A tale of two GDPs: Why Republicans and Democrats live in different economic realities
Aug 29, 2016 08:02 am UTC| Insights & Views Economy Politics
Back in 1992, Democratic strategist James Carville uttered his famous recommendation to Bill Clinton ahead of the 1992 election: Its the economy, stupid! Political scientists beat Carville to the punch, though: As far back...
Face the facts: populism is here to stay
Aug 29, 2016 07:52 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
When it comes to politics, 2016 has been a very strange year to say the least. Things that arent supposed to happen well, they just keep happening. Pauline Hanson, written off as a serial electoral pest whose best days...
US Election Series: Hillary continues to lead in polls
Aug 25, 2016 10:22 am UTC| Commentary Politics
Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump is driving agendas, attacking Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over his dishonesty, lying to American people and use of private email server that could have...
Aug 25, 2016 08:28 am UTC| Commentary Politics
Nigel Farage, who is at times, popularly called as Mr. Brexit, especially after the Britons voted in favor of exiting from the European Union in June spoke to 15,000 people at a Donald Trump rally in Jackson, Mississippi....
US Presidential Election Series: Hillary’s meetings as a Secretary of State come into focus
Aug 24, 2016 08:13 am UTC| Commentary Politics
As the days pass by, the scandals surrounding Hillary Clintons use of private emails move a bit deeper. She is now widely being accused of Pay for Play while she was the secretary of the State under President Obamas...
US Election Series: Thousands of undisclosed Clinton emails will be made public in months
Aug 23, 2016 12:48 pm UTC| Commentary Politics
According to Judicial Watch, a conservative group, whose lawsuits against the state department is likely to reveal more on Hillary Clintons use of private email server said on Monday, that the group is in negotiations with...
After Brexit, nationals could take a lesson in integration from immigrants
Aug 23, 2016 09:45 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
Hate crimes in England, Wales and Northern Ireland reached a new peak after the UKs Brexit vote. This was sadly predictable, considering that one of the Leave campaigns key arguments in favour of exiting the European Union...
FxWirePro- Majro economic events for the day
UK Inflation Stabilizes: November CPI at 2.6%, Signaling Economic Recovery
FDA Approval of Opdivo Injection Sparks Hope for Cancer Patients with Revolutionary Treatment Update