PBoC weakens fix to weakest in five years
May 25, 2016 05:59 am UTC| Commentary Central Banks
Peoples Bank of China (PBoC), in response to stronger Dollar has weakened the fix to 6.5693 per Dollar, a level not seen since March, 2011. It has now surpassed the weakest fix level seen in January this year, which led to...
Renminbi Series: China’s rebound proving to be short-lived
May 09, 2016 09:35 am UTC| Commentary
According to the data released over the weekend, both Chinese exports and imports shrank in April from a year back. Exports declined as much as 1.8% in USD, while imports declined 10.9%. These indicate March surge has...
China’s FX reserves rise moderately in April, USD/CNY forecast to reach 6.7 by 2016-end
May 09, 2016 06:33 am UTC| Commentary Central Banks
China released its FX reserves data for April, along with the foreign trade data. The overall scenario is that the Chinese economy continues to face headwinds, albeit less stronger than in the earlier months, noted Nordea...
China’s FX reserves likely declined again in April
May 06, 2016 08:16 am UTC| Commentary Central Banks
Chinas official foreign reserves are likely to have dropped again, although moderately, in April, according to Societe Generale. Chinas FX reserves are expected to have decreased to $3,195 billion in April from $3,212 at...
FxWirePro: USD/CNY hovers around key support at 6.4910, intraday bias remains neutral
Apr 27, 2016 08:22 am UTC| Technicals
Pair is currently supported above 6.49 marks and trading around 6.4917 levels. It made intraday high at 6.4925 and low at 6.4880 levels. Today PBOC sets Yuan mid-point at 6.4837/ dollar vs last close...
Renminbi Series: State firms’ profits decline reveal vulnerability
Apr 26, 2016 07:21 am UTC| Commentary Economy
Yet another evidence of weakness from China, where conditions seem to have eased in recent times. Rising stock market around the world, makes turmoil at beginning of the year makes a fading memory. House prices are rising...
Renminbi Series: Chinese debt fuelling commodities?
Apr 25, 2016 10:09 am UTC| Commentary
As feared governments rise in fiscal deficit is once again started fuelling the debt engines, both private and state owned enterprises. In first quarter alone, new loans have surpassed $1 trillion level. Total debt rose to...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s