Director of Her Story, project coordinator at The Equality Institute, lead on U Right Sis? project, Indigenous Knowledge
Kayla Glynn-Braun is a proud First Nations Wiradjuri Woman from New South Wales and has lived in Australia’s Northern territory for over 12 years. Kayla has worked within the community and housing sector for over a decade and has worked in frontline services responding to domestic, family, and sexual violence. Kayla is particularly passionate about the critical and urgent need for Australia to address violence perpetrated against First Nations women. With a background in housing and social environments, Kayla has previously been involved in homelessness services, housing policy and systems, case management and program management. Kayla holds a Diploma in Leadership and Management, Diploma in Business, and Diploma in Property Services in Real Estate.
PhD Candidate in the politics of school uniform policies, Griffith University
Kayla Mildren is a PhD Candidate at Griffith University. Her research focuses on the intersections of youth, identity, and education.
Lecturer at the Graduate School of Management, University of California, Davis, University of California, Davis
My research focuses on gender and leadership, confidence, and goals – areas of inquiry in Organizational Behavior. I have used a multitude of designs and analyses (e.g., laboratory and field experiments, ANOVA, ANCOVA, Structural Equation Modeling, and Meta-Analysis).
My research has been reported in 16 publications (9 journal articles, 2 books, 2 online chapters, 3 AoM proceeding). My 2020 article in Journal of Applied Psychology that examined a female leadership advantage by linking women governors with less COVID-19 deaths early in the pandemic received a Responsible Research in Management Finalist Award from the Academy of Management Fellows. In 2024, I was invited to be a Contributing Editor on the board of Journal of Applied Psychology.
I have co-authored with leading researchers in the world, including the late Albert Bandura of Stanford and Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, the co-founders of goal-setting theory.
Postdoctoral research fellow and clinical psychologist, UNSW Sydney
Kayla Steele, Ph.D, is a clinical psychologist and postdoctoral research fellow at UNSW School of Psychology, based at the Black Dog Institute. She has a particular research focus on anxiety and mood disorders, developing and evaluating novel psychological interventions, personality disorder and parent-child attachment relationships.
Clinically, Kayla has worked across various settings including public mental health inpatient units, community adult and child and adolescent mental health, university clinics and private practice. She specialises in working with individuals and families who experience complex and severe mental health difficulties, particularly personality disorder.
Kayla is also interested in intersectionality, and how overlapping and interdependent systems of race, class, ability, gender and sexuality impact the individual and their experience of mental ill-health.
Fellow in Clinical Pharmacogenomics, University of Pittsburgh
Kayla Rowe received her Pharm D. from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy in 2022. She currently works as a clinical pharmacogenomics fellow at the University of Pittsburgh where she is part of an interdisciplinary team for UPMC's primary care precision medicine clinic. Within this clinic, patients are counseled on the risks, benefits and limitations of pharmacogenomic testing and their genetic results are interpreted and explained.
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences; Senior Scientist, Pacific Institute on Pathogens, Pandemics and Society, Simon Fraser University
I'm a scientist with a particular interest in One Health (the collective health of wildlife, people, and the environment) and health communications. I am an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences and a Senior Scientist in the Pacific Institute on Pathogens, Pandemics and Society at Simon Fraser Universty. I am also the Regional Deputy Director of the British Columbia node of the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative, where I work on a variety of wildlife-health related issues. I completed a Masters in Evolutionary Biology as well as a Bachelor of Science in Animal Biology from the University of Alberta.
In addition to my wildlife health work, I am the host of Genome British Columbia's podcast "Nice Genes!" which explores how genomics (study of genomes) can be used to understand the world around us. I'm also the co-founder and co-host of Nerd Nite Vancouver, a monthly science-focused lecture series and a facilitator for SciCATs: the Science Communication Action Team which creates modular open-access science communication training.
Ph.D. Student and Transdisiplinary Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences Fellow, Florida International University
Kaylee’s research in the Laboratory of Tropical Genetics focuses on the molecular basis for mosquito attraction to humans. Mosquito-borne diseases annually account for over one million deaths worldwide. She hopes to connect what makes some people more attractive to mosquitoes than others with the variability of each person’s skin microbiome. Using this, she hopes to create a more effective and long-lasting mosquito repellent that can potentially save lives.
Master's Student in Communication, Research Assistant for Pacific Institute on Pathogens, Pandemics and Society, Simon Fraser University
I am a Master's student in Communication at SFU and currently also a Research Assistant under PIPPS helping conduct their study on Long COVID in British Columbia (PIPPS is also at SFU within the Faculty of Health Sciences). I graduated from SFU with a Honours BA in Communication in 2021. Last year, Dr. Al-Rawi and I co-authored an article in the journal of Health Communication on the role of gender in COVID-hoaxer conspiracies. I have also been a Research Assistant for the Digital Democracies Institute at SFU.
Lecturer, University of the Western Cape
Kaylianne Aploon-Zokufa is a lecturer in the Institute for Post-School Studies at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in the Faculty of Education. She is a PhD candidate and her research topic is: “An investigation into how mature women ECD practitioners access higher education through the BEd Foundation Phase programme.” Before she joined UWC, she completed a master's degree in curriculum studies at the University of Cape Town. Her interest shifted to adult learning during a six-year period of teaching, training and facilitating adult education and training programmes in workplaces and early childhood development programmes at technical, vocational, education and training colleges.
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Purdue University
Kaylyn Jackson Schiff is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Purdue University and Co-Director of the Governance and Responsible AI Lab (GRAIL).
Kaylyn studies American politics and policy, with a focus on quantitative and experimental methods. Her research addresses how citizens share information with government and examines the drivers of policymaker and bureaucrat responsiveness to citizen input. Additionally, she devotes particular attention to the impacts of emerging technologies on government and society. For example, she considers how technological developments are changing citizen-government contact and explores implications for service provision, misinformation, policing, education, and government use of artificial intelligence.
Kaylyn’s research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Politics, Nature Human Behaviour, Policy Studies Journal, the Journal of Experimental Political Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, State Politics & Policy Quarterly, and Public Administration. In addition, her dissertation — "The Digital Citizen: The Impact of Technology on Public Participation and Government Responsiveness" — won the 2023 Leonard D. White Award for Best Dissertation in the Field of Public Administration by the American Political Science Association.
Kaylyn received her Ph.D. and M.A. in Political Science from Emory University and completed a B.A. in Public Policy from Princeton University and an M.Ed. from Fordham University. For the 2022-2023 academic year, she was a Postdoctoral Associate with the Institution for Social and Policy Studies at Yale University. Previously, Kaylyn worked in K-12 education as a teacher and as a school administrator focused on curriculum design, assessment, and educational data use.
Research Fellow, Social Policy and Social Work Department, University of York
Dr. Kayonda Hubert Ngamaba, BSc(Hons), M.A., Ph.D., CPsychol has a background in health psychology, international development and mental health research. Dr. Kayonda is a researcher at the International Centre for Mental Health Social Research (ICMHSR), Social Policy and Social Work Department, University of York. The centre (ICMHSR) brings together researchers from around the world to undertake a unique research programme applying social science to mental health practice. Before joining the University of York, Dr. Kayonda worked for the NHS and the University of Manchester on several projects including the prevention of suicide in prisons, randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses to improve people's quality of life and happiness. Dr. Kayonda is currently working on the SCENE project in collaboration with NHS community mental health teams: A randomised controlled trial of a structured intervention for expanding social networks in Psychosis. Dr. Kayonda has published high-quality research papers in several academic journals including the European Journal of Public Health, Journal of Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Journal of Psychology in Africa, Journal of Religion and Health, Quality of Life Research, Behavioral and Experimental Economics, British Journal of Social Work, and Mental Health and Physical Activity. Every Sunday, Dr. Kayonda likes visiting and singing with old people at the care homes and hospitals.
Research Fellow, Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language, and Literature, Macquarie University
I am an early-career researcher working on the intersection between medieval European beliefs, disbeliefs, and emotions. I have written on the legend of Prester John, the emotion of wonder, and the crusades.
Professor of Teaching, Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia
Kedrick James is Professor of Teaching in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia. He is also a poet and language software application developer.
PhD Candidate, Sociology, York University, Canada
KEEFER WONG is a PhD candidate in the Sociology Department at York University. As a graduate associate at York Centre for Asian Research, his research intersects globalization, political sociology, knowledge production, Canada, China, and Hong Kong. He has presented in international conferences and published in academic and government reports. A recipient of the Ontario Graduate Scholarship and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council doctoral scholarship since he joined at York, Keefer is working on his dissertation examining anti-Asian racism, ethnonationalism, and experiences among older ethnic Chinese individuals who are born in Canada and those who immigrated to Canada as working adults. He has been an RA and GA for numerous research projects, including the SSHRC-funded project entitled “COVID19: Exploring the Experiences of Anti-Chinese/Asian Racism in the GTA” (PI: Guida C. Man), and was recently nominated for the Dean’s Teaching Award.
Associate Professor of Psychology, Hamilton College
Keelah Williams is an evolutionary psychologist whose current research focuses on two areas: friendship and legal decision-making. She has a doctorate in psychology as well as a law degree, and her work has been published in journals such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Williams received her doctorate from Arizona State University and her juris doctor from the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University. During her time in law school, she served as editor-in-chief of the Arizona State Law Journal. Williams has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Michigan at Dearborn.
A dual citizen of the United States and Australia, Williams has had a lifelong passion for travel.
PhD Candidate, Early Modern History, University of York
Keely is an early modern historian specialising in Henry VIII's royal progresses, seeking to build a complete itinerary for the reign of Henry VIII for the first time. She has a particular interest in exploring personal monarchy, politics, and the relationship between power and space. Currently in the final year of her PhD at the University of York, she has previously been involved with the AHRC-funded Henry on Tour Network, a collaborative network between historians, curators, archaeologists and heritage professionals. In 2022, she joined the AHRC-funded Henry on Tour project as their Impact and Outreach Coordinator. Keely's most recent publication, "Progresses and Personal Monarchy in the Reign of Henry VIII", jointly authored with J.P.D Cooper in Royal Journeys in Early Modern Europe: Progresses, Palaces and Panache (Routledge, 2022), offers new perspectives on journeys made by Henry VIII.
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, McMaster University
Dr. Keena Trowell is an Assistant Professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering at McMaster University. Her research looks at metal-water reactions to produce hydrogen-on-demand. Her other research interests include supercritical water oxidation, sustainable energy carriers, clean energy storage, and energy systems.
Dr Keetie Roelen is a Research Fellow and Co-Director of the Centre for Social Protection. She is a development economist by training and current research interests include the dynamics of (child) poverty, social protection and the linkages between child protection and social protection.
Keetie has worked with many international organisations such as UNICEF, FAO and Concern Worldwide, performing research and policy advice work in South East Asia, Southern and Eastern Africa and Central and Eastern Europe. She has quantitative and qualitative research skills and has designed and delivered lectures and training courses for Masters students, professionals, practitioners and policy makers. Her work has been published in the form of peer-reviewed journal publications and book chapters, working papers and project reports.
Allen-Taylor Oladipupo Kehinde recently completed his Postdoctoral at the Department of Waste and Resource Management, Technische Universität
Braunschweig, Germany. He obtained his PhD and Master’s degree at the Christian-Albrechts-University (CAU) Kiel, Germany and his Bachelor of Science from the Lagos State University Lagos, Nigeria.
His expertise includes environmental, social, and governance (ESG), waste management, environmental policy, corporate social responsibility, climate change, and circular economy. He is also knowledgeable about sustainability and sustainable development goals (SGDs). He has looked into a variety
of multidisciplinary techniques to address complex issues that Nigeria and many other African growing economies are facing.In order to pursue these interests, Dr. Allen-
Taylor has acquired knowledge of and put that knowledge to use in both qualitative and quantitative approaches, combining case study analysis, descriptive methods, observation, and interviewing with regression analysis and qualitative comparison analysis (QCA).
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland
Kei is a postdoctoral research fellow in zoonotic infectious disease surveillance and modelling at the Queensland Alliance for One Health Sciences, School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland. Her current work includes the application of spatial epidemiological modelling approaches to investigate possible associations between zoonotic infectious diseases and environmental risk factors in Australia and biosecurity related projects in Australia.
Postdoctoral research fellow, UNSW Sydney
Keiko current works as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for the Culturally Nourishing Schooling project at UNSW. Her research broadly focuses on students' and teachers' motivation at school.
Postdoctoral research fellow, UNSW Sydney
Keiko current works as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for the Culturally Nourishing Schooling project at UNSW. Her research broadly focuses on students' and teachers' motivation at school.
Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of York
Founding Editor, Defence and Peace Economics, 1990-2007
Special Advisor to the Editor, Defence and Peace Economics, 2008-
Chair, Finance Group, Aerospace Innovation and Growth Team, reporting to Secretary of State, DTI
Written and Oral evidence presented to House of Commons Defence Committee for its Enquiries into the UK Defence Industrial Strategy and Defence Commitments and Resources
Special Adviser to House of Commons Defence Committee, 1985 – 2001
Consultant to UN, EC, EDA, UK Ministry of Defence, DTI, HM Treasury, Korean Defence Agency and Korean Development Institute
Keith Laws is Professor of Cognitive Neuropsychology in the School of Life and Medical Sciences at the University of Hertfordshire. He completed a PhD at the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge and is the author of over 100 papers and a recent book entitled 'Category-Specificity: Evidence for Modularity of Mind'. His research focusses on cognitive function in a variety disorders including Alzheimer's Disease, Schizophrenia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
He is a Chartered Psychologist, Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Member of the Institute of Learning and Teaching, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and various academic organisations including the British Neuropsychological Society, British Neuropsychiatric Association, Experimental Psychology Society.
Keith C. Miller is the Ellis and Nelle Levitt Distinguished Professor of Law at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Professor Miller teaches the course on Gaming Law at Drake along with courses in the area of Torts. In addition to numerous law review articles, he is co-author of THE LAW OF GAMBLING AND REGULATED GAMING, the leading casebook on gaming law. The 2d Edition of the casebook will be published in January of 2016.
Professor Miller is the Vice-President of Educator Affiliates of the International Masters of Gaming Law (IMGL), a global gambling law network and educational organization. He serves as the Vice-Chair of the Gaming Law Committee for the Business Law Section of the American Bar Association. He has spoken on and moderated panels for the IMGL, the ABA Gaming Law Minefield National Institute, and has conducted symposia and lectured at law schools in the US and France. Professor Miller also consults on gaming law cases, has been an expert witness in gaming law litigation, and is a frequent resource for media on matters involving gaming law.
Professor Miller received his J.D. from the University of Missouri-Kansas City where he was the Editor-in-Chief of the UMKC Law Review. After practicing law in Kansas City, Missouri, Professor Miller obtained his LL.M. degree from the University of Michigan Law School before beginning his career as an academic lawyer. Professor Miller also served as the NCAA Faculty Representative at Drake University from 1995-2000.
Assistant Professor in Geography, Mountain Hydrology, and Climate Change, University of Colorado Boulder
Keith Musselman studies hydrology, climate change, hydrometeorology, remote sensing, modeling and data analytics. His research goals are to assess climate change impacts on water availability, to measure and model ecohydrologic cold region processes across scales, and to develop approaches in collaboration with diverse stakeholder groups to inform sustainable adaptation and decision strategies. He has a Ph.D. in civil engineering from UCLA and a master's degree in hydrology from the University of Arizona.
Professor of Economics, City University London
Professor Pilbeam is a Professor of International Economics and Finance at City University London.
He obtained his PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, he has worked for NatWest Bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland and has done extensive consultancy work for a number of City financial institutions.
He also advises the UK Foreign Office on international economic issues. He is the President of the International Economics and Finance Society ( and also General Secretary of the European Economics and Finance Society ( He is co-editor of the Journal of Economic Asymmetries (Elsevier).
His research relates mainly to foreign exchange and financial markets. He is the author of two well-known textbooks, International Finance and Finance and Financial Markets both published by Palgrave. His other research book is Exchange Rate Managementy: Theory and Evidence also published by Palgrave.
Keith's major teaching areas are Medical Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Health & Safety. He is currently a Senior Academic in Microbiology & Molecular Biology, the Campus Health and Safety Officer and the University Biological Safety Officer. He is the course leader for the Postgraduate Certificate Molecular Biology in Medicine by Distance Learning and Chair of the Campus Safety Management Team. He is also a member of the University Ethics Committee and Research Ethics Committee and a member of the Academics Conduct Group.
He was previously a Senior Lecturer in Microbiology at Harrow College of Higher Education and a Lecturer in Biology at Lincoln College of Technology. He was a Graduate Research Scienctist at the National Collection of Type Cultures at the Central Public Health Laboratory (HPA), London.
Honorary Research Associate, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania
Dr Keith Reid is a marine scientist with a passion for conservation and education. From 2008 to 2021 he was the Science Manager at the Secretariat of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). Prior to moving to CCAMLR Keith was a research scientist with the British Antarctic Survey (1991 – 2007) where he was project leader for the Ocean Ecosystems and Management programme and also completed a secondment as a polar science and policy advisor to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. He has PhD from Liverpool University, is an author of over 80 peer-reviewed publications and was formerly the editor of the journal CCAMLR Science.
Keith’s work focuses on the use of science in conservation and the interface of science and policy. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University and an Adjunct Research Associate at the University of Tasmania.
Since 2021 Keith has been a Director of Ross Analytics, specialising in ecological and environmental risk assessment in the fisheries and renewable energy sectors.
Senior Lecturer in History, University of Suffolk
I am an interdisciplinary medievalist working at the intersection of history, law, archaeology, and literature, especially on topics like legalism, normativity, punishment, and personhood in Viking-Age Scandinavia and its diaspora.
I have a passion for using innovative and culturally comparative methodologies for researching and teaching the medieval world – including Indigenous Studies, Posthumanist, and Game Studies approaches – with an eye towards fostering richer and more inclusive dialogue about this period and its many connections.
Visiting professor, University of Kent
Professor Keith Somerville is a writer and lecturer on African affairs, journalism and the global media. In January 2013, he was appointed as a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies at the University of London. He teaches the Communications and Humanitarianism and Propaganda modules at the Centre for Journalism at the University of Kent.His book, Africa’s Long Road Since Independence. The Many Histories of a Continent has just been published by Hurst and Co and his work on the history of the ivory trade in Africa – Ivory. Poaching and Power in Africa will be published at the end of 2016. . Professor Somerville founded and runs the Africa, News and Analysis website.
Keith writes on Africa’s military and political affairs; the politics of conservation in Africa; Africa and the media; the history and use of propaganda and hate broadcasting; analysing the global media and its coverage of major world events; finding and developing stories; news and feature writing; interview techniques; broadcast and online news reporting and production; media law and ethics, and international journalism.
He has specialist knowledge of African politics and military/strategic issues; foreign intervention in Africa; environmental and wildlife issues in Africa and beyond; Marxism and the foreign policy of the former Soviet Union; and rugby (he has years of playing and team captaincy experience and is an RFU-qualified rugby coach). His current research interests are the contemporary history of Africa in light of the interplay bet ween structure and human agency; radio propaganda in apartheid South Africa; and the links between insurgency, organized crime and poaching in central and southern Africa
A career journalist with the BBC World Service and BBC Newsi for three decades, Keith has an established track record as a trainer and training designer for the BBC, initially with BBC World Service training and latterly with the recently-established BBC College of Journalism. He was executive producer for the BBC’s international award-winning Legal Online course; co-author and role-play developer for the BBC’s post-Hutton Sources, Scoops and Stories course; he in charge of and the scenario writer for the BBC’s interactive journalism teaching tool, The Journalism Tutor.
His knowledge of journalism theory and practice is based on nearly three decades of reporting, writing, presenting and editing World Service news programmes. He also has extensive online production experience and has written for specialist publications on African affairs.
The major world events he has covered include running the World Service team in South Africa for the first post-apartheid elections in 1994; presenting live coverage of the attempted coup against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev; overseeing the first 10 hours of World Service coverage of the death of Princess Diana; running of live World Service radio coverage on 9/11; and producing and presenting radio documentaries from South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Tanzania, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Guyana, Barbados, Jamaica and the wilds of deepest Cardiff and Norfolk.
Keith has an extensive publication record on African continental and international politics.
From 2012 to 2014 he taught the Humaniatarian Communications module and a module on Conflict and Security in Africa in the School of Politics and International Studies at the University of Kent. From 2008 to 2011, he taught journalism at undergraduate and postgraduate level at Brunel University and was BA (Hons) Journalism course leader and Admissions Tutor for the MA in International Journalism. He was educated at St Clement Danes Grammar School, the University of Southampton, the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, and Brunel University.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Miami University
Since August 2022, Keith A. Preble has been a visiting assistant professor of political science at Miami University (Oxford, OH).
He received his PhD in Political Science from the Department of Political Science at Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy at the University at Albany, State University of New York with a focus on international relations and comparative politics in December 2021.
His dissertation, entitled “Economic sanctions and opportunism,” explores the ways in which third-party states and their firms take advantage of opportunities that emerge when economic sanctions and arms embargoes are implemented. His dissertation was also awarded the Rockefeller College Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2022.
Associate Professor of Political Science, US Naval War College
Keith L. Carter received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania in 2019. His research agenda encompasses strategic competition, the impact of societal and technological trends on military organizations and security operations, and civil-military relations with regards to U.S. institutions, force design, and force employment. Keith is a retired Army officer, whose military career spanned over two decades and included multiple command assignments, service in special operations, and eight combat tours.
Professor of Media and Information and Interim Director of the Quello Center, Michigan State University
Keith N. Hampton, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Media and Information and Interim Director of the Quello Center for Telecommunication Management and Law at Michigan State University. Dr. Hampton is a network scholar who studies community, with a focus on digital media and social inequality. His research investigates the connections between digital access and disparities in areas such as gender, education, and well-being. He has examined how variation in the use of digital media (i.e., social media, video games, etc.,), digital skills, parental mediation, and access inequalities influence outcomes, particularly in rural communities. Dr. Hampton's research has received a number of awards. This includes the 2022 Career Achievement Award from the Section on Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology of the American Sociological Association. In 2017 he was elected a member of the Sociological Research Association. Hampton's prior faculty appointments include Rutgers University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Assistant Professor of Marketing, College of Charleston
I am an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the College of Charleston (Ph.D., Texas Tech University). My research offers insights into the role of technology in value cocreation, identity development, and market system dynamics. I use multiple methods to reveal the benefits and consequences of technology-enabled actor-networks. My work in digital wellness impacts scholarship, learning, and businesses.