Yuan’s inclusion in SDR may lead to capital flows of $31 billion for direct allocation
Sep 22, 2016 10:30 am UTC| Commentary Economy
The International Monetary Funds new Special Drawing Rights basket which includes the yuan will take effect on October 1. The weights of the basket currencies will be in the manner of 41.73 percent for the US dollar, 30.93...
Renminbi Series: Rise of Hibor stirs Global market
Sep 12, 2016 10:35 am UTC| Commentary Economy Central Banks
HIBOR or the Hong Kong Interbank Offer Rate became infamous earlier this year in January when overnight rate touched above 68 percent as the Peoples bank of China (PBoC) drew liquidity from the offshore market via...
Renminbi Series: CFETS index declines to fresh record low
Aug 23, 2016 11:15 am UTC| Commentary
CFETS RMB Index that was launched by the Peoples Bank of China (PBoC) in collaboration with China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS) last year is pointing to a fresh weakness in the Chinese yuan. However, the latest...
Chinese 10-year bond yields fall to seven-year low on sluggish economic growth
Aug 11, 2016 07:20 am UTC| Commentary
The Chinese 10-year bond yields fell to seven-year low of 2.71 percent Thursday on expectations of lower inflation and persistent sluggish economic growth, creating pressure on the PBoC for a further innovative monetary...
Aug 10, 2016 13:03 pm UTC| Central Banks Insights & Views
PBoCs interventions to depreciate CNY seems to be successful as the Chinese central bank (PBoC) continues to weaken its currency via the fixing, the fixing rates are generally in line with what the fixing model suggests so...
Renminbi Series: Yuan’s share in global payments declines in June
Jul 21, 2016 07:43 am UTC| Commentary
Chinese yuan is steadily losing its attraction, according to a report by Swift payment system. As an effect of economic stagnation, uncertainties, higher volatilities and surprised devaluation of the yuan in August last...
Chart of the Day: China's investment contrast
Jun 16, 2016 16:02 pm UTC| Commentary Economy
Chinas private investmentthat was growing above 30 percent back in 2011 and was supporting economy dropped to just 3.9 percent as of this months release. In contrast, thanks to stimulus from the government public...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s