

Jasvir Kaur Nachatar Singh

Senior Lecturer, La Trobe University
Dr Jasvir Kaur Nachatar Singh is a multi award-winning Lecturer at the Department of Management, Sport and Tourism, La Trobe Business School, La Trobe University, Australia. She holds the degrees of Bachelor of Economics (Majoring in Human Resource) from National University of Malaysia, Malaysia Master of Public Policy from Monash University, Australia, and a Ph.D. in Management from La Trobe University, Australia.

Dr Singh has received several institutional and international awards in research and teaching. She received two La Trobe University Teaching Awards (2018) and a Best Presenter Award at the Global Higher Education Forum, Malaysia (2018). She was also presented an Editor's Choice Award by the Journal of International Students for her service in providing timely and high-quality reviews (2019). In 2020, she has received La Trobe Business School recognition under the Innovation cultural quality for the participation as an academic discussant in the Leading Self Module under the Leaders in Lock-down program. She has also received an international recognition for her teaching as a Fellow (FHEA) from Advance HE, UK in 2020.

Dr Singh has developed, co-ordinated and taught several subjects at La Trobe, Monash and Melbourne University. Her teaching interest covers a range of Management subjects (including Working With Others, Human Resource Management, International Human Resource Management, Leadership, International Management, Negotiation, Personal and Professional Development - Communication and Critical Thinking) at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Dr Singh is a passionate researcher in the fields of Higher Education specifically researching on issues related to international students and Management relating to international academics experiences. She has established global research partnerships with colleagues in six countries (i.e., Australia, China, Malaysia, Scotland, the United Kingdom and the United States) across four continents. Her research has received internal and external grants of more than AUD 75,000.

Dr. Singh's research profile is interdisciplinary. Her work appears in high impact journals such as Higher Education, International Journal of Educational Development, Journal of Studies in International Education, Higher Education and Research Development, Australian Journal of Career Development, Asia Pacific Education Review and International Journal of Educational Management. She has presented at numerous national and international higher education conferences in Malaysia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Thailand, Hawaii, Japan and Australia. She is also a regular invited speaker/panelist at international and local academic institutions.

Dr Singh has an outstanding record for academic leadership. She is currently serving as the Associate Editor for Higher Education and Research Development Journal. She is also a Research Fellow at the Malaysian National Higher Education Research Institute. She was an Editor of Bulletin of Higher Education Research, National Higher Education Research Institute, Malaysia.



Jaume Claret

Historiador. Profesor agregado en los Estudios de Artes y Humanidades y director del Máster Universitario de Historia del Mundo Contemporáneo, UOC - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Jaume Claret Miranda es profesor agregado en los Estudios de Artes y Humanidades de la UOC, y director de su Máster Universitario de Historia del Mundo Contemporáneo. Se licenció en Ciencias de la Comunicación (UAB, 1996) y en Humanidades (UPF, 1998), y es doctor en Historia (UPF, 2004). Su tesis doctoral se centró en la historia de las universidades y en las políticas universitarias españolas durante la Segunda República y el primer franquismo. Posteriormente, se publicó como "El atroz desmoche" (Crítica, 2006), y desde entonces se ha convertido en una obra de referencia.
Sus campos de investigación son la historia política, cultural e intelectual española y catalana (épocas moderna y contemporánea) y actualmente es investigador principal del proyecto "Regiocat. El regionalismo en Cataluña durante el régimen franquista: discursos y prácticas" (dentro del grupo de investigación Identicat). Es autor de diversos artículos, capítulos y libros sobre historia contemporánea. Entre estos últimos, los más recientes son "Pasqual Maragall: pensamiento y acción" (RBA, 2018), "Ganar la guerra, perder la paz" (Crítica, 2019) y "Breve historia de las brigadas internacionales" (La Catarata, 2022). Es miembro del consejo editorial de revistas académicas ("Rubrica Contemporanea" y "Recerques"), asesor de las editoriales Eumo y Crítica, y ejerce como crítico de ensayo para el suplemento literario del diario "Ara" y de la edición catalana de "El País" y para la revista "Política & Prosa".



Javad Pool

Research associate, The University of Queensland



Javed Ali

Associate professor of practice in counterterrorism, domestic terrorrism, cybersecurity and national security law and policy, University of Michigan
Javed Ali is an associate professor of practice at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy where he delivers courses on counterterrorism and domestic terrorism, cybersecurity, and national security law and policy. Ali brings more than 20 years of professional experience in national security and intelligence issues in Washington, DC. He held positions in the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Department of Homeland Security before joining the Federal Bureau of Investigation. While at the FBI, he also held senior roles on joint duty assignments at the National Intelligence Council and the National Counterterrorism Center, and the National Security Council under the Trump Administration. Ali holds a BA in political science from the University of Michigan, a JD from the University of Detroit School of Law, and an MA in international relations from American University. He provides TV and radio interviews on a range of national security issues to US and international networks and similar print commentary in such publications as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Hill, and Newsweek.



Javier E. Sanchez-Galan

Associate research scientist, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

Since August 2013, I am a research scientist at Universidad Tecnológica de Panama affiliated with the Grupo de Investigación en Biotecnología, Bioinformática y Biología de Sistemas (GIBBS) at the Centro de Producción e Investigaciones Agroindustriales - (CEPIA). Since February 2015, I am a also an adjunct researcher at Institute of Scientific Research and High Technology Services (INDICASAT-AIP).

My main research objective is to promote and expand the use of computer tools coupled with statistical analysis, machine learning and data mining techniques to derive biological insight from high-throughput biomedical data. I am also interest in diverse areas of computation, such as: high performance scientific computing and systems biology.

I completed my Ph.D. in Experimental Medicine and my MSc. in Computer Science (Bioinformatics) at McGill University, in Montreal, Canada. Previously I obtained a BSc. in Computer Systems Engineering at UniversIdad Tecnológica de Panamá.



Javier Arranz Herrero

PhD Student en la Universidad CEU San Pablo. PFIS en el Instituto de Salud Carlos III y Visitor Researcher en Mount Sinai, NY, Universidad CEU San Pablo



Javier Bouzas Arufe

Profesor, Emprendedor e Investigador en economía y empresa, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Licenciado en ADE (2007) con Matrícula de Honor. Máster en Marketing por la University College Dublin (2008) y Máster en Dirección Internacional por la University College Dublin y The Univeristy of Sydney (2014). Actualmente realizando el doctorado en la USC con la investigación de la internacionalización del emprendimiento gallego.

Con experiencia profesional en 4 continentes, entre mis logros destaco liderar la apertura de la primera oficina en Latinoamérica de una de las empresas de e-learning más importantes de Europa, ayudar a la internacionalización de una pequeña empresa familiar, firmar un contrato de distribución con el mayor distribuidor mundial de materiales de construcción en menos de un año de vida de la primera empresa que puse en marcha y haber formado a más de 1.500 alumnos en los campos de tecnologías de la información, economía, negocios internacionales y dirección de operaciones.



Javier Erro Garcés

Investigador y profesor colaborador. Biología y Química Agrícola, Universidad de Navarra



Javier Gil Guerrero

Investigador del Instituto Cultura y Sociedad, Universidad de Navarra, Universidad de Navarra
Javier Gil Guerrero es investigador del Instituto Cultura y Sociedad y profesor de relaciones internacionales en la Universidad de Navarra. Su especialidad es la política exterior norteamericana en Oriente Medio y la historia contemporánea de Irán. En los últimos diez años ha impartido clases en la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, UNIR y la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. A lo largo de su carrera también ha sido investigador y profesor visitante de universidades como Columbia University, American University of Beirut, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars y University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA). Es autor del libro The Carter Administration and the Fall of Iran’s Pahlavi Dynasty (Macmillan, 2016). Sus artículos académicos han aparecido en revistas como British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Middle East Critique, Politics, Religion & Ideology, Journal of Cold War Studies, Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies o Historia del Presente. Sus publicaciones también han aparecido en medios como El País, El Mundo, ABC, El Confidencial, The Objective, El Español, Expansión o La Razón. Actualmente es el Investigador Principal 2 del proyecto del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades 2024-2028 “Miradas cruzadas entre los mundos iranio e hispánico. Relatos y representaciones en la contemporaneidad” y coordinador del Reto ICS 2024-2025 “Orientalismo y occidentalismo: Miradas cruzadas.”



Javier J. Amores

Personal Docente e Investigador, Universidad de Salamanca
Javier J. Amores es Investigador Postdoctoral adscrito al Departamento de Sociología y Comunicación de la Universidad de Salamanca. Es miembro del Observatorio de Contenidos Audiovisuales (OCA), Unidad de Investigación Consolidada de la Universidad de Salamanca. Doctor (cum laude) en Sociología de la Comunicación con Premio Extraordinario por la Universidad de Salamanca. También es Graduado en Comunicación Audiovisual y Máster en Investigación en Comunicación Audiovisual con Premio Extraordinario por la misma universidad.
Sus líneas de investigación se centran en el estudio de medios de comunicación y redes sociales, opinión pública, procesos y efectos mediáticos, métodos computacionales aplicados a las ciencias sociales, y problemáticas asociadas a las redes sociales como la desinformación y los discursos de odio.



Javier Marín Serrano

Profesor Titular de Universidad. Psicología del Lenguaje. Psicología del Pensamiento, Universidad de Murcia
Soy profesor de asignaturas relacionadas con la ciencia cogntiva en general y con la psicolingüística y la psicología del pensamiento en particular.
Mi investigación se centra en reconocimiento visual de palabras, escritura en adquisición de segundas lenguas y en estudios estadísticos sobre el léxico (corpus)



Javiera Olivares-Rojas

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Monash University
I'm a conservation ecologist interested in threatened biodiversity management, species and ecosystem recovery planning, ecological restoration and marine conservation.



Jawad Harb

PhD Candidate, RMIT University
Jawad is currently a 2nd year HDR candidate in the field of Accountancy and Taxation at RMIT University. He is currently an RMIT’s Academic Board - Research Committee member representing HDR students at the College of Business and Law. Previous to academia, Jawad worked as an accountant in a small business. His professional experience includes various roles such as keeping and interpreting financial records and taking responsibility for a range of financial-related tasks.

Jawad’s PhD thesis involved an analysis of the effect of technological advancements on taxpayers’ compliance behaviour. His latest research was published in the Australian Tax Forum. He is also a contributor to the Australian Tax Policy Blog



Jay Kayser

PhD Student in Social Work and Developmental Psychology, University of Michigan
I am in a joint PhD program in social work and psychology at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. I graduated with my MSW from Washington University in St. Louis in 2015 and am a clinically licensed social worker.



Jay L. Zagorsky

Since 1995 I have held the position of Research Scientist at The Ohio State University, where I collect data as part of the National Longitudinal Surveys on income, wealth, and life experiences of thousands of Americans. My personal finance research has been widely quoted in the media and has been highlighted in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Fox News, Good Morning America, Scientific American and numerous other news outlets.

Besides publishing numerous scholarly articles I wrote the book "Business Information: Finding and Using Data in the Digital Age" for McGraw-Hill/Irwin and "Business Macroeconomics: A Guide for Managers, Traders and Practical People." More information on the macroeconomics book can be found at

I also teach at Boston University's School of Management. From 1988 to the present my teaching has spanned a wide range of levels from senior executives taking intensive classes to high school students encountering economic theories for the first time. I have taught giant lectures of over 450 students, classes of fifty, and small seminars with fewer than ten people.

My personal blog is found here



Jay Rubenstein

Professor of History and Religion, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Professor Rubenstein studies the cultural and intellectual history of the High Middle Ages, with emphases on the Crusades, monasticism, biblical exegesis and prophetic thought. In addition to teaching in the history department at USC, he is the director of the Center for the Premodern World.



Jay Sexton

I was born and raised in Salina, Kansas, a town near the geographic center of the contiguous United States. I read History and English at the University of Kansas. I first came to Oxford on an undergraduate study abroad year and was immediately drawn to the tutorial system. I was fortunate to return to Britain as a post-graduate Marshall Scholar at Worcester College, Oxford. After finishing a D.Phil. in modern history, I went to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge on a Junior Research Fellowship, before assuming my present post as University Lecturer in American History and Tutorial Fellow in History at Corpus Christi College.

My principal research focuses on nineteenth century American history. From the perspective of the twenty-first century, the rise of the United States appears natural and inevitable. Yet there was nothing pre-ordained about the consolidation of the American Union, nor the establishment of the American empire. I am interested in why this group of former British colonies bound together and how their fragile union survived fundamental ideological and political disputes, such as those unleashed by the entrenchment of slavery in the Southern states. Most of my research has focused on nineteenth century US foreign relations and Americans' paradoxical relationship with empire. As Americans struggled to free themselves from their colonial past, they constructed their own empire, engaged in their own conquests, and exercised effective control over other peoples. My work connects the United States' foreign relations with its project of nation-building at home.

In addition to the above, I have secondary research interests in the American Civil War, international finance and economics in the nineteenth century, Anglo-American relations, and US cultural expansion.

I supervise post-graduate researchers working on America in the world in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, the American Civil War, and US economic development.



Jay Silverstein

Senior Lecturer in Archaeology , Nottingham Trent University
Jay specializes in the archaeology of warfare and has extensive experience in the study of conflict, imperialism, and the Rise and Fall of complex societies. His Master's Research focused on the Sea Peoples and the collapse of the Bronze Age and his Doctoral research centered on the archaeology of the Aztec-Tarascan Imperial frontier. Jay has 17 years of experience searching for MIAs from past wars including WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Jay developed a nationally recognized Enterprise GIS to track the investigation and recovery of 80,000 missing persons. Jay is a director of the study of the Graeco-Roman city of Thmouis (Tell Timai) in the Nile Delta. The well-preserved city offers an opportunity to analyze the cultural transformations associated with Greek and Roman imperialism and the evolution of religions from the indigenous Egyptian pantheon through Christianity. His theoretical interests focus on the rise and fall of complex societies, imperialism, archaeological manifestations of social power, ancient hydraulic ecological adaptations, warfare, GIS, and urban development. He has led expeditions around the globe studying ancient civilizations and past wars.



Jay L. Zagorsky

Clinical associate professor, Boston University
I teach at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. From 1988 to the present my teaching has spanned a wide range of levels from senior executives taking intensive classes to high school students encountering economic theories for the first time. I have taught giant lectures of over 450 students, classes of fifty, and small seminars with fewer than ten people.

From 1995 to 2018 I held the position of Research Scientist at The Ohio State University, where I collected data as part of the National Longitudinal Surveys on income, wealth, and life experiences of thousands of Americans. My personal finance research has been widely quoted in the media and has been highlighted in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Fox News, Good Morning America, Scientific American and numerous other news outlets.

Besides publishing numerous scholarly articles I wrote the book "Business Information: Finding and Using Data in the Digital Age" for McGraw-Hill/Irwin and "Business Macroeconomics: A Guide for Managers, Traders and Practical People." More information on the macroeconomics book can be found at

My personal blogs are found here and



Jayani Chandrapala

Associate Professor, RMIT University
A food scientist with an h index of 39. Published >140 publications. Hold a PhD in Food Chemistry/Food Science and Technology.



Jayanta Sarkar

Associate professor of economics, Queensland University of Technology
Dr. Jayanta Sarkar is an Associate Professor at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. He completed his Ph.D. degree in Economics from Southern Methodist University (Dallas, Texas) in 2006. He worked as an Assistant Professor at Louisiana Tech University, before moving to Australia in 2010. Dr. Sarkar’s research focuses on human behaviour and decision making, primarily in the areas of health and education. He has frequently published in high-impact peer-reviewed journals such as Health Economics and is also a regular commentator in Australian TV and news media.
Dr. Sarkar has successfully led cross-disciplinary research partnering with stakeholders associated with health programs funded by Queensland Health, as well as Queensland Schools. His research has attracted numerous overseas PhD students conducting research in the area of behaviour and health.

His research interest areas include Economic Development, Behavioral Economics, Health and Human Capital.



Jayasankar Pillai

Research Fellow, Geography and Environmental Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle
At Northumbria University, I work with Prof. Adrian Jenkins on a project where the main objective is to improve the representation of ice-sheet-ocean interactions in the coupled models that are used to project future ice sheet evolution.

During my PhD I studied 1) the coupled dynamics of the Indo-Pacific Ocean using regional ocean modelling; 2) the Indian Ocean deep Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC); and 3) the Atmosphere-Ocean contribution to the equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures (drivers of ENSO events). The study was motivated by the growing influence of the rapidly warming Indian Ocean on the Pacific Ocean and the overwhelming influence of the Pacific Ocean on the global climate.

The project I am currently involved in is known as ‘PROjecTing sEa-level rise: from iCe sheets to local implicaTions (PROTECT)’. The research involves the Investigation of the potential future sea level contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. The main aim of the work is to improve the representation of ice-sheet-ocean interactions in the coupled models that are used to project future ice sheet evolution. This involves development, implementation and evaluation of algorithms that facilitate the passing of key variables between the ocean and ice sheet component models.

My other research interests are the future of Deep Meridional Overturning Circulations (MOCs) and El Niño Southern Oscillations (ENSO) in a warming climate. I am also interested in regional climate impact assessment studies.



Jayashree Kamble

Professor of English, City University of New York
I'm a romance fiction reader and scholar who teaches at LaGuardia Community College in the City University of New York. My most recent monograph is Creating Identity: The Popular Romance Heroine's Journey to Selfhood and Self-Presentation (2023, Indiana University Press). My article on representations of Black and BIPOC academics in romance novels from the 1980s and more recent ones is available at the open-access peer reviewed journal Esferas Literarias via



Jayden Engert

PhD Candidate, James Cook University



Jayden Greenwell-Barnden

Cognitive Psychology Researcher, The University of Western Australia
I have a PhD in psychology from the University of Western Australia, with expertise in cognitive and applied (human factors) psychology. I also hold two undergraduate degrees with honours from the same institution. The first was Bachelor of Arts majoring in law and society, and history. The second was psychology. I also hold accreditation as Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Association (UK), demonstrating my continued development as an educator.



Jaydene Barnes

Associate Lecturer , Western Sydney University
Jaydene Barnes is an Associate Lecturer at Western Sydney University currently undertaking her PhD through Western Sydney University investigating play based pedagogies in Australian primary schools. Jaydene received her Master of Education (Literacies and Literate Worlds) from Charles Sturt University in 2011. Her passion is studying pedagogies in both primary school and early childhood contexts and exploring new opportunities to foster student engagement, well-being and literacy learning.



Jayne Glass

Researcher in Geography, Uppsala University
My research interests revolve around theories and practice related to sustainable rural development and land use. I take an inclusive and collaborative approach to my work, regularly facilitating or working in interdisciplinary teams to deliver research that directly impacts policy and practice.

I am currently engaged in research and knowledge exchange in five inter-related themes: multi-stakeholder, land-based collaboration for sustainable development and climate change mitigation (including narratives relating to natural capital); rural poverty and social exclusion; power and social inequality in relation to land and asset tenure/management models; place-based community activism and rural advocacy; and research impact.

Other research has spanned many contexts, including socio-economic and environmental outcomes of rural land uses, game management (for sport and conservation), community and stakeholder engagement, community-led local development, community involvement in renewable energy, and community resilience.

I am motivated by transdisciplinary research that integrates and synthesises many different disciplinary perspectives, between both academic and non-academic actors. I believe that the process of research provides an opportunity for those involved to consider new insights and knowledge, rethink their assumptions, and solve problems in a communicative and collaborative manner. At a time when sustainability challenges are characterised by complexity, divergent perspectives of problems and solutions, and fragmented institutional contexts, the social practices of research should be transformative for all involved, including the researchers. In practice, this means that a lot of my work to date has facilitated deliberative dialogue between policy, practice and academic stakeholders, developing practical outcomes and immediate policy impact.



Jayne Jackson

Lecturer in Education, Auckland University of Technology
Jayne began her career in education as a primary teacher. She has taught across the primary years in NZ and in the USA and been involved in school leadership. As a classroom teacher, Jayne maintained a dual focus on social and academic skills.

Jayne has worked in Initial Teacher Education since 2007. Her Doctorate focused on working with parents to support struggling readers in ways which were compatible with home culture. This work continues to inform research in the field of literacy.

Jayne is involved in the nationwide evaluation of the Healthy Active Learning Initiative which aims to increase the physical activity of tamariki and rangitahi. The evaluation is multifaceted and seeks to understand the impact on physical activity and student's emotional, social and academic skills.



Jayne Ressler

Associate Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
Jayne Ressler is an associate professor of law at Brooklyn Law College, with expertise in civil procedure, legal writing, employment discrimination, New York civil practice and professional responsibility.



Jayne Walker

Senior lecturer| Professional Lead. School of Paramedical, Peri-Operative and Advanced Practice. Faculty of Health Sciences., University of Hull
Registered to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (Adult Nurse; SCPHN; Community Practitioner Nurse Prescriber).

Jayne began her career as a registered Adult Nurse in 1996, before progressing into Midwifery in 1999. Jayne's clinical practice then transitioned to become a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Health Visitor) in 2005. Jayne successfully qualified as a Practice Teacher (P.G.C.E.) in 2012. Jayne has an MSc in Health Studies (Leadership and Education).

Jayne has been a Lecturer in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Hull since 2017 and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Jayne is a Fellow of the Institute of Health Visiting and iHV Perinatal Mental Health and Infant Mental Health Champion.

She is actively involved as a steering panel member for the local Schwartz Rounds, which is a forum for healthcare staff to address personal, emotional and social challenges associated with working in Healthcare, and caring for patients.

Jayne works directly with student groups from all levels of academic study alongside external partners to ensure the training and study delivered is of a high standard. Jayne has extensive experience and knowledge of designing, delivering, assessing and evaluating Programmes of study. Jayne is involved in the development and implementation of organisational policies, procedures and guidance, which reflects national standards of practice.

Jayne has worked collaboratively with the Local Authority and Clinical Commissioning Groups to evaluate service provision for vulnerable community groups. This has led to further collaborations and service evaluations within the Acute Trust and within Primary Care settings.



Jayson Semmens

Professor, Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration, University of Tasmania
Jayson Semmens is a Professor at the Fisheries and Aquaculture Centre (FAC), Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania (UTAS). His research has an overall theme of conservation/sustainability, where he focuses his research activities on biotelemetry; biologging and ecophysiology and more specifically, elasmobranch biology, spatial ecology, ecophysiology, and energetics; and cephalopod biology, ecology, and ecophysiology. He also has a strong interest and capability in examining the impact of anthropogenic change, often using an ecophysiological approach, particularly research examining effects of seismic surveys, as focused on its this application, and hypoxia and developing ways of mitigating impacts and rebuilding populations. Additionally, he conduct fisheries research on scallops and cephalopods.



Jazmin Locke-Rodriguez

Post Doctoral Associate in the Institute of Environment, Florida International University
Jazmin entered as a Ph.D. student in Agroecology program in 2017 with Dr. Krishnaswamy Jayachandran as her major adviser. Her current dissertation work investigates the application of Floating Treatment Wetlands (FTW) as a type of green infrastructure to manage nutrient runoff in South Florida through phytoremediation. By experimenting with cut-flower crops, she is identifying flowers that will grow well in these conditions, produce abundant blooms, and promote regular harvesting. This regular biomass harvesting increases the nutrient removal capacities of the FTW while also providing a product that can be sold in the market to help financially sustain the remediation efforts.



Jean Bennett

Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology; Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania
Jean Bennett was recruited to the Scheie Eye Institute at University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine in 1992 where she has spent the past 3 decades developing gene-based strategies for treating inherited retinal degenerations. There she has run a true bench-to-bedside translational research program and, in the process, has trained hundreds of physician-scientists, many of whom are now leaders in translational research around the globe. She was the scientific leader of a team that translated reversal of blindness in animal models to demonstration of efficacy and safety of gene therapy in children and adults. She was the scientific director of clinical studies at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia that led to first FDA-approved gene therapy for a genetic disease (blindness due to RPE65 deficiency, studies that were sponsored by a company that she co-founded (but in which she waived financial benefit), Spark Therapeutics). She helped develop the primary outcome measure for that trial that led in 2017 to the first US FDA-approved gene therapy product. It also led to approval of the reagent, “Luxturna”, by the European Medicines Agency. Jean continues to develop gene-based therapies for retinal degenerative diseases and to tackle some of the limitations of current gene therapy technologies. She recently co-founded Opus Genetics to help those patients and families that suffer from conditions that are so rare that they have been neglected by big pharma. Jean graduated from Yale College with a BS in Honors Biology, received her PhD (Zoology, Cell and Developmental Biology) from University of California, Berkeley and her MD from Harvard Medical School. She then received post-graduate training at Yale University and Johns Hopkins in Human Genetics and Developmental Genetics. An internationally recognized expert in gene therapy, Dr. Bennett has authored more than 120 peer-reviewed papers.



Jean Bessala

Lecturer in Finance, Salford Business School, University of Salford
Dr. Jean Bessala is a Lecturer in Finance at the University of Salford, Manchester, UK. He earned his undergraduate degree in Financial Engineering from the Central University of Tunis in 2012 and his PhD from Salford University in 2022. Since 2018, he has taught various undergraduate and master courses in accounting, finance, banking, and business. His research focuses on corporate takeovers, equity and debt issues, banking regulations, deep learning models with finance applications, and sustainable finance.



Jean Boase-Beier

Emeritus Professor, School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing, University of East Anglia



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