

Sophia Melanson Ricciardone

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster University



Sophie Bennani-Taylor

Doctoral Researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
Sophie is a DPhil student at the Oxford Internet Institute and a freelance consultant. Her doctoral research examines digital identification systems used in the field of international development. Sophie’s DPhil is fully funded by the ESRC Grand Union Doctoral Training Partnership and is supervised by Professor Victoria Nash (OII) and Professor Loren Landau (ODID).

Sophie has conducted freelance research with organisations including UNHCR, the European Centre for Privacy and Cybersecurity, the Minderoo Centre for Technology & Democracy, and Harvard Berkman Klein Centre for Internet & Society. Her expertise lies at the intersection of technology and migration.

Prior to returning to academia, Sophie worked as a Digital Ethics Consultant and co-founded Sopra Steria’s Digital Ethics practice. As a researcher and consultant, Sophie has worked with a range of governmental, private, and non-profit organisations to anticipate and respond to their ethical challenges when working with technology.

In 2023, Sophie was recognised as one of Women in AI Ethics (WAIE)’s 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics.



Sophie Farthing

Head, Policy Lab, Human Technology Institute, University of Technology Sydney
Sophie Farthing is Head of the Policy Lab at the Human Technology Institute (HTI), University of Technology Sydney (UTS).



Sophie Fuller

Professor in Gender Studies in Music, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
Sophie Fuller is a musicologist and writer on music. Her research interests centre around gender, sexuality and music in Britain in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries and she has published widely on women’s engagement with music and music making. Author of The Pandora Guide to Women Composers (1994), Sophie has recently edited, with Jenny Doctor, Music, Life, and Changing Times: Selected Correspondence between British Composers Elizabeth Maconchy and Grace Williams, 1927-77 (2020) as well as contributing to The Cambridge Companion to Women in Music since 1900 (2021), The Routledge Handbook of Women’s Work in Music (2022) and The Cambridge Companion to Women Composers (2023).

Sophie studied music at King’s College, London University where she completed her doctoral thesis on ‘Women Composers during the British Musical Renaissance, 1880-1918’.  Her teaching experience includes ten years of lecturing at the University of Reading. 

Creative output
Author, The Pandora Guide to Women Composers: Britain and the United States, 1629-present (1994)
Co-editor / contributor, Queer Episodes in Music and Modern Identity (2002) with Lloyd Whitesell
Co-editor / contributor, The Idea of Music in Victorian Fiction (2004) with Nicky Losseff
Co-editor, Music, Life, and Changing Times: Selected Correspondence between British Composers Elizabeth Maconchy and Grace Williams, 1927-77 (2020) with Jenny Doctor
Contributor, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians
Contributor, The Oxford Companion to Music
Contributor, The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Contributor, Women Composers: Music through the Ages
Contributor, Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart
She has been a frequent contributor to various television and radio programmes as well as giving conference papers in the UK, the USA, France, Germany, Italy and Australia.



Sophie Gilbert

University of Idaho



Sophie Hocking

Lecturer in Biosciences, Swansea University
I am a lecturer in Biosciences at Swansea University and an early-career researcher specialising in plant ecology, conservation and invasion ecology.

My research at undergraduate and master's level focused on plant conservation, investigating the ecology of nationally scarce plants such as marsh pea, the rare and endemic dune gentian, as well as the endangered fen orchid.
My PhD investigated the environmental impacts of Japanese knotweed and its management, and how best practice can be enhanced through integration with the wider environment and community ecology to aid post-treatment restoration. By applying ecological theory to knotweed invasion, I try to develop understanding of potential restoration methods for habitat recovery, involving a large-scale restoration field trial.
I have also studied the impacts of knotweed management on the soil microbiome using eDNA metabarcoding, and am interested in the true sustainability of these management methods, using life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate their wider environmental impacts with the aim of enhancing management efficacy and mediating human impacts on the environment.



Sophie Kjaervik

Ph.D. Candidate in Communication, The Ohio State University
I study narcissism, aggression, and the use of social media.



Sophie Meyjes

PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge
PhD Candidate at the University of Cambridge, studying the biological carbon pump and the role that plankton and fish play in carbon sequestration.



Sophie Milnes

PhD Researcher in Human Geography, Loughborough University
Sophie Milnes is a PhD researcher exploring how the rising trend of ‘Character Education’ in the UK has impacted the classroom and its broader nexus of political, cultural and social relations. Her doctoral research examines the reshaping of educational spaces, specifically military ethos initiatives in schools.

Her previous work has explored young people’s transitions to higher education in England, UK. Her wider research interests include youth geographies and social difference.



Sophie Rees

Research Fellow, University of Bristol
I am a social scientist with expertise in the field of applied health research. I use qualitative and mixed methods in my research to understand the experience of health and illness, and of participating in and delivering clinical, psychosocial, and behavioural interventions.

My particular research interest is in vulval disease. I am Chief Investigator for the Living with Vulval Lichen Sclerosus: A Mixed Methods Study, funded by the Economic and Research Council. I am growing my portfolio of research in this field and I am interested to hear from potential collaborators in the area of vulval dermatological conditions.

I work in Bristol Trials Centre as part of the qualitative research team, using qualitative methods to understand the experiences and perspectives of people within the trial, to improve trial recruitment and processes, and to understand the context of trial results.



Sophie Ritson

Research Strategy Project Officer, The University of Melbourne
Sophie Ritson is an Historian and Philosopher of Science and member of the history, philosophy and culture science working group of the next generation Event Horizon Telescope. Ritson also contributes to the University of Melbourne research collaboration strategy. Ritson has interests in the epistemology of global research collaborations and changing modes of research, scientific methodology, and science and values. In examining contemporary practices, Ritson’s research seeks to develop a deeper understanding of the changing conditions and contexts of knowledge in 21st century sciences.

Ritson completed a postdoctoral research fellowship in the Epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider Research Unit, publishing on creativity and novelty of global research collaborations, the epistemic value of ugliness in experiments, and assessments of future fertility and disruptive experiments. Ritson has also examined the string theory community, publishing on the ideology of the string theory debates, the role of constraints in assessments of non-empirical science, and disruptive technologies.



Sophie Robinson

Research Assistant and PhD student. Member of Melbourne Climate Futures Academy., The University of Melbourne
PhD student exploring how governance can enable Climate Resilient Development of Healthcare Systems. Member of Climate Futures Academy at University of Melbourne and Research Assistant. Background in Science, International Relations and Environmental Governance.



Sophie Scorey

PhD Researcher, University of South Wales
PhD Researcher at the University of South Wales. Interested in clinical and abnormal psychology.



Sophie Wensel

Ph.D. Student, Kinesiology, University of Toronto
Sophie Wensel is a Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Toronto, Canada, where she also earned her M.Sc. in Kinesiology. She completed her B.A. majoring in Psychology at the University of British Columbia, and she is a former professional dancer with company and freelance credits in Canada and Germany. Her research focuses on experiences of maltreatment and the development of safeguarding measures in ballet and organized dance contexts.



Sophie Wood1

Lecturer in Media, University of East London
Sophie Wood is a fashion and media academic with an interest in social media, materiality, wardrobe studies and celebrity culture. She lecturers in Media, Communication and Advertising and University of East London. She is also a lecturer in Fashion Marketing and Fashion Theory at Regent's University London. Sophie brings together a decade of professional experience in social media and marketing with her academic background in fashion and cultural theory.



Sophie Jessica Davies

PhD Candidate and Part-time Teacher, Aberystwyth University
Sophie is currently a PhD Candidate at Aberystwyth University, specialising in Post-Devolution Welsh Gothic Literature. She is also a part time teacher for the university's School of Languages and Literature, currently teaching 19th Century Literature & Climate and Contemporary Writing.

Born and raised in the Rhondda Valley, Sophie now resides in Lampeter, West Wales with her two-year-old daughter.



Sophie Joy van Hamelsveld

Postdoctoral Scientist, University of Canterbury



Sophie L. Kjaervik

Postdoctoral Fellow at The Injury and Violence Prevention Program, Virginia Commonwealth University
I earned my Ph.D in Communication from The Ohio State University (2023). I obtained my M.A. in Psychology from the University of Oslo (2019) and my B.A. in Psychology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2017).



Sophie Lund Rasmussen

Postdoctoral fellow, University of Oxford
Research fellow at Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), University of Oxford and research associate at Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg University

Postdoctoral researcher, specialising in European hedgehog ecology and conservation.

I have made a short lecture on the results of our age determination study, which is available from my YouTube channel Dr Hedgehog:

The published scientific article can be downloaded open access here:

You can follow my research here:








Sophie M Phillips

Post-Doctoral Associate, School of Occupational Therapy, Western University
Dr. Sophie Phillips is a Post-Doctoral Associate in the Child Health and Physical Activity Lab in the School of Occupational Therapy at Western University. Dr. Phillips' research primarily focuses on 24-hour movement behaviour (physical activity, sedentary behaviour, sleep) of young children, including to determine the most appropriate ways of measuring these behaviours, exploring associations between the behaviours with health and developmental outcomes, and examining the effectiveness of interventions to promote healthy movement and development.



Sophie Olivia Hanson

PhD student, Clinical Psychology, University of Manitoba
Sophie Hanson is a PhD student at the University of Manitoba's Clinical Psychology Training Program. She researches self-compassion and its applications for socially progressive activists.



Sophie-May Kerr

Research Associate, City Futures Research Centre, UNSW Sydney
Sophie-May is an urban social geographer whose research focuses on the lived experiences of apartment residents. Her PhD explored the material and emotional geographies of parenting in apartments.



Soraya Harding

Senior lecturer in Cybersecurity Intelligence and Digital Forensics, University of Portsmouth
Soraya has been the Mobile Forensics, Computer Forensics, and Business Information System Security lecturer at the University of Portsmouth and a Cyber Volunteer at Hampshire Constabulary. She has worked as a freelance forensic investigator for HMP Prisons in the south-east and has over ten years of experience in the computing and forensics field. She has taught digital forensics, mobile forensics, and anti-forensics to private companies and law enforcement investigators. She has also worked for Microsoft and CISCO as a Technical Instructor and continues to do it freelance. She has contributed as a coach to several cyber competitions such as Hackathons, Tryhackme and Cyber912.



Sören Henrich

Lecturer in Forensic Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University
I have a decade of experience working in secure psychiatric hospitals, both in Germany and the UK. My expertise is in the risk and threat assessment of highly violent individuals, especially those that become radicalised. Both my background in Forensic Psychology and my experience as a Hostage and Crisis Negotiator for the NHS Trust equips me with a unique perspective to the counterterrorism debate.
Other areas of my work focus on improvement of psychological Trans care and using roleplaying in therapeutic settings.



Sorin Rizeanu

Assistant Professor, School of Business, University of Victoria
Dr. Sorin Rizeanu joined the Gustavson School of Business in 2010 teaching managerial and international finance to graduate and undergraduate students.

Sorin’s research interests primarily focus on corporate governance and international finance, with the goal of assisting investors to better valuate firms and understand firms’ dynamics. His work has been published in the Contemporary Accounting Research, International Journal of Economics and Finance and Journal of Management and Governance.

His research includes analysis of the structure of a firm’s ownership, the quality of the external audit, firm’s cash flow, managerial strategy, taxation strategy, country institutional strength, and its impact on firm valuation and debt maturities, among others. These are part of his interest in the larger set of corporate governance mechanisms, designed to prevent extraction, tunnelling, derivation of large private fortunes at the expense of the providers of finance, often expropriated through pyramidal structures, political corruption and other firm or system embedded structures.

Before joining the University of Victoria, Sorin studied and taught at the Moore Business School at the University of South Carolina. He hails from Bucharest, Romania where he took his undergraduate and MSc degrees and worked in international sales, project management and management consulting.



Sorin Adam Matei

Associate Dean for Research, Purdue University
My primary research interests are communication technologies, digital knowledge creation, data storytelling, and trust. My primary teaching interests are human AI interaction, digital analytics applications, security and strategy AI and communication technology, AI and data ethics.

I typically work with graduate students who are interested in computational methods and social scientific approaches to human AI / technology interaction. My approach to graduate advising is structured and features research collaboration supported by extramural funding. My students and I have co-authored papers and books. I also encourage them to seek out and explore individual publishing opportunities.



Sossie Kasbarian

Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of Stirling



Souad Brinette

Enseignant chercheur en Finance, EDC Paris Business School - OCRE, EDC Paris Business School
Titulaire d'un doctorat en Sciences de gestion, spécialité Finance, ses travaux au sein de l'EDC portent sur la finance d’entreprise, la finance entrepreneuriale et sur les liens entre gouvernance et intrapreneuriat.



Souha R. Ezzedeen

Associate Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University, Canada
Dr. Souha R. Ezzedeen is a tenured Associate Professor at the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada. Previously, she was assistant professor of management at the Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg’s School of Business Administration. Professor Ezzedeen holds a doctorate in human resource management and organizational behavior and development from the George Washington University School of Business in Washington, DC, where she served as a research fellow and visiting instructor.

Professor Ezzedeen has authored several journal articles on topics at the intersection of
work-life balance, careers, gender, and companion animals in the workplace. Her work has appeared in prestigious journals including Human Resource Management Review, Personnel Review, Psychological Reports, and Organization Dynamics, among others. Discussions of her research findings have appeared in the Wall Street Journal and Society for Human Resource Management reports and she is frequently sought for her opinion on workplace and work-life trends.



Sourafel Girma

Professor of Industrial Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Nottingham
Sourafel Girma is currently Professor of Industrial Economics at the University of Nottingham.. He obtained research awards from, among others, the ESRC, European Union and the Department of Trade and Industry. He had also been active in the field of knowledge transfer and policy advice, with consultancy works for the Department of Trade and Industry, UK Trade and Investment and the Treasury. Sourafel’s research publications enjoyed several media appearances, and according to REPEC, which is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics, he is ranked among the top 5% authors in terms of several metrics, including the number of distinct works and citations.



Sourav Ray

Lang Chair and Professor of Marketing, University of Guelph
Sourav Ray is the Lang Chair and Professor of Marketing at the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics at University of Guelph, Canada. Sourav’s research interests span strategic marketing issues related to technology-intensive markets, distribution channels, and dynamic pricing. Methodologically, he uses a combination of economic modeling, scanner data analyses, surveys, and field experiments. Sourav has a PhD in Marketing from University of Minnesota, and aerospace engineering degrees from Texas A&M University and IIT Kharagpur in India. Sourav has taught at McMaster University and Concordia University. He has supervised several several doctoral students in Marketing while at McMaster University, where he was the Michael Lee‐Chin & Family Professor in Strategic Business Studies and Professor of Marketing.



Spencer Goidel

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Auburn University
Spencer Goidel is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Auburn University. He received his PhD from the Department of Political Science at Texas A&M University, and BA from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Spencer studies public opinion, voting behavior, elections, and political communication. His research investigates how political institutions, objective conditions, subjective evaluations, the media, and communication technologies shape the behaviors and attitudes of American voters. Currently, Spencer is interested in how partisan realignment is shaping voting behavior and public opinion.



Spenser A. Warren

Postdoctoral Fellow in Technology and International Security, University of California, San Diego
Spenser A. Warren is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Technology and Security at the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. He has a Ph.D. in Political Science from Indiana University Bloomington, where he wrote a dissertation on Russian nuclear modernization. His work on nuclear strategy, Russian foreign policy, and international security has appeared in academic and policy outlets.



Spiros Bougheas

Professor of Economics, University of Nottingham
In 1994 Spiros completed his PhD studies in Economics at Penn State University in USA and then he crossed the pond to join Staffordshire University as a Lecturer. In 1999 Spiros joined the School of Economics at the University of Nottingham where he is currently a Professor of Economics. His area of expertise is financial economics and his current research interests include systemic risk in financial markets, financial contracting and the international financial architecture.



Spyros A. Sofos

Assistant Professor in Global Humanities, Simon Fraser University
I am an Assistant Professor in Global Humanities and an affiliated researcher at the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at Simon Fraser University. Previously I was a Senior Fellow at the Middle East Centre of the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Lecturer at the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University.
My research interests include the study of social identities, collective action, conflict and conflict transformation and insecurity - My books include 'Turkish Politics and ‘The People’: Mass Mobilisation and Populism' (Edinburgh University Press 2022), 'Islam in Europe: Public Spaces and Civic Networks' (Palgrave 2013, co-authored with R. Tsagarousianou), 'Tormented by History: Nationalism in Greece and Turkey' (Hurst and Oxford University Press 2008, co-authored with U. Özkirimli), which appeared in Turkish as'Tarihin Cenderesinde: Türk ve Yunan Milliyetçiliği (Istanbul Bilgi University Press 2013), and in Greek as 'Το βασανο της Ιστοριας' (Καστανιωτης 2008). I have co-edited 'Nation and Identity in Contemporary Europe' (Routledge 1996 with B. Jenkins). In 2019, I founded #RethinkingPopulism in collaboration with openDemocracy (until 2021) and as an independent platform supported by a consortium of universities (since 2022), and have been its lead editor.
I have written extensively on Turkish, Middle Eastern and South Eastern European politics, on populism, nationalism and ethnic conflict, as well as on the cultures and politics of Muslim communities in Europe.
A commentator with an energetic voice, I also frequently write about social and political issues for venues such as The Conversation, the LSE Blog, OpenDemocracy, Dialoguemos and Truthout.



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