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‘Black Clover’ Episode 52 Air Date, Plot, Characters: How Powerful Is William Vangeance’s Magic?

“Black Clover” Episode 52 is set for release in just a few hours and it will unveil a lot of magic from the opposing factions. The clash between the Diamond Kingdom and the Clover Kingdom will kick off the new episode, with Asta and Yuno showing how much they have grown in the past year, Otaku Art reported.

But both will be overshadowed by William Vangeance. In “Black Clover” Episode 52, the character is going to unleash a powerful spell called the World Tree Magic. At first, Lotus will hastily submit a report to the three shining generals on what Vangeance is trying to do.

But it will be too late for as soon as he finishes his report, an enormous tree will sprout, eliminating a substantial amount of the Diamond Kingdom forces. This ability enables Vangeance to manipulate the trees around him, as well as the surrounding mana, including that of his enemies. “Black Clover” Episode 52 will also have Yuno fight against Ragus, with the latter succumbing to the orphan’s overwhelming sorcery.

In the meantime, Yagos will take care of several Lower Tier Magic Knights using his slime magic, which nullifies other spells. But Langris will make quick work out of him with his rare spatial magic, an ability that teleports everything, including spells, out of existence. Unfortunately, “Black Clover” Episode 52 will not feature the strength of Asta since he’s still hurt from the injuries he sustained from his previous encounter.

But even though this is the case, Asta will still be joining the unfolding conflict in Kiten despite Yami’s objections. One of the most anticipated developments in the upcoming installment is the Black Asta Transformation, a form which shrouds the character with an ominous dark aura. Details about how powerful this magic remains to be seen. Hopefully, a few hints will be given in “Black Clover” Episode 52 in order to set the stage for the ability’s big reveal.

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