The EU referendum: a matter of who to trust
Jun 20, 2016 07:29 am UTC| Insights & Views
When interviewed about the upcoming EU referendum, people say that their decision will come down to who they trust the most. There is a lot riding on their decision. It is not just a question of whether voters will ever...
Left wingers for Brexit need to wake up to what they're about to do
Jun 20, 2016 07:27 am UTC| Insights & Views Politics
If you listen to some left-wing voices proponents of what is being called Lexit the European Union is an undemocratic, neo-liberal empire. It is ruled by Angela Merkel and an army of cold-hearted, faceless bureaucrats in...
I'm a eurosceptic Norwegian – but I think Britain should stay in the EU
Jun 20, 2016 07:09 am UTC| Insights & Views
I went to the UK as a visiting professor in April 2016 and stayed for about two months, commuting from modest lodgings in Sheffield to work in Manchester. Its not a very long period, but it was long enough to convince...
Briferendum Series: Brexit and VIX go hand in hand
Jun 17, 2016 11:45 am UTC| Commentary
Yet another evidence that the fear surrounding Brexit is fuelling the risk aversion in the market. The chart was shared this week by Aurelija Augulyte, asenior FX strategist at Nordea Markets. It shows the relation of VIX,...
Briferendum Series: Sterling one week IV tests 50 percent
Jun 17, 2016 08:26 am UTC| Commentary
When we are comparing the IVs nothing comes close. Sterling one-week implied volatility, which is popularly known as thecost to protect against swings in the options market is trading just shy of 50 percent. Both in last...
Briferendum Series: Death supports sterling
Jun 17, 2016 05:53 am UTC| Commentary
Just when you thought it couldnt get uglier, ajaw-dropping event takes place. That is the situation in the UK and with the sterling. Yesterday, after reaching 1.4 against the dollar, sterling rose sharply and within...
Four little-known EU rules which help protect Britain's environment
Jun 16, 2016 15:15 pm UTC| Insights & Views Law
Remain and Leave are finally talking about the environment in the EU referendum campaign. Most environmental professionals and green charities have expressed strong support for staying in the EU over the past few months,...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s