What it's like to transition on to Universal Credit
Oct 08, 2017 10:24 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
Originally designed with the intention of making work pay by smoothing out transitions between paid work and welfare, Universal Credit is now being widely criticised for failing to deliver on its promises. Despite calls by...
Why is Melanie Joly ignoring the crisis in Canadian journalism?
Oct 08, 2017 03:17 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
Although we now live in a vast internet landscape with immense amounts of content, the diversity and quality of the news media we consume continues to be a concern.. Large sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google should...
Underpaid, overworked and drowning in debt: you wonder why young people are voting again?
Oct 08, 2017 02:28 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
The 2017 general election was highly unusual as far as the youth vote was concerned. The Labour party won 65% the lions share of the youth vote. The nearest comparisons are with 1964 and 1997. In both those years, Labour...
The caste politics curse that India just can't shake off
Oct 08, 2017 02:21 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
India is still not able to do away with its caste politics as demonstrated by recent attacks on members of lower caste in south-western state of Gujarat during a festival. Yet Narendra Modis ruling Bhartiya Janata Party...
No chance of US gun control despite Las Vegas massacre; NZ left gains two seats after special votes
Oct 08, 2017 02:14 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
In the last decade, there have been many horrific gun crimes in the US, where at least 10 people have been murdered in the one incident. However, the National Rifle Association has successfully fought all efforts to impose...
Theresa May's speech and the challenge to expand English social housing
Oct 06, 2017 00:20 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
Amid the drama of Theresa Mays conference speech was the announcement of new funding for social housing and a new generation of council houses in England. This follows long-term under-investment in social and affordable...
Las Vegas: the US is racked with impossible divisions over rights and freedoms
Oct 05, 2017 04:10 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
In the immediate aftermath of the October 2 Las Vegas massacre the USs 273rd mass shooting in 2017 alone it seems neither President Donald Trump nor his Republican colleagues will entertain a review of current gun...
China's Economic Resurgence: Strong Growth Signals a Bright Future Ahead
FxWirePro- Majro economic events for the day
FDA Approval of Opdivo Injection Sparks Hope for Cancer Patients with Revolutionary Treatment Update