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Dom Dom’s Pear-Topped Teriyaki Burger Sparks Curiosity—Bold Move or Delicious Surprise?

Dom Dom’s new pear-topped Nashi Double Teriyaki Burger showcases a daring flavor combination. Credit: EconoTimes

Dom Dom, Japan’s oldest burger chain, has unveiled the Nashi Double Teriyaki Burger. It features thick slices of Japanese pear layered with two teriyaki-glazed patties. This unexpected combination has intrigued customers and sparked curiosity about its unique flavor.

Dom Dom Stuns Customers with Its Latest Creation: A Bold Pear-Topped Teriyaki Burger

Dom Dom, Japan’s oldest hamburger chain, is also one of the country’s smaller ones. Given this, one might expect the chain to play it safe with its menu, sticking to primary burger offerings. However, Dom Dom consistently defies expectations, surprising its customers with bold and innovative menu items.

The chain recently raised eyebrows, announcing its latest creation: a pear burger. Specifically, the Nashi Double Teriyaki Burger features thick slices of Japanese pear, known as nashi in Japan, layered atop two patties.

As soon as news of the Nashi Double Teriyaki Burger broke, it prompted curiosity about how unconventional this concept might be. On one hand, fruit in burgers isn’t entirely unheard of—pineapple, for example, has established itself as a viable topping. Yet the idea of pairing hamburgers with pears, two ingredients with long culinary histories, seemed so unorthodox that it raised the question: why hadn’t anyone tried this before?

It took a chain as daring as Dom Dom to bring this bold idea to the market. Initially launched at a single location in Miyagi Prefecture, the positive reception led to its expansion across all Dom Dom branches. The Nashi Double Teriyaki Burger, priced at 770 yen (approximately US$5.30), debuted on August 31, just as pear season began in Japan.

The ample pear slices shown in promotional photos weren’t just for show. Upon unwrapping the burger, it became clear that the fruit nearly overflowed from the buns. The burger consists of two teriyaki-glazed patties, lettuce, and mayonnaise, but it forgoes more traditional toppings like tomato, onions, or pickles.

Unlikely Pairing: How Pears and Teriyaki Patties Create a Surprisingly Delicious Burger

One might expect hesitation when tasting something as unconventional as a pear burger, but that was different for taste-tester Kohei. He was immediately impressed by how well the flavors worked together. Japanese pears are crisper, sweeter, and juicier than their Western counterparts, with a clean sweetness akin to an apple but without tartness. This flavor paired harmoniously with the teriyaki sauce’s sweet and salty notes, while the mayo added a surprisingly complementary element.

The texture also stood out, with the pear’s gentle crunch and burst of moisture combining seamlessly with the tender, juicy patties. Using two patties was likely a deliberate choice to balance the pear’s size and texture.

Kohei concluded that pear works in a burger and might even surpass pineapple as a burger fruit topping. Unfortunately, the Nashi Double Teriyaki Burger is available for a limited and unspecified time, but there is still an opportunity to try it. For those who miss out, Dom Dom’s other seasonal option, the tsukimi burger, is another worthwhile choice.

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