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Donald Trump Faces Backlash from Supporters Over Controversial Green Card Proposal: 'You've Fully Lost My Vote'

Former President Donald Trump at a recent rally, where his latest immigration proposal has sparked controversy among his supporters. Credit: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Former President Donald Trump is facing unexpected backlash from his own supporters after proposing a policy that would grant green cards to immigrants who graduate from American colleges. The policy, which Trump touted on his social media platform, Truth Social, has ignited a fierce debate among his base, many of whom feel the proposal contradicts the "America First" agenda that defined his earlier campaigns.

Trump shared the policy idea in the early hours of Saturday morning, linking to an opinion piece from the Washington Examiner that praised his stance. The article, titled "Trump is right: Foreign graduates should get green cards," argued that allowing foreign students to stay in the U.S. after graduation aligns with pro-growth principles and benefits the American economy.

However, this endorsement did not sit well with many of Trump's loyal followers. A number of supporters expressed their dismay on social media, with some even declaring that they could no longer back the former president due to this latest policy shift.

One user, who had previously supported Trump's hardline immigration policies, criticized the former president for deviating from his 2016 and 2020 campaign promises. The user, identified as @punishedhumanbean, lamented that Trump's recent proposals, including his stance on reproductive rights and green cards for foreign graduates, have alienated him from the America First movement. The user indicated that they are now an "uncommitted voter," reflecting the disillusionment among some within Trump's base.

Another user, @JamesDesch, drew parallels between Trump's proposal and "Operation Paperclip," a controversial program that brought Nazi scientists to the U.S. after World War II. The user argued that awarding green cards to foreign graduates could have long-term negative consequences for American workers and questioned the wisdom of such a policy.

The criticism continued with @MajorKalhoun, who voiced concerns about American jobs being given to foreigners. The user highlighted the failures of the U.S. education system and argued that the country should prioritize its own citizens before offering opportunities to foreign students.

A self-identified "Patriot J6 'insurrectionist,'" using the handle @PatriotHH, also opposed the proposal, questioning why foreign students should be prioritized over American children. The user expressed skepticism about the benefits of educating foreign students in the U.S., fearing that they might use their knowledge to benefit their home countries rather than contributing to American society.

Another user, @Jasper1, who has "Trump won!" in their bio, added to the chorus of disapproval by pointing out that there is already a path to citizenship through the existing citizenship course and exam. The user argued that granting green cards to foreign students would bypass the traditional process and undermine the value of American citizenship.

The controversy highlights the challenges Trump faces as he seeks to balance his past hardline rhetoric with policies that may appeal to a broader electorate. While the former president continues to enjoy strong support within the Republican Party, the backlash over this green card proposal reveals cracks in his base, particularly among those who feel that he is straying from the core principles that once defined his campaigns.

As the 2024 election cycle heats up, Trump will need to navigate these internal divisions carefully, or risk alienating the very supporters who propelled him to victory in 2016.

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