Cathay Pacific Airways opened its first retail space in Asia at Hong Kong’s Cityplaza shopping mall to bring customers and loyalty program members an "online to offline to online" shopping experience.
Customers can scan QR codes to learn about Cathay-branded products, purchase items, and select their preferred delivery option via the airline’s app.
Among the merchandise available are the special-edition co-branded Cathay x Start From Zero upcycled galley container and Christmas-themed products. Customers can also, and earn miles when they shop there.
Paul Smitton, director of the customer lifestyle unit at Cathay Pacific, noted that their vision in launching the Cathay master brand is to bring together all that they love about travel and lifestyle
With shopping as the core pillar of the brand’s concept, the experiential space gives Cathay Pacific a fantastic platform to showcase the best of the premium travel lifestyle they represent.