Chart of the Day: Senate resistance against Trump
May 15, 2017 11:45 am UTC| Commentary Politics
In many ways, the 45th President of the United States have set records and it is no difference when it comes to resistance. This chart shows how big that resistance is for President Trump in US congress. The numbers of...
Chart of the Day: Korean military might
Apr 13, 2017 14:31 pm UTC| Commentary
This chart from Statista compares the military might of the South and North Korea. While the number of troops is higher for North Korea including their preparedness for battle; South Korea compensates with latest...
Chart of the Day: Yuan internationalization stalls
Apr 11, 2017 11:54 am UTC| Commentary
This Standard Chartered chart shared by Financial Times show that the august 2015 devaluation of the yuan was a crucial step in the yuan internationalization. After that unexpected forced devaluation of 1.9 percent in...
Chart of the Day: Bargains in Europe
Mar 30, 2017 13:45 pm UTC| Commentary
Once the political uncertainties end in Europe, especially this years elections, there could be a major outperformance by the European stocks just from the valuationperspective. This chart from Bloomberg shows, exactly how...
Chart of the Day: Gordhan effect
Mar 28, 2017 16:46 pm UTC| Commentary
It is just two days into the week and the South African rand (ZAR) is already down more than 5 percent against the dollar. The rand is currently trading at 12.94 per dollar. The speculation that the President Jacob Zuma...
Chart of the Day: Industrial performance Europe
Mar 27, 2017 14:53 pm UTC| Commentary Economy
This chart is from Eurostat of the European Union. It shows that during 2010-2016, which includes a long period of economic turmoil that hasnt completely dissipated yet, themajority of the industrial sectors have...
Chart of the Day: NATO spending
Mar 22, 2017 17:28 pm UTC| Commentary
This Bloomberg analysis shows only five countries as of now meet the 2 percent spending requirement criterion. No wonder, President Trump is upset that leader Germany would meet the required goal in the next seven...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve