research interest, I have also co-authored papers on gender bias in financing social ventures.



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