Lecturer and Researcher in the Chemistry Department, University of Pretoria
Research Interests:
Development and designing of adsorption materials for the recovery of metals and non-metals from wastewater. Materials characterization using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), powder X-Ray diffraction (PXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Hydrogeochemical characterisation and modelling of landfill leachates and mine dumps using various modelling techniques including: speciation-solubility modelling; geochemical reaction modelling; reactive transport modelling, parameter estimation (PEST) and chemometrics modelling. Water remediation processes, gold, uranium, platinum group metals and rare earth metals recovery, acid mine drainage, surface and groundwater pollution, leaching, materials science, environmental engineering, soil pollution, radioactive elements removal from aqueous solutions. Computational skills with PHREEQC geochemical modelling (simulation and prediction), PHAST, PEST and R coding language. Analysis of samples using ICP-OES, ICP-MS and ion chromatography. Using R software for statistical confirmations.
Journal articles:
Mosai, A. K., & Tutu, H. (2022). Recovery of platinum (IV) from aqueous solutions using 3-aminopropyl (diethoxy) methylsilane functionalized bentonite. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 43(7), 1016-1027. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-022-05642-5
Mosai, A. K., Johnson, R. H., & Tutu, H. (2022). Modelled and Measured Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements onto Bentonite with Various Geochemical Conditions Using a Generalised Surface Complexation Approach. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233(6), 194. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-022-05642-5
Mosai, A. K., & Tutu, H. (2022). Adsorption of platinum group elements (Pd (II), Ir (III) and Rh (III)) from aqueous solutions using 3-aminopropyl (diethoxy) methylsilane (APDEMS) functionalised bentonite. Minerals Engineering, 176, 107342. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2021.107342
Mosai, A. K., Tokwana, B. C., & Tutu, H. (2022). Computer simulation modelling of the simultaneous adsorption of Cd, Cu and Cr from aqueous solutions by agricultural clay soil: A PHREEQC geochemical modelling code coupled to parameter estimation (PEST) study. Ecological Modelling, 465, 109872. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2022.109872
Mosai, A. K., Chimuka, L., Cukrowska, E. M., Kotzé, I. A., & Tutu, H. (2021). Batch and flow-through column adsorption study: recovery of Pt 4+ from aqueous solutions by 3-aminopropyl (diethoxy) methylsilane functionalised zeolite (APDEMSFZ). Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, 7041-7062. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-020-00903-x
Etale, A., Nhlane, D. S., Mosai, A. K., Mhlongo, J., Khan, A., Rumbold, K., & Nuapia, Y. B. (2021). Synthesis and application of cationised cellulose for removal of Cr (VI) from acid mine-drainage contaminated water. AAS Open Research, 4. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. doi:10.12688/aasopenres.13182.1
Mosai, A. K., Chimuka, L., Cukrowska, E. M., Kotzé, I. A., & Tutu, H. (2021). Recovery of Pt (IV) from aqueous solutions by spent brewer's yeast‐functionalized zeolite (SBYFZ): A batch and column study. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 40(1), e13481. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1002/ep.13481
Mosai, A. K. (2021). Simultaneous recovery of Pd (II), Ir (III) and Rh (III) from aqueous solutions by spent brewer’s yeast-functionalised zeolite using flow-through column mode. Minerals Engineering, 163, 106770. Contribution: author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106770
Mosai, A. K., & Tutu, H. (2021). Simultaneous sorption of rare earth elements (including scandium and yttrium) from aqueous solutions using zeolite clinoptilolite: A column and speciation study. Minerals Engineering, 161, 106740. Contribution: author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106740
Mosai, A. K., Chimuka, L., Cukrowska, E. M., Kotzé, I. A., & Tutu, H. (2020). Removal of platinum (IV) from aqueous solutions with yeast-functionalised bentonite. Chemosphere, 239, 124768. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124768
Mosai, A. K., Chimuka, L., Cukrowska, E. M., Kotzé, I. A., & Tutu, H. (2020). Recovery of Pd (II), Ir (III) and Rh (III) from aqueous solutions with Brewer’s Yeast-functionalised bentonite. Minerals Engineering, 145, 106101. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2019.106101
Mosai, A. K., Johnson, R. H., & Tutu, H. (2020). Modelling of palladium (II) adsorption onto amine-functionalised zeolite using a generalised surface complexation approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 277, 111416. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-022-05642-5
Mosai, A. K., & Tutu, H. (2020). Recovery of platinum (IV) from aqueous solutions using 3-aminopropyl (diethoxy) methylsilane functionalized bentonite. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 1-12. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling.
Erdogan, Innocentia Guguletho; Mosai, Alseno; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed; Fosso-Kankeu, Elvis; Waanders, Frans B. (2020): Geochemical modelling of groundwater in the Namaqualand region, South Africa. Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.25381/cput.12820505.v1
Netshiongolwe, K., Mhlana, Y., Mosai, A., Richards, H., Chimuka, L., Cukrowska, E., & Tutu, H. (2020). Recovery of Ochers from Acid Mine Drainage Treatment: A Geochemical Modeling and Experimental Approach. Recovery of Byproducts from Acid Mine Drainage Treatment, 157-187. Contribution: co-author, co-supervisor of Honours project, conducted some of the experimental work and some of the data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119620204.ch6
Mosai, A. K., Chimuka, L., Cukrowska, E. M., Kotzé, I. A., & Tutu, H. (2019). The recovery of Platinum (IV) from aqueous solutions by hydrazine-functionalised zeolite. Minerals Engineering, 131, 304-312. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-019-4236-4
Mosai, A. K., Chimuka, L., Cukrowska, E. M., Kotzé, I. A., & Tutu, H. (2019). The recovery of rare earth elements (REEs) from aqueous solutions using natural zeolite and Bentonite. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 230(8), 188. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-019-4236-4
Mosai, Alseno K., and Hlanganani Tutu. "Modeling of sorption and transport of cadmium, copper and chromium on an agricultural soil impacted by mining activities." Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 37.6 (2018): 2063-2072. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-019-4236-4
Mosai, A. K., and H. Tutu. "The effect of crop exudates and EDTA on cadmium adsorption by agricultural podsolic soil: implications on groundwater." International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2018): 1-10. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-018-1927-0
Mosai, Alseno K., Elisee N. Bakatula, and Hlanganani Tutu. "Adsorption of Cadmium, Copper and Chromium by an Agricultural Soil Impacted by Mining Activities." Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 228.8 (2017): 287. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-019-4236-4
Bakatula, Elisée N., Alseno K. Mosai, and Hlanganani Tutu. "Removal of uranium from aqueous solutions using ammonium-modified zeolite." South African Journal of Chemistry 68.1 (2015): 165-171. Contribution: co-author, wrote the first draft of paper, conducted experimental work and some of the data modelling. DOI: 10.17159/0379-4350/2015/v68a23
Conference proceedings:
Mosai, A. K., Richards, H., & Tutu, H. (2022) Modelling The Transport Of Pollutants From Mine Dump And Landfill Sites To Groundwater And Surface Water. IMWA 2022 Conference, Reconnect, 6 – 10 November 2022, New Zealand, International Mine Water (IMWA), Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling.
5. Mphahlele, M. R., Mosai, A. K., Tutu, H., & Kotzé, I. A. Recovery of Pt and Pd From Aqueous Solutions by N, N-di (trimethoxysilylpropyl)-N’-benzoylthiourea Modified Silica Gel. adsorption, 100, 1. IMWA 2022 Conference, Reconnect, 6 – 10 November 2022, New Zealand, International Mine Water (IMWA), Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. Contribution: co-author, supervisor, conducted some of the experimental work and some of the data modelling.
Erdogan, I.G., Netshiongolwe K., Mosai, A., Fosso-Kankeu, E., Ntwampe, S.K., Waanders, F.B., Hoth, N. 2020. Geochemical modelling data of groundwater in the O’Kiep, Namaqualand region, South Africa – 2013 to 2019: A case of evidenced contamination by historical mining activity.18th International Conference on Science, Engineering, Technology and Waste Management (SETWM-20), Nov. 16-17, Johannesburg, South Africa. Contribution: author, advisor and data modelling. (Available: https://doi.org/10.17758/EARES10.EAP1120218).
Alseno K. Mosai, Luke Chimuka, Ewa M. Cukrowska, Izak A. Kotzé and Hlanganani Tutu (2019). The Recovery Of Pd(II), Ir(III) And Rh(III) From Aqueous Solutions With Yeast-functionalised Zeolite. IMWA 2019 Conference, Mine water: Technological and Ecological Challenges. International Mine Water (IMWA). 15 – 19 July 2019, Perm, Russia. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. (Available: https://www.imwa.info/imwaconferencesandcongresses/proceedings/306-proceedings-2019.html).
Alseno K. Mosai, Luke Chimuka, Ewa M. Cukrowska, Izak A. Kotzé and Hlanganani Tutu (2018). The recovery of Pt(IV) from aqueous solutions by APDEMS-functionalised zeolite. 11th ICARD | IMWA | MWD Conference – “Risk to Opportunity", International Mine Water (IMWA). 10 – 14 September 2018, Pretoria, South Africa. Contribution: lead author, conducted experimental work and data modelling. (Available: https://www.imwa.info/imwaconferencesandcongresses/proceedings/303-proceedings-2018.html).
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