

Philip Oldfield

Philip Oldfield

Associate Professor in Architecture, UNSW
Dr. Philip Oldfield is an Associate Professor and Director of the Architecture Program at UNSW Sydney.

Prior to joining UNSW, Philip was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Nottingham, UK. At Nottingham he was the creator and Course Director of the Masters Course in Sustainable Tall Buildings – the world’s only course and qualification dedicated to the design and research of high-rise architecture. In addition, he has taught tall building studio and lecture modules at universities in Chicago, Venice and Singapore.

Philip’s research interests are focused primarily on tall buildings, sustainability and embodied energy / carbon. Philip writes widely around the topics of tall building design and sustainability and has had peer-reviewed papers published in the Journal of Architecture, Architectural Science Review, Energy and Buildings, Solar Energy and more. He is author of the book "The Sustainable Tall Building: A Design Primer", published by Routledge in 2019.

He is also a regular contributor to the media, and in 2015 was awarded a funded British Science Association Media Fellowship to spend four weeks working with the Guardian Newspaper, alongside the science and environment teams. He has written a number of articles for the Guardian and for the Architects’ Journal (UK), Architecture Australia, The Conversation (UK), Middle East Construction Magazine (UAE), STRUCTURE Magazine (USA), and BbICOTHbIE (Russia) amongst others. He has presented a segment on BBC 1's Inside/Out exploring future housing in the UK, and has also been interviewed on The Discovery Channel.

How low can we go? To cut the carbon that goes into buildings to net zero, we need radical change

Aug 29, 2024 11:09 am UTC| Insights & Views Economy

Philip Oldfield, Head of School and Professor of Architecture, UNSW Built Environment, UNSW Sydney Buildings are one of our biggest contributors to global heating. They produce 37% of all greenhouse gas emissions from...



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