

Mohammed Alruzzi

Lecturer in Childhood Studies, University of Bristol



Mohammed Hassan

Associate Professor of Physics and Optical Sciences, University of Arizona
Mohammed Hassan is an Associate Professor of Physics and Optical Sciences at The University of Arizona (UA). He has 13 years of experience in the Attosecond Physics and Ultrafast Electron Microscopy and imaging research fields. He earned his Ph.D. from Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Munich, Germany, Prof. Ferenc Krausz group in 2013. He joined Prof. Ahmed H. Zewail’s group at Caltech as a postdoctoral scholar through 2017.
Earlier in his career, Dr. Hassan developed the light field synthesizer to generate the first optical attosecond pulse, the shortest light pulse documented in the Guinness World Records. Exploiting this tool, he measured the time an electron takes to respond and move. His breakthroughs have been published in high-profile journals.

He is currently well known in his field of attosecond Physics for developing the attosecond electron microscopy “Attomicroscopy”, a camera that will film the electron motion in action. He used this tool to image the electron motion in the solid state. This electron imaging opens a new era in ultrafast electron imaging and will lead to many breakthroughs and high-impact scientific achievements. Attomicroscopy imaging opens a new window to the quantum world. Recently, he has granted a patent for his Attomicroscopy camera, US Patent, Application No.16394920.

Furthermore, he established a new methodology to sample the light field of ultrafast laser pulses and a new methodology to measure the electronic delay response in the neutral matter. Also, he demonstrated the attosecond optical switch and the capability to encode data on ultrafast laser pulses, which paves the way to establish attosecond and femtosecond optoelectronics working at the petahertz speed.

Hassan received the international Max-Planck fellowship in 2009. He received the Air Force Young Investigator Award (YIP) in 2019. Hassan also received many prestigious awards for his Attomicroscopy project from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation 2018, the W. M. Keck Foundation 2019, and recently the Inaugural AFOSR Director’s Research Initiative (DRI) Award 2022. Moreover, he was awarded 2022 Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCUs/MSIs) for his institute.



Mohan Harihar

PhD candidate, University of Leicester

I have just started a 4 year PhD program with the University of Leicester as my home institution (2015-2019). My research will aim to explore unidentified regulators of the RAS-MAPK pathway which plays a major role in cell proliferation (and if de-regulated, cancer).

In 2015 I completed a Masters degree entitled 'Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology' at the University of Leicester (2015-2016).

My undergraduate degree, in Biological Sciences, was again at the University of Leicester (2011-2014).

Recently I have developed a great interest in communicating scientific concepts to the public. As a result of this I started a three month placement at the University of Leicester Press Office which has provided me with an outlet to communicate science to the public.



Mohan Singh

Professor of Agri-Food Biotechnology, School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences at the University of Melbourne., The University of Melbourne
Dr. Mohan Singh is currently Professor of Agri-Food Biotechnology in the School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences at the University of Melbourne. His research interests include plant molecular biology and biotechnology, plant genetics and breeding and genetic engineering.



Mohd Zahirasri Bin Mohd Tohir

Investigador postdoctoral en ingeniería de seguridad contra incendios, Universidad de Navarra
Mohd Zahirasri is very active in the field of fire safety engineering. He is currently attached as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Universidad de Navarra, Spain. Permanently, he is employed in Universiti Putra Malaysia as a Senior Lecturer. In the field of fire safety engineering, he has published 30 research papers in fire science best journals including Fire Safety Journal, Fire Technology, Fire and Materials, and Fire Science Reviews. He also has been involved in safety engineering research which resulted in several top publications as well. He is an active member of International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) which gathers top fire scientists around the world. In terms of acquiring research grants, as a Principal Investigator/Project Leader in total, he has received around RM 2,000,000.00 from local and international grant funders up until now. As of current, he has taught fire engineering and chemical engineering courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students since 2015 as a Senior Lecturer in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). In terms of supervision of research students, he is currently the main supervisor for 8 PhD students and 2 Masters by research students. His students are working on PV system fire safety, tropical peat soil fire dynamics, radiation heat transfer and CFD fire simulation.



Mohsen Gul

Senior Project Manager, Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership, University of Cambridge
Dr Mohsen Gul is a senior project manager at the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership at the University of Cambridge (UK) working in the sustainable finance team. Mohsen brings over a decade of experience working in multilateral development organisations, including as a senior climate innovation specialist at the Asian Development Bank and senior technical advisor for the United Nations Development Programme.

Mohsen has led several socio-environmental and climate research projects in multiple countries and regional contexts, including a focus on just transition and sustainable livelihoods, net-zero pathways and decarbonised markets. His doctoral research at the University of Nottingham focused on sustainability governance mechanisms and effectively engaging state and non-state actors including private sector stakeholders. Mohsen was a research fellow at the Oxford Department of International Development at the University of Oxford where his research focused on multiple environmentalities in the Asia-Pacific context.

His doctoral research at the University of Nottingham focused on youth and environmental volunteerism in the Global North and South perspective. Sustainable Development Goals with the agenda of ‘leaving no one behind’ call for rethinking the approaches of the MDG era that left youth out of the process, recognising the value of channelizing global youth as the ‘driver of change and knowledge creation’ and establish clear and explicit pathways for its meaningful participation including volunteerism. Global North and Global South, with common development agenda but varied responsibilities, provide a contrasting range of opportunities and challenges for policy and decision makers to ensure voluntary environmental action is generated and sustained by youth.

He has been involved in over six social development projects in Pakistan and abroad in different capacities including grant writer, project manager, advocacy specialist, knowledge manager, research analyst, etc. He has been involved with different UN agencies in a volunteer capacity. He has also served as a youth member on UNDP's panel for development of National Human Development Report 2016 in Pakistan.



Mohsen Javdani

Associate Professor of Economics, School of Public Policy and Urban Studies Program, Simon Fraser University
My academic inquiries and intellectual pursuits are driven by a curiosity to engage with and interrogate issues that captivate my thoughts and concern me on a personal and professional level. This approach has led me down different paths—some less travelled, others well-trodden.

My work is a testament to the belief that intellectual growth and societal contribution do not solely arise from depth in a narrow domain of inquiry but can also flourish through breadth and the integration of diverse perspectives.

While my research often utilizes quantitative analysis, I also maintain a keen interest in qualitative and mixed-method approaches. Some of my main research areas of interest include economic inequality (with a spotlight on labour market inequalities and discrimination experienced by women, immigrants, and ethnic minorities); precarity in the labour market; public attitudes toward immigration and the forces shaping these views; the influence of ideological underpinnings in neoclassical economics; and the broader scope of political economy.



Mohsen Kalantari

Senior Lecturer in Geomatics, University of Melbourne

Dr Mohsen Kalantari is a Senior Lecturer in Geomatics and Associate Director at the Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration (CSDILA) in the Dept of Infrastructure Engineering at The University of Melbourne. He teaches Land Administration Systems (LAS) and Spatial Analysis and has several publications.

Dr Kalantari is a spatial data engineer and in recognition of his research he has been awarded a prestigious Victoria Fellowship. The Victoria Fellowships recognise young researchers with leadership potential and aim to help them enhance their future careers, while developing new ideas which could offer commercial benefit to Victoria.

He previously worked as a Research Fellow on a range of research projects at the CSDILA. He has also worked at the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE), Land Victoria and has an extensive knowledge of land administration systems of Australia.

He completed his PhD in 2008.



Moira Marsh

Librarian for Anthropology, Folklore and Sociology, Indiana University
Moira Marsh serves as the collection manager and liaison librarian for Anthropology, Folklore, and Sociology. She is also manager of the Modern Language Association Folklore Bibliography Project.

Her research interests of humor theory and folklore are reflected in her scholarly work; she is currently undertaking a cross-cultural analysis of the acoustics of laughter and editing a book of essays about unlaughter entitled “Not Funny, Not Fun.” Her book "Practically Joking" was published by Utah State University Press in 2015.

Moira serves as a member of the Human Relations Area Files Executive Committee and as Book Review Editor for Humor: International Journal of Humor Studies. In 2017, Moira became President-elect of the Bloomington Faculty Council, only the second librarian in recent memory with this accomplishment.

She earned both her Ph.D. in folklore and M.L.S. from Indiana University.



Moira Rushton

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
Dr. Moira Rushton is a medical oncologist and health researcher based in Ottawa Ontario. She is an assistant professor at the University of Ottawa and clinician investigator at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. She completed Medical Oncology training in 2018 in Ottawa, then went on to complete a Master of Public Health from the University of California, Berkeley, and a research fellowship in clinical trials at the Canadian Cancer Trials Group in the investigational new drug program. She joined the Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre in 2020. She treats breast cancer, upper GI cancers and is part of the phase I clinical trials group. Research interests include quality improvement, health systems optimalization and cardio-oncology.



Mollie Dollinger

Senior Lecturer, Learning Futures, Deakin University



Molly Patterson

Assistant Professor in Geology, Binghamton University, State University of New York
My research interests lie in sedimentology, stratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy, paleoceanography, and paleoclimatology.



Molly Rosenberg

Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Indiana University



Molly Wylie

Ph.D. Candidate in Gerontology, UMass Boston
Molly Wylie is a Gerontology PhD candidate and Research Associate at the LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston.

Her work focuses on the ways older adults and their caregivers navigate options for long-term, home- and community-based services (HCBS), paying particular attention to the influence of health literacy and self-efficacy. She has used mixed-method research to evaluate the effectiveness of programs across the service continuum, including supportive housing models, Councils on Aging, adult day health centers, and nursing homes.

Wylie holds her M.S. in Gerontology from UMass Boston's McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies. She is the inaugural Equity in Aging Research Fellow at the National Council on Aging (NCOA), examining financial insecurity and health among older Americans. Wylie served as an Aging Services Access Point (ASAP) Care Advisor coordinating the provision of supportive services to older adults in Massachusetts. She has supported various organization-wide efforts at LeadingAge, including hosting The Mentor’s Voice podcast and evaluating the student internship program designed to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in aging services.



Molly Yanity

Professor and Director of Sports media and Communication, University of Rhode Island
Molly Yanity is a professor and director of the sports media and communication major. A former sports writer, she focuses her research on sports audiences and fandom, as well as women in sport and media.



Momar Diongue

Lecturer and Researcher, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
Momar DIONGUE is a teacher-researcher in the Geography Department of the Faculty of Arts and
Humanities at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar. A member of the Geography Laboratory, Mr
Diongue is a specialist in urban issues. His research focuses on metropolisation, peripheries, urban
governance, land and urban production, major urban projects, floods and residential and spatial



Momna Hejmadi

Associate professor, University of Bath

I have been involved in research and teaching cancer biology for over a decade. I did my PhD in radiation oncology, and subsequent research on tumour hypoxia led to our drug reaching Phase II clinical trials. I also teach a very popular course on cancer biology to students at Bath, which made me realise how much I enjoyed teaching AND how little resources there were on introducing cancer genetics to the general public. It led to my writing a free e-book (Introduction to cancer biology, and a free online course ('Inside Cancer' - The online course was designed for anyone with an interest in cancer - from sufferers to researchers - and has attracted over 32000 learners from over 90 countries, with 98% recommending the course to friends.



Mona Mashhadi Rajabi

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Technology Sydney
Mona is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Technology Sydney Business School. Her research covers sustainability, resilience, environmental finance, environmental policy, and the impacts of climate change on companies, industries and markets.



Mona Merling

Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania
Mona is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania. Before joining Penn, she was a J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Johns Hopkins University. She has also been a Research Member at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley and a guest at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn.

Mona received her Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Chicago under the supervision of Peter May in 2014. Her research interests include algebraic K-theory, its applications to number theory and manifold theory, and equivariant stable homotopy theory.



Mona Nikidehaghani

Senior Lecturer in Accounting, University of Wollongong



Monica Grady

Monica Mary Grady CBE (born 1958) is a leading British space scientist, primarily known for her work on meteorites. Since 2005, she has been Professor of Planetary and Space Science at the Open University, and is currently Head of the Department of Physical Sciences.

Prior to 2005, Grady was based at the Natural History Museum in London, where she curated the UK's national collection of meteorites. She graduated from the University of Durham in 1979, then went on to complete a Ph.D. on carbon in stony meteorites at Darwin College, Cambridge in 1982. Since then, she has built up an international reputation in meteoritics, publishing many papers on the carbon and nitrogen isotope geochemistry of primitive meteorites, on Martian meteorites, and on interstellar components of meteorites. She gave the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures in 2003, on the subject "A Voyage in Space and Time". Asteroid (4731) was named Monicagrady in her honour.

Grady was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2012 Birthday Honours for services to space sciences. She is the first UK scientist to be President of the international Meteoritical Society.

Grady is the oldest of eight children; her youngest sister, Dr Ruth Grady, is a Senior Lecturer in microbiology at the University of Manchester. Grady's husband, Professor Ian Wright is also a meteoriticist.



Monica Herz

Full Professor, Institute of International Relations (PUC-Rio), Associate Dean for Research of the Social Science Center (PUC-Rio), Senior Researcher, BRICS Policy Center, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)



Monica Hoger

Master of Public Policy Student, Simon Fraser University
I am a second-year Master of Public Policy student. My research and policy interests include the intersections between health, the environment, and various social policy issues, such as housing and LGBTQIA rights. Having worked for the Fraser Health Authority from May to August 2023, I have become especially concerned with the impact that the social determinants of health, such as food security and access to natural environments have on our overall well-being.

My extended policy project examines and compares artificial intelligence (AI) legislation between the European Union and Canada, primarily how each jurisdiction's bills are prepared to address challenges regarding healthcare, such as the management of healthcare data and addressing biases. I hope to further my knowledge of AI and its impacts on health and the environment in my future work.



Monica Liu

Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of St. Thomas
Dr. Monica Liu is a sociologist whose teaching and research interests include gender, globalization, family, immigration, race/ethnicity, Asia and Asian America, digital technology/media, and qualitative methods. She has explored the phenomenon of global internet dating and cross-border marriage between women from China and men from English-speaking Western countries. She is currently working on a new project that examines institutional racism against Asian women leaders in higher education.

Born and raised in China, Dr. Liu immigrated to the U.S. at the age of eight. Before joining the University of St. Thomas, she taught at Colgate University and Carleton College.



Monica Wang

Associate Professor of Public Health, Boston University
Dr. Wang is an Associate Professor of Community Health Sciences at the Boston University School of Public Health and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She is globally and nationally recognized as a researcher, educator, and thought leader on health equity, racial justice, and community-based research targeting chronic diseases. Dr. Wang has generated over $6 million in federal and foundation funding for her program of research and published over 60 peer-reviewed manuscripts and policy documents. Her prior leadership roles included serving as Chair of the Narrative Office at the BU Center for Antiracist Research and Chair of the Civic and Public Engagement Committee at the Society of Behavioral Medicine. One of her current studies is a randomized controlled trial of a youth empowerment intervention to reduce consumption of sugary drinks and obesity risk through youth narratives. As an expert in curriculum development, case-based teaching, and digital learning design, Dr. Wang has developed and taught graduate courses on the social determinants of health at Harvard and Boston University since 2010.

Dr. Wang has received numerous national, regional, and institutional awards for her research, teaching, and service, including the 40 Under 40 Leaders in Health Award from the National Minority Quality Forum, the Society of Behavioral Medicine Leading the Narrative Award, the Society of Behavioral Medicine Early Investigator Award, the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Ten Outstanding Young Leaders Award, and the Boston University School of Public Health Excellence in Teaching Award and Excellence in Public Health Practice Award. At the national level, she advanced science communication initiatives through her former role as Chair of the Civic and Public Engagement Committee of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Dr. Wang has served as a consultant to one of the largest social media companies in the world on COVID-19 health misinformation management. Her work and insights have been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, National Public Radio, The Boston Globe, and CBS. She obtained her doctoral and master's degrees from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and completed her postdoctoral training at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.



Monica J. Hogan

PhD student, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology, Australian National University
Monica is an experienced Midwife and Nurse who has worked within a number of midwifery models of care both in Australia and the UK over the last 40 years. Following Midwifery training in Scotland in 1991, Monica has gained post graduate qualifications including a Graduate Diploma and Master of Midwifery. She has also completed Prescribing for Midwives and is accredited as an Endorsed Midwife. She has been a IBCLC Lactation Consultant for 24 years, an inaugural Director and now Honorary Life Member of Lactation Consultants Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ). She was on the board of Australian Society of Tongue and Lip Tie (ASTLiT) and past president of ACTLACT.

Monica works part-time as a Clinical Midwifery Educator and a practitioner in the Tongue Tie clinic for Canberra Health Services. She also has a private practice providing midwifery and lactation care for mothers and babies.
Monica has been working in roles supporting mothers and babies with tongue tie since 1999 and was a principal investigator in the first RCT on tongue tie. Currently Monica is undertaking her PhD in tongue tie research at the Australian National University.



Mónica Rodríguez Enríquez

Profesora, Doctora en Psicología, Universidade de Vigo
Profesora en la Universidad de Vigo
Doctora en Psicología
Facultativa Especialista en Psicología Clínica



Monika Joshi

Associate Professor of Hematology and Oncology, Penn State
Dr. Monika Joshi’s research focus is in the field of genitourinary tumors, particularly in the field of immunotherapy and targeted therapy.

Dr. Joshi developed clinical and translational expertise in genitourinary malignancies. This experience has positioned her to undertake several innovative clinical trials with multiple collaborations and national participation. She is the disease team co-leader for the genitourinary diseases group at Penn State Cancer Institute. In addition she holds regional and national leadership roles as the co-chair for the genitourinary committee for the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium and is also as a representative for the Pennsylvania Governor's Advisory Panel on Genetics and Genomics.

Dr. Joshi has a keen interest in developing clinical trials with novel immunotherapeutic combinations and identifying predictive and prognostic biomarkers.



Monika Korzun

McCain Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University
Monika has been working in the Canadian food system space in various capacities since 2010 including academia, non-profit sector and private sector. She is currently pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship at Dalhousie University exploring the social aspects of sustainable agriculture in the agri-food industry. She also completed a Mitacs Accelerate postdoctoral fellowship at St. Paul University where she worked closely with the Food Communities Network – Réseau Communautés Nourricières (FCN-RCN), exploring food security and the role of civil society organizations in food systems governance. Monika completed a PhD in Rural studies at the University of Guelph, exploring the experiences of farmers participating in food value chains in Southern Ontario. Monika's work has been published in several journals including Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, Sustainable Production and Consumption and the African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development. She has also published several book chapters and reports.



Monika Kuffer

Associated professor, faculty of geo-information science and earth observation, University of Twente
Monika Kuffer is working as Associated Professor at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC, University of Twente). Her main research interests are urban remote sensing, SDG monitoring, mapping deprived areas (e.g., slums), and analyzing urban form and dynamics with remote sensing and spatial statistics/metrics. She is co-chairing an international network on deprivation area mapping IDEAMAPS (, and is presently working on two research projects related to deprivation area mapping SLUMAP ( and ACCOUNT ( She received her PhD from the University of Twente (NL) and one MSc in Human Geographer (TU Munich) and a second MSc in Geographic Information Science (University of London).



Monika Moir

Postdoctoral Researcher of Pathogen Genomics, Stellenbosch University
Currently, I am working as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI) at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. CERI is specialised pathogen genomics research group and laboratory facility of the Africa CDC and WHO AFRO that leads the Network for Genomic Surveillance in South Africa of COVID-19. I focus on molecular epidemiological investigations of SARS-CoV-2 and arboviruses using next generation sequencing data in South Africa and across Africa. In 2021, I conducted evolutionary biology research centred around pollination biology as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Biological Interactions Lab of Stellenbosch University. I acquired a PhD in Zoology from Stellenbosch University in 2020, in the fields of bat ecology and conservation with specialisation in bioacoustics, morphology, population genetics, phylogeography, and landscape ecology.



Monika Schmitter

Professor and Chair of History of Art and Architecture, UMass Amherst
I am a full professor of Italian Renaissance and Baroque art. I am a specialist in Renaissance art, especially from Venice, but I also teach courses in Italian Baroque art. I have published widely on Italian Renaissance art with a focus on how art was collected and displayed, especially in domestic settings. This is the emphasis of my recent book "The Art Collector in Italy Modern Italy: Andrea Odoni and his Venetian Palace" (Cambridge University Press, 2021).



Monique McClain

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
Dr. McClain's research interests include dissimilar material 3D printing, additive manufacturing of energetic materials, additive manufacturing of materials for high temperature applications and quality control in additive manufacturing.



Monique Rooney

Senior lecturer in literature, film and new media, Australian National University
I research and teach US literature, film, television and new media in the English Program, Australian National University. Living Screens: Melodrama and Plasticity in Contemporary Film and Television (2015) is my book about contemporary melodrama. I am currently completing a book on contemporary “brow” aesthetics while researching the papers of Ruth Park in preparation for writing a literary biography.



Monique Sedgwick

Associate Professor of Nursing, University of Lethbridge
BSc, MN, PhD

Preceptorship, health practices in the rural setting, nursing education

Research Areas
Clinical judgment in practice settings, ethics in education, nursing practice in rural hospital settings.

Previous Research Areas
Becoming a parent after infertility



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