

Leonie Fleischmann

Leonie Fleischmann

Lecturer in International Politics, City, University of London
Leonie Fleischmann is a Lecturer in International Politics at City, University of London. She is the author of The Israeli Peace Movement: Anti-Occupation Activism and Human Rights since the Al Aqsa Intifada (I.B. Tauris, 2019).

Her research interests involve civil resistance, social movements and human rights. Her current research interrogates the role of internal allies in resistance campaigns. She has published on the case of Israel and Palestine, with the support of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict. She is currently researching the Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa and the Indigenous Movements in North America.

Global Geopolitics Series

Ceasefire in Gaza more remote with the assassination of Haniyeh and promotion of Sinwar

Aug 09, 2024 18:39 pm UTC| Insights & Views

Yahya Sinwar has been unanimously chosen as the successor to Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas who was assassinated in Tehran on July 31. Sinwar is reported to be more extreme than his predecessor and is widely...



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도널드 트럼프, 2024년 재선 시 선거 부정 행위에 대한 강력한 형사 처벌 공약

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