

John MacArthur

Sustainable Transportation Program Manager, Transportation Research and Education Center, Portland State University
John MacArthur is the Sustainable Transportation Program Manager at TREC at Portland State University and an instructor in civil and environmental engineering, teaching on new & emerging technologies in transportation. He is active in research related to sustainable and equitable transportation, particularly in the areas of emerging tech such as e-bikes, bike share, transit, and the relationship between transportation and public health. Mr. MacArthur is the Section Chair for Transportation Research Board’s AME00 Transportation and Society and a member of Innovative Public Transportation Services and Technologies (AP020). He received his BS in Civil Engineering from Lehigh University and a MS in Environmental Health Sciences from the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan.



John Madden

Emeritus Professor, Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University
John is an Emeritus Professor at Victoria University’s Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS). From 2014 to 2020 he was a Professor at VU. Prior to that, John was a Professor at Monash University, where he was CoPS’ Deputy Director from 2004 to 2012. Before joining Monash, John was Director of the Centre for Regional Economic Analysis at the University of Tasmania.

John’s primary research activity is in the area of computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelling. He is the author of FEDERAL, one of the world’s first large-scale multiregional CGE models. Current research projects includes CGE modelling of sub-national taxes, regional effects of higher education, and linked disease-economic modelling. Notable past economic studies include: National Competition Policy, Safety Net Review, Goods and Services Tax, Very Fast Train, Sydney Olympics and the FIFA World Cup. For six months in 1992-93, John was a Scientific Fellow at Erasmus University Rotterdam modelling an eco-tax, and in 2001-02 he was a member of a Stanford University study team on fiscal federalism.

John is a former President of the Pacific Regional Science Association and a former Councillor-at-Large of the Regional Science Association International. He is a past regional editor (Asia-Pacific) of Regional Science Policy and Practice (2012-16) and a current member of the Advisory Board of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science.



John McAloon

Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of Health, University of Technology Sydney
In the last decade, I have worked in various settings including the public service, private practice, university education and clinical supervision. I have qualifications in Film and Television, Education and Clinical Psychology and my PhD research looked at the development of substance use and mental health in young people.

My work with child and adolescent clients has seen me utilise behaviourally based parenting interventions, evaluate Out of Home Care residential services and develop and supervise clinical teams working in these areas. I have worked in a range of specialist clinics Queensland and NSW in child behaviour, child and adolescent anxiety, and adolescent secure care.

My recent work has seen me develop and deliver prevention and early intervention services for children, young people and their families/carers; develop, deliver and evaluate services for Indigenous Australians, within rural and remote contexts and for adolescents in Out of Home Care; produce a range of service documents including clinical guidelines and service specifications; evaluate Out of Home Care services; respond in clinical terms to complexity and comorbidity in mental health and to the role parents and carers play in the development of social, emotional and behavioural problems.

I am an endorsed as a Clinical Psychologist and as a supervisor with the Psychology Board of Australia and my supervision of others has been undertaken within the professional settings I have worked in and in an external capacity. I have supervised clinical master’s students, clinical doctorate students and clinical graduates.



John McCormick

Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Western University
Our laboratory has a primary focus on bacterial exotoxins produced by the bacterial pathogens Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. One major focus is on the bacterial superantigens which function by directly activating T cells of the adaptive immune system, and we are interested in understanding how the toxins contribute to both colonization and disease. In addition, we are interested in mechanistic studies of toxic shock syndrome, and in particular the regulatory cues that control expression of the superantigen toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1). Lastly, we are engineering superantigens for use as targeted anti-cancer immunotherapeutics.



John McDonough

John E. McDonough, DrPH, MPA is Professor of Public Health Practice in the Department of Health Policy & Management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Director of the HSPH Center for Executive and Continuing Professional Education.

In 2010, he was the Joan H. Tisch Distinguished Fellow in Public Health at Hunter College in New York City. Between 2008 and 2010, he served as a Senior Advisor on National Health Reform to the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions where he worked on the development and passage of the Affordable Care Act.

Between 2003 and 2008, he served as Executive Director of Health Care for All, Massachusetts’ leading consumer health advocacy organization, where he played a key role in passage and implementation of the 2006 Massachusetts health reform law. Between 1998 and 2003, he was an Associate Professor at the Heller School at Brandeis University and a Senior Associate at the Schneider Institute for Health Policy. From 1985 to 1997, he served as a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives where he co-chaired the Joint Committee on Health Care.

His articles have appeared in Health Affairs, the New England Journal of Medicine and other journals. He has written three books, Inside National Health Reform, published in September 2011 by the University of California Press and the Milbank Fund, Experiencing Politics: A Legislator’s Stories of Government and Health Care by the University of California Press and the Milbank Fund in 2000, and Interests, Ideas, and Deregulation: The Fate of Hospital Rate Setting by the University of Michigan Press in 1998.

He received a doctorate in public health in 1996 from the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan and a master’s in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard in 1990.

He writes about national health care policy on his blog, Health Stew (



John Moremon

Senior Lecturer in Defence Studies, Massey University
I teach defence studies and war and society in the Centre for Defence and Security Studies, Massey University, New Zealand. My research interests traverse historical and contemporary military operations and air power, and the connectedness between armed forces and society.

My education includes a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History from the University of New England, Australia, a PhD in History from the University of New South Wales, and both a Postgraduate Diploma in Museum Studies and a Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching and Learning from Massey University.



John Morrissey1

Professor of Geography, University of Galway
John Morrissey is Professor of Geography and Associate Director of the Moore Institute for Humanities at the University of Galway. He has published widely in the areas of geopolitics, security and international development. His books include: Haven: The Mediterranean Crisis and Human Security (Edward Elgar 2020); The Long War: CENTCOM, Grand Strategy, and Global Security (University of Georgia Press 2017); Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis (Royal Irish Academy 2014; Co-edited); and Negotiating Colonialism (Royal Geographical Society 2003). He was a Government of Ireland Fellow at the Center for Place, Culture and Politics at CUNY Graduate Center in New York, and is a former Quatercentenary Fellow at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. He has held additional research fellowships at Virginia Tech, the University of Oxford, and Australian National University. His current research is concerned with critically theorising human security in the wake of COVID-19 and wider global human-environmental crises. In 2021, he was appointed International Consultant on Human Security in the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations. For over 10 years, he has been Programme Director of University of Galway’s award-winning MA in Environment, Society and Development, which addresses key challenges of international relations, global governance and sustainable development, and involves students working on the ground with the United Nations Development Programme in Bosnia. Professor Morrissey has won the President's Award for Teaching Excellence at the University of Galway on two occasions, and is a past recipient of the NAIRTL Irish National Academy Award for Research and Teaching Excellence.



John Nevile

John Nevile was Professor of Economics at UNSW 1965-1992, and is now Emeritus Professor and Visiting Professor. He was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in 1972 and was President of the Economics Society of Australia from 1980 to 1984. John has been a member of government advisory bodies and has also been a consultant for major Australian Government enquiries and for the IMF.

In recent years his research interests have been in the fields of macroeconomic policy, unemployment and history of economic thought, with also an interest in economics and ethics. In 2000 he received the Distinguished Fellow Medal of the Economic Society of Australia.



John Pendlebury

Professor of Urban Conservation, Newcastle University
I am a town planner and urban conservationist with ten years practice experience in local government, central government and consultancy before re-entering academia in 1996. I have had many departmental and university roles, including serving as Head of School between 2008 and 2016.

I teach and undertake research on heritage, conservation and planning with a focus upon, first, how historic cities have been planned in the past, considering how the historic qualities of cities were conceived and balanced with modernising forces. Second, I undertake empirical and conceptual work on the interface between contemporary cultural heritage policy and other policy processes. Principal publications include Conservation in the Age of Consensus (2009) as well as the edited collections Valuing Historic Environments (2009 with Lisanne Gibson) and Alternative Visions of Post-War Reconstruction: Creating the Modern Townscape (2015 with Erdem Erten and Peter Larkham).

In 2021 I have a new book out, Conserving the Historic Environment, with Jules Brown:

I have around 40 peer-review journal papers and book chapters. Versions of many of these can be accessed through or my profile on . I have received research funding from AHRC, ESRC, EPSRC, British Academy and the EU. My principal current focus is upon collaborative European projects looking at the impact of governance reform on heritage planning and new, inclusive governance models. I have also been developing a project on Heritage and Brexit (with Loes Veldpaus)

My research mostly focuses on conservation values and social purpose and the way this translates into strategies of management. It is drawn together in my book Conservation in the Age of Consensus Broadly the work divides into two themes:

1. Empirical and conceptual work on the interface between cultural heritage policy and other policy processes e.g. social inclusion & regeneration. This interface poses challenges for considering which values are dominant in motivations for heritage protection (e.g. art historical values vs. ‘public values’). Projects include:

Sustainable Adaption – Resilience in Urban Regeneration (ADAPT), Expert Panel Norwegian Research Council funded project (2019-2021)

Heriland, Newcastle Co-I (Newcastle lead, Sam Turner) EU Intensive Training Network (2019-2022)

Visiting Researcher Grant for 3 month visiting fellowship at Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU), Norwegian Research Council (2018-2020)

Organizing, Promoting and Enabling Heritage Re-use through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment (OpenHeritage), Newcastle PI (overall lead MRI, Budapest) EU Horizon 2020 (2018-2022)

ESRC impact acceleration account (IAA) – Brexit fund, PI WP2 Heritage & Brexit (2017)

Sustainable Green Markets, regenerating the urban core to sustain socio-cultural heritage and economic activities, co-I (PI Neveen Hamza, Newcastle University AHRC (2016)

UK PI (overall lead Delft) for Joint Programming Initiative (Norwegian Research Council funded) The impact of urban planning and governance reform on the historic built environment and intangible cultural heritage (PICH) (2015-2018). See

Co-ordinator for EU - FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES funded project Planning, Urban Management and Heritage (PUMAH)(2012-2016), linking Europe and and Chinese HEIs. See

UK PI (overall lead Delft) for Joint Programming Initiative (AHRC funded) A Sustainable Future for the Historic Urban Core (SHUC) (2013-15). See

Co-I for EPSRC funded project GLOBAL Sustainable Energy through China-UK Research Engagement (SECURE)(2012-2013), examining issues of retrofitting in co-operation with Chinese partners. See

ESRC DTC CASE Studentship (Hannah Garrow) with Architecture Design Scotland (2013-2019) on The Role of Community in Shaping place Identity

Co-I for AHRC funded project (2012) Research for Community Heritage: North East England

Co-Investigator for EPSRC/ ESRC/ AHRC/ English Heritage funded research network (2006-2007) Valuing the Historic Environment: Concepts, Instrumentalisations and Effects. See web-link above. This project led to the book Valuing Historic Environments

ESRC CASE studentship (Dave Webb) with English Heritage (2006-2009) on heritage and areas of low housing demand

AHRC Collaborative studentship (Elli Winterburn) with Newcastle City Council (2006-2009) on characterising housing areas

ESRC CASE studentship (Nick Shore) with English Heritage (2002-2005) on impact of pluralistic approaches to heritage

Participation in ESRC-funded project on Urban Governance using Grainger Town, Newcastle as a case study (1998-1999)

2. Conceptual work based primarily on city case studies of how historic cities have been planned in the past, particularly in the mid-C20, focusing in particular on how the historic qualities of such cities were conceived and balanced with modernising forces. Projects include:

Devastation, dislocation and (re-)settlement: breaking/replacing the peopl-place connection in landscape, Newcastle team member AHRC-DFG award (2022-25)

ESRC DTC CASE Studentship (Sally Watson) with RIBA (2018-2022) Playing out: A study into children’s use of public space in 1970s housing estates

Co-I for AHRC Connected Communities project (2012) Civic Associations and Urban Communities: Local History, Place-Making and Activism in Twentieth Century Britain. See

Principal Investigator for AHRC-funded project on Thomas Sharp (‘Town and Townscape: The Work and Life of Thomas Sharp’ Resource Enhancement Grant, 2006-2007). See



John Podmore

Professor of Sociology, Durham University
John Podmore is an author, freelance criminal justice consultant and journalist. He worked in the Prison Service for 25 years and governed three prisons - Belmarsh, Swaleside and Brixton. He spent three years as an inspector of prisons and carried out a number roles in prison service headquarters as a consultant in offender health and as Head of the Anti-corruption Unit. John left the prison service in March 2011 receiving an award from the High Sheriff of Greater London for outstanding work in criminal justice in London.

John is Honorary Professor in the School of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Durham and an external lecturer at Kings and Birmingham Universities. He is a trustee of the Pilgrim and Longford Trust, a Board member of the drug charity, Addaction and a member of the Homicide Review Advisory Group. He writes for a range of publications including the Guardian and speaks widely in the media and at conferences in the UK and abroad. His first book: Out of Sight Out of Mind, Why Britain’s Prisons are failing was published in January 2012 by Biteback and was been nominated for the 2013 Orwell Prize. He currently Chairs a Commission examining the resettlement of prisoners with alcohol problems and has acted as a script consultant to the BBC drama, Casualty. He has extensive international experience in Europe, USA, Australia and Mauritius. Most recently his work has been with Penal Reform International involving the evaluation of prison projects in Kazakhstan and a training of trainers programme for the prison service in India and for Commonwealth countries across Africa.



John Quiggin

John Quiggin is an Australian economist, a Professor and an Australian Research Council Federation Fellow and a Laureate Fellow at the University of Queensland, and a member of the Board of the Climate Change Authority of the Australian Government.

He was awarded the Australian Social Science Academy Medal in 1993 and a Fellowship in 1996, received the 1997 and 2000 Sam Richardson of the Institute of Public Administration, Australia, received the 2001 Editors Prize of the Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, a Fellowship of the Australian Institute of Company Directors in 2002, and a Distinguished Fellowship of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society in 2004. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and in 2011 received the Distinguished Fellow Award of the Economic Society of Australia.

A prolific author and blogger, Professor Quiggin's most recent book, Zombie Economics: How Dead Ideas Still Walk among Us, was published in October 2010 from Princeton University Press.



John Reeks

Senior Lecturer in Early Modern History, University of Bristol
Specialises in early modern political and religious history, particularly in relation to the history of the English parish church. His current research interests lie in three main areas:

The English Civil War, with a particular focus on the role played by Bristol and its governors.
The seventeenth-century Church of England, with a particular focus on parish and administrative histories.
The history of the University of Bristol and, in particular, historians working at the university in the period from the foundation of the College (1876) to the retirement of Professor Charles M. MacInnes (1957).



John Reid

Senior Research Fellow, University of Canterbury
My research explores how primary industries can transition to sustainability. I work particularly closely with Māori corporations and land trusts that are leading Aotearoa's transition.



John Rennie Short

John Rennie Short is an expert on urban issues, environmental concerns, globalization, political geography and the history of cartography. He has studied cities around the world, and lectured to a variety of audiences. Recent books include Urban Theory (2015, 2nd ed.), Human Geography: A Short Introduction (2014), Stress Testing The USA (2013), Cities and Nature (2013, 2nd ed.) and Globalization, Modernity and The City (2012).

Before coming to UMBC in 2002, he was a Professor in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. From 1978 to 1990 he taught at the University of Reading UK. He has held visiting appointments as Senior Research Fellow at the Australian National University, as the Erasmus Professor at Groningen University and as the Leverhulme Professor at Loughborough University. Among his research fellowships are the Vietor Fellowship to the Beinecke Library at Yale University, the Dibner Fellowship at the Smithsonian, the Kono Fellowship at the Huntington Library and the Andrew Mellon Fellowship at the American Philosophical Society.



John Rice

Professor of Management, University of New England

John Rice is a Professor of Management at the University of New England Business School. His PhD looked at strategic alliances in mobile telecommunications, and he has other postgraduate degrees in economics, business administration, finance and education.

Prior to joining UNE, he was Associate Professor at the Griffith Business School's Gold Coast campus. Previously his role was as Chief Researcher at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research, based in Adelaide. He has a particular interest in the intersection of worker skills, organisational productivity and social development.



John Rose

Professor of Sustainable Future Transport, University of Sydney
John Rose is the Neil Smith Chair in Sustainable Transport Futures, and is located within the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at the University of Sydney. John has nearly 20 years experience working in the transportation sector as a Transport Economist. His most recent area of research interest is in how to promote electric vehicle uptake in Australia, and break down barriers to their adoption.



John Sands

School of Business, University of Southern Queensland
Qualifications DipGenIns AII , DipMktRsch MRSA , BHotelMgt Griffith , BBus USQ , MPhil Griffith , PhD Griffith

Professional membership FCPA

Research impact (Source Google Scholar) 1,877 citations, H-index 21, i10-index 30, 75 publications

Academic and Leadership Positions Held at University of Southern Queensland, Griffith University, or University Sunshine Coast
Professor (Accounting) 2014-,
Head of Discipline – Accounting (USQ) 2014 - 2016,
Associate Professor and Acting Head of Discipline (2011 – 2014),
Associate Professor Accounting and Assistant Dean Learning and Teaching (USC) 2008 - 2011,
Chair of Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee (USC) 2008 - 2010
Head of Discipline – Accounting (Griffith) 2012,
Registered Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Experts 2008 - ,
External peer review of accounting learning standards for University of Southern Queensland (Achievement Matters with Professor Phil Hancock and Associate Professor Mark Freeman) 2011-,
National Chair of AFAANZ Management Accounting Special Interest Group (SIG8), 2014 - 2016
Member of the Asia-pacific Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network (EMAN) steering committee, 2011-
Editorial Board of Journal of Accounting and Organisational Change and Australian Research Journal. 2014-
Editorial Board of Accounting Research Journal 2015-
Reviewer panel for several Australian and International Journals 1999 -

Selection of Referred Academic Articles
Arain and Sands 2024, The Intricate Interplay Between Carbon Emissions, Financial Risk, and Valuation, International Review of Economics and Finance Volume 93, Part A, June 2024, Pages 1363-1377
Daff, Sands, and Tame, 2024, Developing reflective practice as a habit for career success, The International Journal of Management Education, In-press
Khalid, Jones, Beattie, & Sands, Distinguishing complexity of environmental factors within a sustainability balanced scorecard (SBCS): A public healthcare performance management study, Accepted for publication by AABFJ in Vol 18 Issue 2, May/June 2025,
Al-Shurafat, Beattie, Jones, and Sands, Obstacles Facing the Development of Forensic Accounting Curricula within the Australian Universities: Exploring Perspectives of Practitioners and Educators, Accepted for publication by AABFJ in Vol 18 Issue 2, May/June 2024,
Hall, Jones, Beattie, and Sands, COVID-19 effect on financial institutions’ board decision-making process, Accepted for publication by Journal of Risk and Financial Management Manuscript 2024, 17, 106 ., Q2/B
Arian, Sands & Tooley, Industry and Stakeholder Impacts on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Financial Performance: Consumer vs. Industrial Sectors, Sustainability, 2023, Vol 15., Issue 16, pages 12254
Gholami, Sands and Shams, Corporates' sustainability disclosures impact on cost of capital and idiosyncratic risk, Meditari Accountancy Research, (2023). Vol. 31 No. 4, 861-886 DOI
Asif Ali, Habib Ur Rahman, Gholami, & Sands, Flight-to-Liquidity and Excess Stock Return: Empirical Evidence From Dynamic Panel Model, Journal of Risk and Financial Management 16 (12), 515,
Arian and Sands, Corporate climate risk disclosure: assessing materiality and stakeholder expectations for sustainable value creation, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal,
Rahman, Arian and Sands (2023) Does Fiscal Consolidation Affect Non-Performing Loans? Global Evidence from Heavily Indebted Countries (HICS), Journal of Risk and Financial Management,
Chong, Mia, Sands, and Wang (2023) The Effects of Performance Measurement System on Innovation Performance: The Roles of Absorptive Capacity and Organizational Learning, Journal of Management Control,
Gholami Sands and Shams, 2023, Corporates' sustainability disclosures impact on cost of capital and idiosyncratic risk, Meditari Accountancy Research,
A Gholami, PA Murray, J Sands 2022. Environmental, Social, Governance & Financial Performance Disclosure for Large Firms: Is This Different for SME Firms? Sustainability 14 (10), 6019
Al Fadli, Beattie, Jones, and Sands, 2022, Ownership Structure and CSR Reporting: A Jordanian Study, Business and Society Review, 1-30,
Gholami, Sands and Shams, 2022, The impact of corporate ESG performance disclosure across Australian industries, Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal- AABFJ, publication in press
Gholami, Sands and Rahman, 2022, Environmental, social and governance disclosure and value generation: Is the financial industry different?, Sustainability
Khalid, Beattie, and Sands, 2022. Barriers and Motivations to Integrating Environmental Performance in the BSC: A case study in healthcare, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 297-319
Al Fadli, A., Sands, J., Jones, G., Beattie, C. and Pensiero, D. 2020, "Board independence and CSR reporting: pre and post analysis of JCGC 2009", International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 62 No. 2, pp. 117-138
Al Fadli, Sands, Jones, Beattie, and Pensiero, 2020. Board Gender Diversity and CSR Reporting: Evidence from Jordan, Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, Volume 13 Issue 2, pp. 29-52.
Jayasundara, Jones, and Sands, (2020) Financial and Social Well-being Performance of the Port-of-Brisbane after Privatisation: A Case Study, Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, Volume 14 Issue 2, pp 71-93.
Alshurafat, H., Beattie, C., Jones, G. & Sands, J. 2020. Perceptions of the Usefulness of Various Teaching Methods in Forensic Accounting Education. Accounting Education, 29:2, 177-204
Khalid, Beattie, Sands, and Hampson, 2019. Incorporating the environmental dimension into the Balanced Scorecard: A case study in health care, Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. 27(4), pp. 652-674,
Alshurafat, Beattie, Jones, and Sands. 2019. Forensic Accounting Core and Interdisciplinary Curricula Components in Australian Universities: Analysis of Websites. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, Volume 11: Issue 2, Special Edition. pp. 353-365.
Rae, K., Sands, J. and Subramaniam, N. 2017. Associations among the Five Components within COSO Internal Control-Integrated Framework as the Underpinning of Quality Corporate Governance, Australasian Accounting Business & Finance Journal, Vol 11, Issue 1, pp
John Sands Ki-Hoon Lee K.B.M. Fonseka , 2016, Advancing sustainability management accounting in the Asia Pacific region, Accounting Research Journal, Vol. 29 Iss 2 pp. 134 – 136
Sands, Rae and Gadenne, 2016, An Empirical Investigation on the links within a sustainability balanced scorecard (SBSC) framework and their Impact on Financial Performance, Accounting Research Journal, Volume 29 Issue 2, pp 154-178,
Cameron, Clark, De Zwaan, English, Lamminmaki, O’Leary, Rae and Sands, 2015, The Importance of Understanding Student Learning Styles in Accounting Degree Programs, in Australian Accounting Review, vol. 25 no. 3, pp. 218-231,
Sands and Lee, Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting (EMA) for The Development of Sustainability Management and Accountability, 2015, Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting,2015, vol. 9 no. 1 pp. 1-4 .
Rae, Sands and Gadenne, 2015, Associations between organisations’ motivated workforce and environmental performance, Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, Issue 3, Volume 11, pp. 384 – 405,
Sands and Lee, 2015, Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting, Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, vol. 11 no. 3 pp. 1-2.
Rae, Sands and Gadenne, 2015 The association between organisational commitment and corporate social responsibility-environmental performance within an integrated sustainability balanced scorecard framework, in Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting, vol. 9 no. 1 pp. 32-50,
Rae and Sands. 2013. Using Classroom layout to help reduce students’ apprehension and increase communication, Accounting Education: An International Journal, Volume 5, No. 22, Oct, pp. 489-491 ((ABDC A)
Rae and Sands. 2013. Creating sustainable benefits for stakeholders of organisations using the strategy mapping framework, e-Journal of Social & Behavioural Research in Business, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp: 14- 34.
Gadenne, Sands and Mia 2012, 'The Association between Sustainability Performance Management Goals and Organisational Performance', e-Journal of Social & Behavioural Research in Business, vol.3, no.2, Australian Business & Education Research Association, Australia.
Gadenne , Mia, Sands , Winata and Hooi 2012, 'The influence of sustainability performance management practices on organisational sustainability performance', in Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, vol.8, no.2, Emerald, United Kingdom.
Iselin, Sands, and Mia. 2011. Multi-perspective performance reporting systems, continuous improvement systems and organisational performance, Journal of General Management, Vol. 36 No. 3 Spring, pp. 19-36 (
Iselin, Mia, and Sands. 2010. Multi-perspective performance reporting and organisational performance: The impact of information, data and redundant cue load, International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance, Volume 6, No. 1, pp. 1-27.
Iselin, Mia, and Sands. 2008. Multi-Dimensional Strategic Goal Setting, Performance Reporting and Organisational Performance, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Volume 9, No. 2, pp. 76-96
Iselin, Mia, and Sands. 2008. The effect of the balanced scorecard on performance: The impact of the alignment of the strategic goals and performance reporting, Journal of General Management, Volume 33, No. 4, pp. 71-85
Rae, Subramaniam, and Sands. 2008. Risk Management and Ethical Environment: Effects on Internal Audit and Accounting Control Procedures, Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research , Volume 6, No. 1, pp. 11-30
Auyeung, Dagwell, Ng, and Sands. 2006. Educators' Epistemological Beliefs of Accounting Ethics Education: A Cross-Cultural Study, Accounting Research Journal, Volume 19, No. 2, pp. 122-138,
Auyeung, Dagwell, Ng, and Sands. 2006. Students’ Perceptions of Accounting Ethics Education: Some Cross-Cultural Inputs, Australian Journal of Accounting Education, Volume 2, No. 1, pp. 53-83. Publication Ranking,
Mia, Iselin and Sands, 2005, The performance effect of benchmarking and the balanced scorecard approach in performance reporting: An exploratory study, International Journal of Business Research, Vol. IV, No. 1,
Auyeung and Sands, 2003. The Learning Styles of Accounting Students: An Extended Cross Cultural Study, Journal of Accounting and Finance, Volume 2, No. .2 pp31-45
Sands and McPhail, 2003, Choice Criteria of Listed Australian Public Companies for Selecting an Auditor: An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Business Studies, Volume 11, No. 1,
Sands and Huang, 2002, An Empirical Investigation on Voluntary Auditor Switching: A Two-Stage Decision Process, Accounting Research Journal, Volume 15, No. 2, pp. 167-185,
Sands and Pragasam. 1998. The Usefulness of International Accounting Topics to Organisations Involved in International Business, Accounting Forum, Volume 22, No. 2, pp. 165-185. Publication Ranking,
Auyeung and Sands. 1997. Factors Influencing Accounting Students’ Career Choice: A Cross-Cultural Validation Study, Accounting Education: An International Journal, Volume 6, No. 1, pp 13-23.
Sands and Pragasam. 1997, Perceptions of Academics in the Asian-pacific Region of the Relative Importance of International Accounting Topics, International Journal of Accounting, Volume 32, No. 2, pp. 187-202.
Auyeung and Sands. 1996. A Cross Cultural Study of the Learning Styles of Accounting Students, Accounting and Finance, Volume 36, No. 2, pp 259-273.
Sands and Pragasam, 1996, Audit Opinions and Auditor Switching: Some Recent Australian Evidence, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Volume 3, No. 2,
Sands and McPhail, 1994, An Exploratory Study into the Choice Criteria for Selecting an External Auditor by Australian Listed Companies, Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 1
Auyeung and Sands, 1994, The Predictive Value of First-Year Commerce Degree Performance for Accounting Majors, Accounting Forum, Volume 18, Issue 1, Publication Ranking
Auyeung and Sands. 1993. An Evaluation of Secondary School Studies for Predicting the Performance of Accounting Majors, Australian Educational Researcher, Volume 20, No. 3.
Sands and Pragasam. 1993. Students' Perceptions about the Usefulness of International Accounting Course Contents: An Australian Study, The International Journal of Accounting, Volume 28, No. 4, pp 325-346.
Published Books
Crosling, Murphy, Cotesta, and Sands, 2005. Writing and Presenting for Accounting. LexisNexis: Australia.
Hansen, Mowen, Sands, Su, and Winata, 2015. A Staircase for Management Accounting, 1st Ed. Cengage: Australia
Hansen, Mowen, Sands, Su, and Winata, 2019. A Staircase for Management Accounting, 2nd Ed Cengage: Australia



John Schouten

Canada Research Chair in Social Enterprise



John Shattuck

John Shattuck is a former U.S. secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor. He has had a distinguished career spanning more than three decades in higher education, international diplomacy, foreign policy and human rights.

Before coming to CEU, he was CEO of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, a national public affairs center in Boston, and Senior Fellow at Tufts University, where he taught human rights and international relations. President Shattuck served as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor under President Clinton, playing a major role in the establishment by the United Nations of the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia; assisting an international coalition under UN authority to restore a democratically-elected government to Haiti; and negotiating the Dayton Peace Agreement and other efforts to end the war in Bosnia.

Subsequently he served as US Ambassador to the Czech Republic, working with the Czech government to assist in overhauling the country’s legal system, and with Czech educators to support innovative civic education programs in the country’s schools and universities. In recognition of his human rights leadership, he has received the International Human Rights Award from the United Nations Association of Boston; the Ambassador’s Award from the American Bar Association Central and East European Law Initiative; and the Tufts University Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award.

Prior to his government service, President Shattuck was a Vice-President at Harvard University, taught at the Harvard Law School, and was a Research Associate at the Kennedy School of Government. At Harvard, he was responsible for managing the University’s relations with the federal government, including federal support for research funding and student financial aid. While at Harvard he founded the Cambridge Partnership for Public Education, and worked to expand Harvard’s role in assisting public schools, including the creation of a new program of fellowships for Cambridge and Boston teachers at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He was also active in expanding Harvard’s public service programs involving students and faculty members. He received the Distinguished Service to Public Education Award in 1990 from the Massachusetts Board of Education, and the Yale Law School Public Service Award in 1988.

Shattuck’s career began at the American Civil Liberties Union, where he served as Executive Director of the Washington Office and National Staff Counsel. He helped enact federal legislation to protect individual privacy and to enforce civil rights in the election process. He also handled a number of prominent civil rights and civil liberties court cases, including the representation of persons who had been targets of illegal surveillance during the Nixon administration. In 1984 he received the Roger Baldwin Award for his national contribution to civil liberties.

Shattuck is the author of three books, including Freedom on Fire, a study of the international response to genocide and crimes against humanity in the 1990s, published by Harvard University Press, and Rights of Privacy, a casebook on US constitutional law and the protection of privacy. He has published more than 50 articles on human rights, civil liberties, international relations, public service and higher education. In 2007 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and he has received honorary degrees from the University of Western Bohemia in the Czech Republic, the University of Rhode Island, Kenyon College, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York.



John Sommers-Flanagan

Clinical Psychologist and Professor of Counseling, University of Montana
John Sommers-Flanagan is a professor of counselor education at the University of Montana and author or coauthor of over 60 professional publications, nine books, and numerous video trainings with and Alexander Street Press. Some of his books, co-written with his wife Rita, include Tough Kids, Cool Counseling, (2nd ed., American Counseling Association, 2007), How to Listen so Parents will Talk and Talk so Parents will Listen (John Wiley & Sons, 2011), Clinical Interviewing (6th ed., Wiley, 2017), and Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice (3rd ed., Wiley, 2018). John is a sought out keynote speaker and professional workshop trainer in the areas of (a) counseling youth, (b) working with parents, and (c) suicide assessment. He has published many newspaper columns, Op-Ed pieces, and a recent article in Slate Magazine. His work has been intermittently featured in Counseling Today, the ASCA School Counselor magazines. John’s resource and opinion blog at receives approximately 12,000 hits per month. He is also co-host of the national Practically Perfect Parenting Podcast. In his wild and precious spare time, John loves to run (slowly), dance (poorly), laugh (loudly) and produce home-made family music videos.



John Spencer

Professor in Psychology, University of East Anglia
John P. Spencer is a Professor of Psychology at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK. Prior to arriving in the UK, he was a Professor of Psychology at the University of Iowa and served as the founding Director of the Delta Center (Development and Learning from Theory to Application). He received a Sc.B. with Honors from Brown University in 1991 and a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Indiana University in 1998.

Prof. Spencer is the recipient of the Irving J. Saltzman and the J.R. Kantor Graduate Awards from Indiana University, the 2003 Early Research Contributions Award from the Society for Research in Child Development, and the 2006 Robert L. Fantz Memorial Award from the American Psychological Foundation.

His research examines the development of visuo-spatial cognition, word learning, working memory, attention, and executive function with an emphasis on dynamical systems accounts of cognition and action. He has had continuous funding from the US National Institutes of Health and the US National Science Foundation since 2001 and has been a fellow of the American Psychological Association since 2007. He is currently leading an initiative on infant brain health in India funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as the UEA Longitudinal Brain Study funded by the US National Institutes of Health. For more information, see



John Swierk

Assistant Professor, Chemistry, Binghamton University, State University of New York
The Swierk group is broadly interested in understanding and controlling radical reactions initiated by single electron transfer, most often via photo- or electrochemistry. Use of spectroscopic and electroanalytical methods is central to much of the research in the group.

One major area of emphasis within the group deals with understanding photoredox reactions. This class of reactions is transforming modern synthetic chemistry by substituting hard-to-handle, expensive and toxic reagents (e.g., HSnBu3) with short-lived excited states that can themselves be potent oxidants or reductants. Challenging bond-forming reactions can be accessed with this chemistry and, often, a variety of functional groups can be tolerated. Despite the promise of photoredox methods, a mechanistic understanding is lacking. Using a variety of experimental approaches and kinetic modeling, the Swierk group seeks to completely characterize photoredox catalytic cycles and identify the kinetically limiting steps, with an eye towards informing the design of new reactions.

A second area of emphasis deals with electrosynthetic reactions and seeks to understand the role of electrode materials and double-layer structure on novel, bond-forming reactions initiated electrochemically. Systems of interest range from the desulfurization of fuel oils to small molecules for pharmaceutical applications. Standard electrochemical methods (e.g., CV, LSV, impedance) are partnered with the development of new spectroelectrochemical methods.

There is also an NIH-funded effort in the lab focused on the safety and photochemistry of tattoo inks. Despite the popularity of tattoos and the billions of dollars spent every year on laser tattoo removal, we do not understand how tattoo inks transform under illumination and what risks they may pose to human health. The Swierk group utilizes a transdisciplinary approach that draws from analytical chemistry, materials science and cell biology to address the simple question, "How do tattoos fade?"

In addition to the major project areas described above, there is also work in the group on the synthesis of carborane transition metal complexes for photophysical and catalytic applications, deep eutectic solvents for organic reactions, and photoelectrochemical methods for initiating radical reaction mechanisms.



John Szabo

Fellow, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies & Assistant Lecturer, Eötvös Loránd University
John Szabo is a Fellow at the Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies as well as an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Eötvös Loránd University International Relations and European Studies, Eötvös Loránd University. His research focuses on the energy-society nexus, especially in the context of the energy transition.



John Tasioulas

Professor of Ethics and Legal Philosophy; Director of the Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford
John Tasioulas is Professor of Ethics and Legal Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, and inaugural Director of the Institute for Ethics in AI. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at Balliol College, Oxford. He was born in Australia, his parents having emigrated from Greece in the early 1960s. He received degrees in philosophy and law from the University of Melbourne and studied as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford where he completed a D.Phil. He was previously a Reader in Moral and Legal Philosophy at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford (1998-2010), Quain Professor of Jurisprudence in the Faculty of Laws, University College London (2011-14), and inaugural Yeoh Professor of Politics, Philosophy and Law and Director of the Yeoh Tiong Lay Centre for Politics, Philosophy, and Law at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London (2014-2020). He has held visiting positions at the Australian National University, the University of Chicago, Harvard University, and the University of Melbourne. Among other roles, he has acted as a consultant to the World Bank and is a member of the International Advisory Board, Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA), European Parliament and the the Greek Prime MInister's Advisory Committee on Artificial Intelligence. In collaboration with Professor Hélène Landemore (Yale University) he is currently pursuing a project developing a humanistic ethics of AI funded by Schmidt Futures' AI2050 Program.



John Taylor

Professor C John Taylor is Head of the Australian School of Taxation and Business Law (Atax) in the UNSW Australia, Business School. He received a BA, an LL B and an LL M(Hons) from the University of Sydney and a Grad Cert in Higher Education from UNSW. Professor Taylor’s main areas of research have been: capital gains tax; corporate – shareholder taxation; taxation treaties; and tax simplification. He has been a contributing author to all editions of Understanding Taxation Law (Lexis Nexis, 2002, 2004, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015). The journals he has published in include: Melbourne University Law Review, British Tax Review, Canadian Tax Journal, Bulletin For International Fiscal Documentation, Australian Tax Forum, E-Journal of Tax Research and Australian Tax Review. John was the Inaugural Honorary Research Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia and in that capacity was the principal author of Beyond 4100: A report on measures to combat rising compliance costs through reducing tax law complexity, Taxation Institute of Australia, 2006. From 2006 to 2007 John conducted contract research for the Commonwealth Department of the Treasury on anti avoidance provisions in the income tax. John has been a Visiting Professor/Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, The University of Cambridge, Leiden University, The International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation, The University of British Columbia, The University of Western Ontario and the Plunkett Centre For Co-operative Studies.



John Tobin

Scientist, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
I am an astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia. I study the formation of protostars, proto-planetary disks, and multiple star systems using radio telescopes like the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and the Very Large Array (VLA), and infrared telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope. I also work on improving the procedures and algorithms for automated processing of radio astronomy data to help scientists use radio telescopes more efficiently.



John Tulloch

Lecturer, University of Liverpool
Dr. John Tulloch is a lecturer and European Specialist in Veterinary Public Health, at the University of Liverpool. His body of work focuses on how animals impact human health and society, including veterinary work place injuries, zoonotic infections, and injuries caused by animals (such as dog bites and horse kicks).



John Van Reenen

John Van Reenen is Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics and Director of the Centre of Economic Performance. He is the winner of the 2009 Yrjö Jahnsson Award (European equivalent to the Bates Clark Medal)

He has been a senior policy advisor to 10 Downing Street, the UK Secretary of State for Health and European Commission. He is a Research Fellow at the CEPR and NBER.

He received his BA from the University of Cambridge, his MSc from the London School of Economics and his PhD from University College London. Since 2003 he has been a member of the economics faculty of LSE, where he has taught industrial economics, labour economics and econometrics. He has been a Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, a visiting Professor at the University of California at Berkeley, at Princeton and Denning Visiting Professor of Global Business and Economics at Stanford.



John Vandevert

Ph.D candidate, Uppsala University
* B.A. - Vocal Performance (Westminster Choir College)
* M.A - Musicology (University of Bristol) - "A Contemporary Analysis of “Musical Russianness” as evidenced in Husky’s Album “Hoshkhonog” (2020)"
* Ph.D. - Uppsala University - [Theme: Russian rap during the 1990s and the process of Post-Soviet identity creation]



John Vaz

John Vaz, a senior executive from industry who joined Monash as an Academic in 2008 and is currently the program director for Banking and Finance at Monash. He i teaches Finance into masters programs and Corporate finance in the MBA program. He holds an MBA and a PhD in Finance. John regularly draws on his many years of experience in chief executive and senior management roles from start-ups to large enterprises in the Tech sector across many countries. John has done business and worked in many countries including Australia, SE Asia and the UK. John's research interests follow his PhD in Finance in how the macro-economy impacts financial markets, financial institutions and investor behavior.



John Vella

John Vella is a Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation (CBT) and a member of the Faculty of Law at Oxford.

John studied law at the University of Malta (BA and LLD) and the University of Cambridge (LLM and PhD). Prior to his current post he was Norton Rose Career Development Fellow in Company Law at the Faculty of Law at Oxford. John has given evidence twice before the House of Lords EU Sub-Commmittee A on Financial Transaction Taxes (November 2011 and March 2013) and before the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards on the role of tax in relation to banking standards and culture (January 2013).

He is the convenor of the Tax Section of the UK Society of Legal Scholars. He has been a Program Affiliate Scholar at New York University and has acted as a co-arbitrator in a tax dispute before the ICC International Court of Arbitration.



John Villasenor

Professor of Electrical Engineering, Law, Public Policy, and Management, University of California, Los Angeles
John Villasenor is a professor of electrical engineering, law, public policy, and management at UCLA, and is the faculty co-director of the UCLA Institute for Technology, Law, and Policy. He is also a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Professor Villasenor’s work addresses the intersection of technology, law, and policy, with a focus on topics including digital communications, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and privacy. He has published in many academic journals as well as in the Atlantic, Billboard, the Chronicle of Higher Education, Fast Company, Forbes, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, Scientific American, Slate, the Washington Post.

He has also provided congressional testimony on multiple occasions. Prior to joining the faculty at UCLA, Professor Villasenor was with the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he developed methods of imaging the earth from space. He holds a B.S. degree from the University of Virginia, and an M.S. and Ph.D. from Stanford University.



John Weigand

Professor of Architecture and Interior Design and Interim Dean, College of Creative Arts, Miami University
Educational Credentials
Master of Architecture, University of Illinois
BA of Environmental Design, Miami University

Teaching Experience
32 years at Miami University, including Interior Design Program Director, Chair, Associate Dean, Dean

Professional Experience/Licenses/Registration
Registered Architect in Ohio, Illinois + NCARB
12 years of full-time professional experience in Chicago



John Whitehead

Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Nottingham Trent University
John is a recent transplant to the UK and Nottingham Trent University, having previously lived and studied in Australia and South Africa. His PhD thesis, Restorative Justice in the South Pacific: Responding to Sexual Violence in Fiji, focused on customary justice practices, traditional leaders, and their role in responding to the above crimes. Alongside other publications on Pacific Indigenous justice, John has an interest in cybercrime and the Global South, and the challenges faced by incarcerated LGBTI+ populations.



John Whitton

Professor of Environmental Social Science, University of Central Lancashire
John has a multi-disciplinary background in the Natural and Social Sciences with expertise in developing and applying novel social science research methods across these disciplines, in both academic and practice-based settings.

John is a Director of the UCLan Centre for Sustainable Transitions – a research centre that brings together Engineers, Social Scientists and Psychologists to work on the systemic challenges presented by the social impacts of Climate Change. He works extensively with farmers in the UK and Kenya, to support them in the transition to sustainable practices. He also works with young people in Kenyan agroforestry communities to support them into sustainable forms of employment – away from activities that focus on deforestation.



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