Cinnabon introduces its "Wa Gokoro" series, blending Japanese traditions with classic rolls, offering an innovative twist on the beloved cinnamon treats. From Uji Matcha to Kuromitsu, this new lineup promises a unique culinary experience.
The first roll in the Wa Gokoro series is the Uji Matcha Nama Choco Bon. This delicacy combines the rich flavors of ganache chocolate, referred to as "nama choco," with Uji Matcha, a powdered green tea sourced from Kyoto's renowned matcha-producing region.
The result is a delightful blend of sweet and bitter notes that truly transports you to the heart of traditional Japanese sweets.
Completing the duo is the Kuromitsu Kinako Bon. Featuring the allure of kuromitsu, a black sugar syrup with a molasses-like taste, and the comforting essence of roasted soybean flour, or kinako, this roll offers a harmonious balance of flavors that satisfies the senses.
Cinnabon has ingeniously paired these traditional Japanese flavors with their signature rolls. For those who enjoy the essence of matcha, the Uji Matcha Nama Choco Bon is accompanied by their Mini Chocolate Bon, which is said to boast a matcha-flavored cream cheese frosting.
This unique combination of deep matcha flavor and subtle sweetness is a perfect match for chocolate enthusiasts and an enticing alternative to the traditional cinnamon-spiced treat.
On the other hand, the Kuromitsu Kinako Bon finds its ideal companion in the Classic Minibon. Its kuromitsu cream cheese frosting beautifully complements the cinnamon in the roll, offering a delightful contrast of taste and texture.
Both varieties of the "Wa Gokoro" series are now available at Cinnabon stores nationwide, allowing customers to sample the fusion of Japanese tradition and Cinnabon's expertise.
This exciting introduction follows the success of the chain's previous limited-edition offering, Sakura Cinnabons, which garnered customer praise.
Photo: Cinnabon Japan Press Release