Jun 24, 2016 08:15 am UTC| Commentary
This was somewhat expected that he will have to step down. With so much at stake, somebody was sure to take the so-called blame or responsibility. Though Cameron previously said that he will continue despite an exit, it...
Briferendum Series: How the UK and its 12 regions voted?
Jun 24, 2016 07:47 am UTC| Commentary
Vote counting of the UK referendum is done with and its a Brexit. In the final result, the Leave campaign secured 51.9 percent supports while the Remain camp secured 48.1 percent. Considering the closeness in the race...
Briferendum Series: German SD takes hard stance towards UK
Jun 24, 2016 05:47 am UTC| Commentary
Udo Bullmann, leader of the German Social Democrats said that Britain will regret its departure from the Union. He also said thatEurope will be weakened by Brexit but for UK burden will be the heaviest. He called for a...
Briferendum Series: End of Cameron’s career
Jun 24, 2016 05:11 am UTC| Commentary
Prime Minister David Camerons political gamble to win the 2015 election has worked in terms of theconservative party gaining an outright majority in the election but thats not what he will be remembered for. In history, he...
Briferendum Series: ‘Remain’ will need 64 percent of remaining votes to secure a win
Jun 24, 2016 04:26 am UTC| Commentary
It looks like the Remain camp wont make it today but still we will have to keep reporting the slimmest possibility they have. The Remain cam is now trailing the Leave camp by almost a million vote and that is very...
Briferendum Series: Brexit is almost here
Jun 24, 2016 04:09 am UTC| Commentary
Brexit is upon us. It is just now amatter of hoursbefore the Article 50 is triggered. As of latest, with 78 percent of the votes counted Remain camp has secured 48.3 percent of all votes, while the Leave camp has...
Briferendum Series: Leave still leads with 60 percent counted
Jun 24, 2016 03:20 am UTC| Commentary
In a nerve-wrecking vote counting things are going good neither for the incumbent government and Prime Minister David Cameron, nor is it going well for the European Union. With each vote counted hopes are diminishing for...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s