

Monique Potvin Kent

Professor, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
Dr. Monique Potvin Kent is a Professor in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health. She has a Ph.D. in Population Health, a Master’s degree in Psychology, and Bachelor’s degrees in both Psychology and Political Science. She is a multi-disciplinary applied public health researcher who focuses on the prevention of obesity and other chronic diseases by examining food and nutrition policies and the commercial determinants of health. Dr. Potvin Kent is an expert in food and beverage marketing targeted at children and adolescents, the healthfulness of this marketing, and whether current policies are protecting children on various media channels such as on television and in digital media, and in child settings such as schools. She has a decade of experience doing research, policy development, and advocacy in this area and is recognized for this work nationally and internationally. Dr. Potvin Kent has received funding from CIHR, NSERC and the Heart and Stroke Foundation and frequently collaborates with governments and non-governmental health organizations. She also has a clinical background in eating disorders and cognitive behavioural therapy. She teaches EPI7184 Health Policy.



Montserrat Guerrero Lladós

Profesora de Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Cartografía, Universitat de Lleida



Montserrat Magro Gutiérrez

Directora de los Grados en Educación Infantil y en Educación Primaria, Universidad Nebrija
Doctora en Educación Cum Laude por la Universidad Camilo José Cela (mención internacional); Máster en Pedagogía por la Universidad del Sur (Chiapas, México); Licenciada en Educación Preescolar por la Escuela Normal de Educadoras “Bertha Von Glummer y Leyva (Chiapas, México). Doctora Acreditada por ANECA. Profesora en la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija y directora de los Grados de Educación Infantil y de Educación Primaria. Forma parte del Think Tank "EduSoC Lab: Educación, Sociedad y Cultura" de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y del equipo editorial de la Revista Estilos de Aprendizaje (ISSN: 1988-8996) / Journal of Learning Styles (ISSN: 2332-8533), coordinada y editada por Edusoc Lab, en colaboración con UTAH Valley University y la Editorial Universitas. Es miembro del Grupo de Investigación CEDI de la Universidad Nebrija. Ha sido docente de Educación Infantil en centros educativos privados y públicos (rurales y urbanos). Ha colaborado como asesora técnico-pedagógica del programa de Desarrollo Curricular Preescolar de la Secretaría de Educación Pública y ha formado parte del grupo de asesores del Subsecretario de Educación Federalizada del Estado de Chiapas, México. En el ámbito universitario ha desarrollado proyectos de intercambio internacional docente en la Universidad de Maribor, Eslovenia, así como en otras instituciones españolas de Educación Superior. Ha formado parte de proyectos educativos universitarios creado por y para jóvenes con requerimientos de aprendizaje específicos. Ha asistido a diversos congresos nacionales e internacionales; y ha formado parte del comité organizador y evaluador de distintos encuentros de educación. Ha publicado diversos artículos científicos y capítulos de libro. Es experta en formación del profesorado; educación multigrado en el contexto rural; educación inclusiva; atención y educación de la primera infancia; políticas educativas para países en vías de desarrollo; Educación Comparada; análisis y diseño curricular, entre otros.



Mordechai Gordon

Professor of Education, Quinnipiac University
Mordechai Gordon is a Professor of education in the School of Education at Quinnipiac University. My areas of specialization are philosophy of education, teacher education and democratic education. I am the author of Ten Common Myths in American Education (Holistic Education Press, 2005) and the editor of Hannah Arendt and Education: Renewing our Common World, winner of the 2002 AESA Critics Choice Award. I have published numerous articles in the most prestigious scholarly journals in my field such as Educational Theory, Journal of Teacher Education, Oxford Review of Education, and Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice.



Morgan MacLeod

Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Astrophysics, Harvard University
Morgan MacLeod is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Astrophysics and ITC Member whose research focuses on stellar encounters in binary systems and their imprints on the transient night sky.

Morgan uses computational and simulation methods to trace close encounters of stars and compact objects (like black holes and neutron stars) in binary systems and dense clusters. Morgan's research aims at understanding the evolutionary history of objects that end up in binaries that merge under the influence of gravitational wave emission.



Morgan Tingley

Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles
I am an ornithologist, conservation biologist, and community and quantitative ecologist.

My research combines original data collected in the field with biodiversity informatics (“big data”) and novel quantitative modeling techniques to understand critical ecological questions about organisms. I am most interested in how large-scale anthropogenic drivers of change (e.g., climate change, invasive species, land-use change, fire regimes) affect geographic distributions and community interactions over short (years) to long (centuries) timespans. I collaborate with a diverse array of scientists in many fields and am always looking for new opportunities, exciting data, and intriguing systems.



Morgan J. Robinson

Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University
I am a historian of eastern Africa and the history of science, focused on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. My research interests fall under the rubric of knowledge production broadly speaking, including in the areas of language, standardization, bureaucracy, research, and education. I received my BA from Yale University in 2008 and my PhD from Princeton University in 2018 and am currently an assistant professor in the Department of History at Mississippi State University. Between January 2021 and July 2022 I was a Humboldt Research Fellow affiliated with the Institute for Asian and African Studies at Humboldt University.

My first book, A Language for the World: The Standardization of Swahili (November 2022, Ohio University Press) examines the long-term, interconnected processes that produced Standard Swahili as it is taught around the world today, zooming in on specific moments of conversation, translation, and codification. Adopting this dual perspective allowed me to uncover the ways in which, over the course of a century, various communities-in-construction converged upon the project of linguistic knowledge production in and about Swahili.

This upcoming October I will be in Essen, Germany at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities working on my second book project, tentatively titled Making an African University: Histories of Inquiry in East Africa. The book will examine the diverse frameworks of scholarly inquiry that co-mingled in this region across two centuries, ranging from discussions on the baraza (front porches) of Zanzibar, to universities in Kampala and Dar es Salaam. My aim with this project is to explore the notion of research, demonstrating how a region like East Africa—largely ignored in the mainstream literature on the history of science and its concomitant field the history of the humanities, both of which focus fundamentally on questions pertaining to the production of knowledge—can and should be an essential part of the conversation. To do so, I examine several case studies of research and researchers who, though perhaps not hewing to our traditional understanding of the terms, were engaged in scholarly inquiry. I argue that such “frameworks of inquiry” did not disappear with the establishment of colonial institutions of higher education, but rather informed the possibilities and modes of research available to East Africans in those spaces.



Morgan R. Frank

Assistant Professor of Informatics, University of Pittsburgh
Morgan Frank, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics and Networked Systems in the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh. His research agenda is to embrace the complexity of artificial intelligence (AI), the future of work, and the socio-economic consequences of technological change. This goal is inherently multi-disciplinary and collaborative as it builds broadly on advances in the fields of labor economics, sociology, computational social science, network science, data science, political science, and complex systems.



Morgiane Noel

PhD Candidate in Law, Trinity College Dublin
I have an LLB, and a two-year master's from the University of Louvain with a specialization in EU Policy and Governance and EU Law with an Erasmus at the University of Geneva. I also have an LLM in International & European Business Law from Trinity College, Dublin, and a Certificate in Humanitarian Law from the College of Europe, Bruges.
In 2022, I started my Ph.D. at Trinity College, Dublin, in the field of Refugee Law and Climate Change.
I have experience in Legal Research and EU policies and I am currently a teaching assistant in EU Law. Before my Ph.D., I have worked in a European export credit insurance in Brussels, Belgium, a Corporate Law firm in Luxembourg, and the field of Immigration Law in Dublin, Ireland. I have a strong interest in international geopolitics, environmental topics such as water conservation, Contemporary Art, Culture, Literature (French, Czech, Middle Eastern,...), Philosophy, and History ( with a preference for the general European History, the Roman and Ottoman Empires, World War II, Decolonisation History, Music History, and Women's rights History ).
I am fluent and work in English, French, and Dutch. Additionally, I have seven years of experience in Latin translations, Ancient Greek, and notions of Arabic, Farsi, and Spanish.



Moritz Pieper

I have been a Lecturer in International Relations at Salford since February 2016. I completed my doctoral research at the University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies on non-Western foreign policies towards the Iranian nuclear programme. During this time, I also was a visiting Research Fellow at China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU), Beijing, at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Brussels, and at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London.

I am a seminar leader in the modules ‘US Foreign Policy’ and ‘Theories of Power and Domination’ (Level 6) and contribute to teaching in the module ‘International Politics 2’ (Level 4).

My research focuses on Russian foreign policy, Russian-Western relations, and their impact on the international relations of the post-Soviet space and the Middle East. I have researched Chinese, Russian, and Turkish foreign policies towards Iran and the controversial politics surrounding sanctions policies. I also have an interest in EU diplomacy and US Foreign Policy.



Morolake Josephine Adeagbo

Senior Research Associate, University of Johannesburg



Morten L. Kringelbach

Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow in Neuroscience, University of Oxford

Morten is also Professor of Neuroscience at the Music in Brain Center at Aarhus University, Denmark. He is interested in understanding pleasure in its many forms, including chocolate and music. Professor Kringelbach uses advanced neuroimaging, neurosurgical and computational methods to understand brain function together with Hedonia team members and international collaborators. He is on the advisory board for Scientific American and a Fellow of the ASP. He has published fourteen books, and over 300 scientific papers, chapters and other articles.



Morteza Sabet

Research Assistant Professor of Automotive Engineering, Clemson University
Morteza Sabet is an accomplished research engineer with a multidisciplinary background in materials, chemistry, and mechanics leading to innovative solutions for the development of advanced materials. Areas of focus: Synthesis, nanomaterials, energy storage and conversion, rechargeable batteries, polymer composites and nanocomposites.



Morvarid Rahmani

Associate Professor of Operations Management, Georgia Institute of Technology



Motshedisi Mathibe

Senior Lecturer Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria
Dr Motshedisi Mathibe is a full-time faculty lecturer at University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS). She shas more than 15 years’ experience lecturing in various higher academic institutions. Dr Mathibe helps pioneering social ventures catalyse change. She travels regularly in Africa. She works best at the interface of culture, technology, formal and informal businesses, and social impact. Dr Mathibe teaches entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial ecosystem, social impact, and strategic marketing. Her research interests are in the field of Social Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurship, Informality, township Economy, and Base of the Pyramid markets.
In addition to teaching and research responsibilities, Dr Mathibe is involved with The United Nation’s Global Impact Young Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Innovators Programme. Here, she mentors and supports a team of young innovators in their efforts to frame a challenge, applying sustainable business and innovative concepts/ideas to create tangible business solutions with real market potential. In 2020 she co-published an award-winning case “All Women Recycling: Staffing Challenges during a Global Pandemic”.



Motshidisi Manyeneng

Lecturer in Costume Theory and theatre costumer, Tshwane University of Technology
Motshidisi currently lectures costume theory and practice at the Tshwane University of Technology. His research work focuses mainly on African traditional performance costume. He presented at the TUT IKS conference and published a paper on Zulu indlamu dance costume with DEFSA in 2019. Motshidisi holds a master’s degree in performing arts technology, specialising in costume and construction from Tshwane University of Technology, and is currently enrolled for his doctoral degree in performing arts at the same institution. With a very widespread industry costuming experience and two Naledi Award best costume designer nominations to his name, Motshidisi is a creative costume designer with extensive experience in designing, developing and managing costumes for world-famous plays and musicals. His work as a costumer includes some of the world’s leading theatre shows such as Disney’s Lion King (South Africa and Taiwan), Beauty and the Beast (South Africa), A New Song, Lion and the Jewel, Kwezi and Tsogo.



Mouhamed Abdallah Ly

enseignant chercheur, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
Mouhamed Abdallah Ly est Docteur ès Lettres et Sciences Humaines, mention Sciences du langage, de l’Université Montpellier III (France). Il est chercheur !l’Institut Fondamental d'Afrique noire Ceikh Anta Diop (IFAN) où il est actuellement le chef du laboratoire de linguistique. Ses travaux varient entre la sociolinguistique,l’analyse du discours et l’anthropologie du langage. Il a notamment publié des travau, d’après ces différentes perspectives, sur les intrications entre langue et religion, la violence verbale, l’étude des référents sociaux dans les débats publis, les mots de la migration. Ses recherches portent portent également sur le langage politique des jeunes.

Il a dispensé des enseignements dans diverses universités du Nord et du Sud (Université Anta Diop de Dakar, Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor, Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis,Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Université de Calgari-



Moussa N'Dienor

Chercheur en agronomie , Institut sénégalais de recherches agricoles (ISRA)



Mpho-Entle Puleng Modise

Lecturer, University of South Africa
Mpho-Entle Puleng Modise (PhD) is a lecturer in the Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies, College of Education at the University of South Africa. Mpho-Entle’s research areas include faculty and student support in distance education, e-learning, open distance e-learning (ODeL), academic professional development, educational technology integration and adoption, and the use of e-portfolios in teaching and learning. She also has an interest in MOOCs and OERs.
Mpho-Entle is also a member of the South Africa Education Research Association (SAERA) executive committee, where she represents the needs and interests of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in South Africa and other African countries. She has received the SAERA 2022 Doctoral Dissertation Award and the 2022 Postgraduate Medal (Doctoral Degree) from the Education Association of South Africa (EASA).



Mphoentle Puleng Modise

Lecturer, University of South Africa



Muhammad Irvan

Deputi Operasional ARC UI, Universitas Indonesia



Muhammad Morshed

Clinical Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia
Dr. Morshed is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of British Columbia and also a public health clinical microbiologist at the BCCDC Public Health Laboratory in Vancouver, British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, where he is Head of the Zoonotic and Emerging Pathogens section since 1997. His area of interest is vector-borne and zoonotic diseases with special interest in spirochaetal disease such as Lyme disease and syphilis. He did his MSc in Microbiology from Dhaka University, Bangladesh and PhD from the Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, Japan. He has also added significantly to the general knowledge and understanding of these diseases with more than 150 refereed scientific publications; several book chapters, and open-editorial in newspapers . On his recognition, Dr. Morshed received an Excellence in Clinical Services Award from UBC’s Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine in 2016, RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awards in 2017; Distinguished Microbiologists Award by the Canadian College of Microbiologists in 2019; elected as an Expatriate Fellow of the Bangladesh Academic of Sciences in 2020 end Excellence in undergraduate and Graduate education award from UBC’s Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine this year (2023).



Muhammad Nakhooda

Senior Lecturer in Biotechnology, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

I hold a PhD in Plant Biotechnology from UKZN, where I served as a lecturer from 2009 to 2013. I then joined the Cape Peninsula University of Technology as a Senior Lecturer in the Biotechnology Department. I lecture in Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology. My current research interests lie in the improvement of commercially-important crop such as Eucalyptus and sugarcane, through various biotech interventions, as well as in the development of in vitro protocols for rare and/or medicinal plants.



Muhammad Rifqi Daneswara

Research Fellow, Indonesian Institute of Advanced International Studies (INADIS)
Lulus Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Universitas Indonesia 2022
Research Intern di CSIS Indonesia April 2022-Agustus 2022.
INADIS Research Fellow September 2022



Muhammad Rizwan Azhar

Lecturer, Edith Cowan University
Dr Muhammad is a chemical engineer with a diverse background in materials engineering and nanotechnology.

He completed his PhD Chemical Engineering at Curtin University in 2018 on “Synthesis of Nanomaterials and their Integration in Wastewater Treatment Processes”.



Muhammad Umair Khan

Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy, Aston University
I am currently working as a Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy at Aston University. Before joining Aston, I completed my PhD from The University of Sydney, Australia. My research focuses on medicine optimisation. My work in this area has made a significant impact across various clinical domains such as ADHD, depression, diabetes, and polio.

Currently, I am investigating how we can improve the use of ADHD medicines and the role of community pharmacies in supporting children with ADHD and their families. I have published several research articles in this area, particularly on adherence to ADHD medications and the decision-making that goes around the use of ADHD medications.

A complete list of my research articles is available at:



Muhammad Haaris Tiwana

Research Fellow, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
I and early career researcher in the field of population and public health. My research focuses on incorporating equity-based and intersectional approaches to pandemic preparedness, disparities concerning the healthcare workforce, and vaccine service delivery among others. I am particularly interested in research that informs policy, with a personal interest in issues regarding equity, diversity and inclusion. With a combined clinical and public health background, I hope to use research to help stakeholders understand health issues, design appropriate strategies, and monitor policy implementation.

I hold a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from Pakistan and a Master of Public Health from Western University, Canada



Muhammad Rifqi Damm

PhD Student, University of Gothenburg
Muhammad R. Damm merupakan research fellow pada Asia Research Centre, Universitas Indonesia (ARC UI), dan dosen tetap pada Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta (FBS Unindra). Ia menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjana Ilmu Filsafat dan magister Antropologi di Universitas Indonesia. Saat ini tengah menempuh pendidikan doktoral pada bidang Antropologi Sosial di University of Gothenburg, Swedia.



Muhammad Soufi Cahya Gemilang

Research Officer, Resilience Development Initiative (RDI)
Gemilang is a research officer at the Children, Social Welfare, and Health (CSWH) cluster at the Resilience Development Initiative. He is interested in researching coastal community resilience, post-disaster reconstruction, and climate change adaptation. Prior to joining RDI, he has over 3 years of experience as a junior anthropology researcher working on baseline research, monitoring and evaluation projects, academic research, and more.



Muireann O'Cinneide

Lecturer in English, University of Galway
Muireann O’Cinneide is a graduate of University College Cork (BA 1998, English & Latin) and the University of Oxford (Lady Margaret Hall: M.Phil. in Victorian Literature 2000, D.Phil. 2003). She teaches literature of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries, giving undergraduate courses in Victorian literature, literature of the Romantic period, and eighteenth-century novels and poetry. At graduate level she is Course Director for the MA in Culture and Colonialism. Her main research interests are in women’s writing, politics, and colonial and postcolonial literature and theory (especially travel writing). She has published a monograph on aristocratic women’s writing in the Victorian period, and she is currently working on nineteenth-century travel writing and conflict narratives.



Muiris MacCarthaigh

Professor of Politics and Public Policy, Queen's University Belfast
My research engages with a variety of debates within and between political science, public sector governance and public policy. I am particularly interested in the role played by administrative systems (and the organisations within them) in translating political preferences into public policy outcomes.

Current research projects are concerned with:

o International Public Policy: I am the QUB lead on a £2m Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) collaboration with University College London, Cardiff University, the University of Oxford, the University of Auckland and a number of think-tanks which has created an International Public Policy Observatory to provide policy-makers with access to resources, evidence and analysis of global policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. I am also Programme Director of the MSc in International Public Policy at QUB.

o Technology, Government and Society. I am Co-Director (with Professor Margaret Topping) of the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Training Programme titled Collaboration in Training and Innovation for Growing, Evolving and Networked Societies (CITI-GENS) for 2020-25. I am also Co-Investigator in the Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Network on Cybersecurity and Society (LINCS) Project at QUB (2015-21). My work aligns with the research strand on Cyberspace, Privacy and Data Protection. I currently supervise a LINCS PhD student (Emma McAllister) working on human-data interaction in the education sector, with a second LINCS PhD student (Connel McKeown) being awarded his degree in 2020 for his work on open data and accountability. From 2021, I will be Co-Investigator with the successor LINAS Doctoral Training Programme. I also supervise a PhD student (Humaid Al Kaabi) working on the use of anti-corruption technology in government.
o Public Accountability and Crisis:I am a Co-Investigator on the ESRC funded project ‘Apologies Abuses and Dealing with the Past’ (2016-20). This comparative project explores apologies linked to harms arising from the conflict in Ireland, institutional child abuse and the fall-out from the 2008 financial crisis. My work in this project concerns issues relating to organisational reputation and accountability, specifically in relation to corporate institutions.

o Evolution and Reform of State Administrations: For the past several years I have been involved in research on the autonomy, accountability, rationalisation and re-organisation of public sector agencies or ‘quangos’. This involves ongoing collaboration with research teams across Europe as part of a European Science Foundation funded network (COST-CRIPO). With colleagues from this network I have recently begun to examine longitudinal aspects of state bureaucracy using time-series datasets on public organisation. This work builds on my post-doctoral research in 2009-10 at the UCD Geary Institute with Prof Niamh Hardiman and Prof Colin Scott, which resulted in the production of the Irish State Administration Database ( I was nominated to the Steering Committee of the European Group for Public Administration in 2019, the leading academic network for public administration and public policy research in Europe. I currently supervise a PhD student (Nafja Al Kuwari) working on changes to state governance in Qatar.

o How States Retrench in Times of Crisis: This ongoing research is concerned with the ongoing outworking of the 2008 economic crisis for the politics and organisational shape of the state. It links to collaborative work which emerged from the European Commission FP7 COCOPS initiative 'The financial crisis in the public sector' (Prof. Tiina Randma-Liiv, Tallinn, and Prof. Walter Kickert, Rotterdam) and the Building State Capacity Project at the Geary Institute, UCD (Prof Niamh Hardiman). As part of this work, I was awarded a Research Fellowship (2014-16) to examine the creation and reform efforts of the Irish Department (Ministry) of Public Expenditure and Reform. This was published in 2017 as a monograph titled Public Sector Reform in Ireland: Countering Crisis (Palgrave).

o Irish Government and Politics: Since publishing my PhD thesis concerning parliamentary accountability in Ireland in 2005, I have authored and edited a number of textbooks on Irish government and politics and continue to teach on these topics. More recently, in my role as President of the Political Studies Association of Ireland (2016-19) and co-chair (with Conor Little, University of Limerick) of the PSAI Specialist Group on Public Policy (2020-), I have sought to advance the Irish political science community and develop its profile nationally and internationally.

As well as researching, teaching and supervising in these areas, I have published work and retain ongoing interests in the study of political-administrative relationships, public sector reform, organisational theory and parliaments.



Mukovhe Masutha

Senior Research Fellow, University of Johannesburg
Dr Masutha has worked as a Policy and Strategy Analyst at Divisions of Economic intelligence in Local and National government departments.
He currently holds the positions of Senior Research Fellow in the Faculty of Science (UJ), Special Advisor in the Ministry in the Presidency on Youth Policy, and Head of Research, Innovation and Partnerships at the Centre for Emerging Researchers, also based at UJ.

Dr Masutha holds a BA in Economic Geography, BSc Honours in Cities Planning and Development from Wits University, an MSC in Economic Geography and SMMEs Incubation from UJ and PhD in Policy and Management from the University of Bath (UK).

Dr Masutha serves on a number of current and former local and international advisory boards:

Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology’s Nurturing Future Scholars Programme (NSP) (South Africa)

Member of the Chilean Government’s International Panel of Experts on Free Education Policies and Public Funding Strategies of Higher Education

Transnational Advisory Committee of the Black Health Matters Research Project (University of Toronto, Canada)

South African Government’s Presidential Youth Working Group (South Africa)

Member of the Technical Committee of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Higher Education Funding (South Africa)

Academic Advisory Committee of the Climate Action Network for International Educators (CANIE, Australia)



Muna Shifa

Senior Researcher in Development Economics, University of Cape Town
I am a senior research officer at the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU). My research focuses on land tenure systems and rural livelihoods, urbanization and development, social cohesion and inequality, and the analysis of poverty and inequality. I teach postgraduate-level courses on complex surveys and measuring poverty and inequality in the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town.



Munir Squires

Assistant Professor, Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia
Munir Squires is an assistant professor in the Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia. His main research area is development economics and economic history, with a focus on kinship, culture, and the effects of cousin marriage. He obtained his PhD from the London School of Economics.



Muriel Porter

Adjunct Faculty Member, Trinity College Theological School, University of Divinity

I am a journalist by profession and a historian by academic qualification. Currently a freelance journalist and author, I taught journalism as a senior academic at RMIT University until 2005. My area of expertise is commentary on contemporary religious issues, particularly pertaining to women, gay issues, marriage, etc.



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