

Richard McKenzie

Emeritus, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
Research interests: climate change, ozone, UV, and health.
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Richard Moorhead

Professor of Law and Professional Ethics, University of Exeter
Richard Moorhead is an empirical legal scholar who has worked on lawyers’ ethics and regulation, the courts and legal services, and access to justice. Interdisciplinary in approach, he has worked alongside economists, management scientists, and psychologists in such work, as well as with judges, Parliamentarians, policy-makers, and, professional regulators and representatives.

He blogs at lawyerwatch and on substack (on the Post Office Scandal) and regularly features in professional and national press. He is currently leading an ESRC funded project on the Post Office Scandal with Karen Nokes, Rebecca Helm, and Sally Day.

Past research includes projects on lawyers’ ethics (for instance his 2018 book is on the Ethics of In-house Lawyers, with Vaughan and Godhino); litigants in person; quality in legal aid; the effects of funding regimes on lawyer behavior; and, legal aid reform (community legal services, public defenders and contracting in particular).

His teaching has championed new approaches to looking at lawyers and the future of legal practice. He was on the Data Evidence and Science Board at the Ministry of Justice and was a previous member of the Civil Justice Council, as well as the Legal Services Consultative Panel. Has advised three Select Committees legal aid inquiries and advises the Women and Equalities Select Committee on NDAs. He currently sits on the Horizon Compensation Advisory Board.

He was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2019 and a fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts in May 2016. He sits on the editorial board of the International Journal of the Legal Profession, and the advisory boards of the Journal of Law and Society and Ethics and Behaviour.



Richard Neilson

My main research interests are in modelling dynamic systems, in non-linear dynamics and vibration and in the application of these areas along with design to solve industrial problems. These have been applied to a wide variety of systems, including non-linear rotor systems, impacting systems, geotechnical systems and aspects of a non-linear rotordynamics/wear problem. I also have an interest in applying dynamics and design to biomedical problems.

Current Research:
My main research is currently focussed on the next stage of the underwater cutting project.

Novel Underwater Cutting System (Phase 2). ITF project, bid submitted to BP, Shell and Conoco Philips, £477,693 (Principal investigator).



Richard O'Connor

Lecturer in Psychology, University of Hull
Dr Richard O'Connor is a cognitive developmental psychologist with research interests in cognition from infancy through to adulthood.

Particular areas of interest include theory of mind, representation of objects and actions, and word learning.

He joined the University of Hull in August 2016, after completing his PhD at the University of Cambridge and teaching positions at Royal Holloway and the University of Oxford.



Richard Ovenden

I am the 25th Bodley's Librarian, leading the University of Oxford's system of research libraries. I am President of the Digital Preservation Coalition and active in the world of libraries, archives and information, and also active in historical research.

I was educated at Durham University and University College London, and have worked as a professional librarian since 1985. I have served on the staff of Durham University Library, the House of Lords Library, the National Library of Scotland (as Deputy Head of the Rare Books Section), the University of Edinburgh (as Director of Collections), and since 2003 at the Bodleian Libraries (first as Keeper of Special Collections, from 2011-2014 as Deputy Librarian, the Bodleian Libraries, then from 2014 as Bodley’s Librarian).

I sit on the Board of Research Libraries UK and of the Consortium of European Research Libraries, am a Trustee of the Krazsna Kraus Foundation, of Chawton House Library, and of the Victoria County History for Oxfordshire.

I have published widely on the history of collecting, the history of photography and on professional concerns of the library, archive, and information world, am a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and was elected to the American Philosophical Society in 2015. Recently I headed Oxford’s involvement with the Google mass digitization project. I hold a Professorial Fellowship at Balliol College, Oxford.



Richard Petty

Professor of Psychology, The Ohio State University
Richard Petty received his B.A. (with high distinction) in government (political science) and psychology from the University of Virginia in 1973, and his Ph.D. in social psychology from Ohio State University in 1977. He began his academic career that same year as Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Missouri. In 1981 he was promoted to Associate Professor, and in 1985 he was named the Frederick A. Middlebush Professor of Psychology at Missouri. After a sabbatical at Yale University in 1986, he returned to Ohio State in 1987 as Professor of Psychology and Director of the Social Psychology Doctoral Program. In 1995, he was visiting Professor of Psychology at Princeton University. In 1998, he was named Distinguished University Professor at Ohio State. From 1998-2002, he served as Chair of the OSU Department of Psychology. He resumed his role as Chair of the Department of Psychology in 2008, and served in this role through 2015.

Petty's research focuses broadly on the situational and individual difference factors responsible for changes in beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Much of his current work (and that of the students and colleagues with whom he collaborates) is aimed at examining the implications of the Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasion for understanding prejudice, consumer choices, political and legal decisions, and health behaviors. Topics of special current interest include: understanding the role of meta-cognitive (e.g., belief confidence) as well as implicit (unconscious) factors in persuasion and resistance to change; the effect of racial and ethnic prejudice, stereotypes, and specific emotions on social judgment and behavior; and investigating how people correct their evaluations for various factors they think may have biased their judgments (such as stereotypes they hold or emotions they are experiencing).



Richard Ramchurn

Assistant researcher, University of Nottingham
Dr Richard Ramchurn is an artist and researcher whose work explores adaptive narratives; he creates stories that can sense and adapt to the viewers’ physiological and emotional state. His film work explores race and technology in the Anthropocene in the forms of science fiction and magical realism.

Ramchurn has been creating films and experiences using Brain Computer Interface technology since 2013. #Scanners, a successfully kick-started project, became an interactive narrative film called The Disadvantages of Time Travel (2014) that viewers controlled via brain data and blinking. His next brain-controlled film, The MOMENT (2018) touring internationally, and online and was covered by international media.

These films were further explored as a multi award-winning research PhD project at the University of Nottingham’s Mixed Reality Lab working with world-class researchers in the field of Human Computer Interaction. His current interactive film Before We Disappear is set in the aftermath of a climate revolution in the near future. It explores the use of computer vision to support non-conscious interaction.



Richard Sambrook

Richard Sambrook is Director of the Centre for Journalism and Professor at Cardiff University. He spent 30 years as a journalist in BBC News including ten years on the board of management as Director of Sport, Director of News and Director of Global News. He was also Global Vice Chairman of Edelman - where he was a consultant on media to numerous global organisations.



Richard Slack

Professor of accounting, Durham University
Dr Richard Slack is a Professor of Accounting at Durham University Business School and served as Head of Department of Accounting 2016-2019. Richard joined Durham University in 2012, having previously been Professor of Accounting at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University. Prior to his academic career, Dr Slack, a graduate of St Andrews University, worked at Price Waterhouse and is a qualified chartered accountant.

Dr Slack’s research encompasses practice-relevant issues in areas of accounting information, sustainability and ethics. Specifically, Dr Slack is interested in the way information is disclosed by companies and whether such disclosure (both voluntary such as climate change and environmental reporting or mandatory such as reporting for intangibles under International Accounting Standards) is useful, or not, to capital market users. Dr Slack has a long track record of published research in leading world and international accounting and ethics journals including Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, British Accounting Review and Journal of Business Ethics. He has been successful in a range of research funding projects, including most recently with professional bodies (ACCA projects on intangible assets, integrated reporting and climate change reporting), and through business (Royal London research on mutuality).



Richard Sulley

Senior Research Fellow, Sustainability Policy, University of Sheffield
Richard Sulley is the Senior Research Fellow in Sustainability Policy at the Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures at the University of Sheffield.

His role involves identifying and creating mechanisms to deliver real world impact from the Centre’s research through engagement with policy and decision makers.



Richard Thompson

Professor of Marine Biology, University of Plymouth
Richard Thompson is a Professor of Marine Biology and Director of the Marine Institute at the University of Plymouth. He has published over 200 scientific papers and is one of the world’s foremost experts on plastic pollution. In 2004, he published the first paper describing the long-term accumulation of microscopic fragments of plastic in the environment, naming them ‘microplastics’. He and his team have been at the forefront of microplastics research and have shown their global distribution, the potential for transfer from the gut to the circulatory system, and their role in the transport of chemical contaminants. This pioneering early work was pivotal in recognition of microplastic contamination in policy, such as Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

Richard has an extensive track record of collaboration across the disciplines, with an emphasis on identifying ways to use plastics more sustainably. His recent work has guided policy on the release of microplastics from cosmetic products and textiles.

His wider research focuses on the ecology of shallow water habitats, including artificial structures. He received the Marsh Award for Marine and Freshwater Conservation in 2017, an OBE for services to marine science in 2018 and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2020. His team at the Marine Litter Research Unit won the NERC Impact Award (2018) and based on their work the University of Plymouth received the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education in 2020.



Richard Toye

Professor of Modern History, University of Exeter

I am an historian of Britain in in its global and imperial context in the period from the late Nineteenth Century to the present day. I am particularly interested in the rhetorical dimensions of politics and economics. I am the author of three books on Winston Churchill. Prior to moving to Exeter in 2007 I taught at the univeristies of Manchester and Cambridge.



Richard Tyler

Senior Professional Tutor in Accounting and Finance, Liverpool Hope University
Senior Professional Tutor in Accounting and Finance, specialising in accounting, taxation and business performance. CPFA chartered accountant with 20 years of experience in practice.



Richard Wallis

Principal Academic in Media Production, Faculty of Media & Communication, Bournemouth University
Richard Wallis teaches and researches within the Faculty of Media and Communication at Bournemouth University. He is part of the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (CEMP) where his research focus has been the experience of media work, media careers, media skills and training, continuing professional development and media literacy within policy. He has published widely across these themes. He holds a PhD from Loughborough University, and an MPhil from Exeter University. He was previously an Executive Producer at the UK production company, Twofour, and his work draws on over twenty years of industry experience.



Richard Watts

Richard Watts is a senior lecturer in the University of Vermont's Department of Geography as well as the founder of the Center for Community News. Watts is also the director of the Center for Research on Vermont and co-director of the Reporting & Documentary Storytelling program and coordinator of the Community News Service. He previously earned a Ph.D. in Natural Resource Planning from the University of Vermont, an M.A. in Newspaper Journalism from Syracuse University, and a B.A. in Political Science from the State University of New York at Cortland. Richard has worked as a journalist, as an organizer, as a policy analyst in the state governments of New York and Vermont and as a academic researcher. The Center for Community News documents news/academic partnerships at institutions of higher education and produces reports and templates for faculty starting or growing these. The Center builds on the success of UVM's Community News Service that provides student reported stories to community papers in Vermont.



Richard Werner

Professor of banking and economics, University of Winchester
Richard A. Werner is professor of banking and economics at the University of Winchester and director of Local First Community Interest Company, which establishes community banks. He previously was professor of finance at Fudan University, Shanghai, and senior managing director at global macro asset management firms.

Richard is the author of several books including New Paradigm in Macroeconomics (Palgrave Macmillan), which predicted the collapse of the UK banking system and property market, highlighted the problem of 'recurring banking crises' and suggested workable solutions. His book Princes of the Yen ( became a no. 1 bestseller in Japan.



Richard Wood1

President, Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies, University of Southern California
In 2023, Richard L. Wood became the President of the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He served as Professor of Sociology at the University of New Mexico for 27 years (and is currently on leave there). He is the author or co-author of several dozen scholarly articles and book chapters on the role of religion in social movements, the sociology of religion, public Catholicism, political sociology, and democratic theory, many of them focusing on faith-based/broad-based community organizing efforts. He is the author of _Faith in Action_ (University of Chicago Press, 2002; and (with Brad Fulton) of _A Shared Future: Faith-Based Organizing for Racial Equity and Ethical Democracy (University of Chicago Press, 2015), both award-winning books.

English/Spanish bilingual



Richard Wright1

Professor of Geography, Dartmouth College
Richard studies labor markets and housing markets in the US as well as "skilled" migration and some immigration topics.

Segregation and Diversity in US and UK Housing Markets

2022 "Making Metros White? The Effects of U.S. Metropolitan Reclassification on Racial Compositional Change," The Professional Geographer, with Mark Ellis and Nicole Tiao.

2021 "Rethinking the 'Buffering' Theory of Neighborhood Racial Transition," Sociology Compass, with Mark Ellis.

2021 "Mixed Measures: Different Definitions of Racially Diverse Neighborhoods Compared," Urban Geography, with Mark Ellis, Steven Holloway, and Mehrnush Golriz. 42, 8, 1147-1169.

2020 "The Evolution and Stability of Multi-Ethnic Residential Neighbourhoods in England," Transactions, Institute of British Geographers, 46, 2, 330-346, with Gemma Catney and Mark Ellis.

2020 "The Instability of Highly Racially Diverse Residential Neighborhoods in the United States," Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 6, 3, 365-381, with Mark Ellis, Steven Holloway, and Gemma Catney,

2018 "Predicting neighborhood racial change in US metropolitan areas," Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science,, with Mark Ellis, Lee Fiorio, and Steven Holloway.

2017 "Remaking White Residential Segregation: Neighborhood Succession and Metropolitan Diversity in the United States," Urban Geography. DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2017.1360039, with Mark Ellis, Steven Holloway, and Lee Fiorio.

Skilled Migration Research

2019 "Where STEM Graduates Move: Human Capital, Employment Growth, and Interstate Migration in the United States," Population, Space and Place, 25, 4, with Mark Ellis.

2017 "The matching of STEM degree holders with STEM jobs in large US labor markets" Economic Geography, 93, 2, 185-201, DOI: 10.1080/00130095.2016.1220803, with Mark Ellis and Matt Townley.

Migration Regulation

2022 "Occupational Licensing and Interstate Migration in the United States," Monthly Labor Review, with Thomas Cooke and Mark Ellis.

2018 "A Prospective on Zelinsky's 'Hypothesis of the Mobility Transition'," Geographical Review, doi: 10.1111/gere.12310, with Thomas Cooke and Mark Ellis.

Great Recession/Anti-immigrant Legislation Research

2016 "State-scale Immigration Enforcement and Latino Interstate Migration in the United States," Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 106, 4, 891-908. DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2015.1135725, with Mark Ellis and Matt Townley.

2015 "The Great Recession and the Migration Redistribution of Blacks and Whites in the US South," Growth and Change, 46, 4, 611-630. DOI: 10.1111/grow.12107, with Natasha Rivers and Mark Ellis.

2014 "The migration response to the Legal Arizona Workers Act," Political Geography, 42, 46-56. DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2014.06.001, with Mark Ellis, Kristy Copeland, and Matt Townley.

2014 "The Allure of New Immigrant Destinations and the Great Recession in the United States," International Migration Review, 48, 1, 3-33. DOI: 10.1111/imre.12058, with Mark Ellis and Matt Townley.



Richard J. Dunning

Senior Lecturer in Housing and Planning, University of Liverpool
Richard works at the interface of housing delivery and planning. Drawing from behavioural economics, his research focuses on explaining human decision making in the built environment. Richard's research freqeuntly considers: calculations of housing need; the relationship between public outcomes and land value capture; and cycling infrastructures.



Richard K.F. Unsworth

Associate professor in marine biology, Swansea University
Richard's expertise lie in the ecological structuring processes of marine systems and the implications of these systems for society. This focuses primarily on the interrelationships between foundation species, habitat, and associated productive fauna (mainly fish). He is particularly interested in the consequences of cross-scale environmental changes on seagrass meadows functioning and the implications of this for global food security and other ecosystem services.

Richard has more than twelve years’ experience of research in marine systems and conducts collaborative interdisciplinary research in Europe, Australia, Indonesia, Columbia and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Based within the SEACAMS team at Swansea, he leads the level 3 module in 'Tropical marine ecology and conservation' and teaches on the MSc module 'Conservation of aquatic resources'.

After completing his PhD in 2007, Richard conducted research and consulting work for Sinclair Knight Merz, Brisbane and the Northern Fisheries Centre, Queensland, Australia. He has also worked as a senior ecology lecturer at the University of Glamorgan.

He is an academic editor at PLoS One and former president of the World Seagrass Association. Richard is also a founding director of Project Seagrass and continues to work as a senior scientist at SeagrassWatchHQ. Other roles include membership of the editorial boards of Marine Pollution Bulletin and Marine Environmental Research.

His current research projects include the impact of climate variability on seagrass ecosystems, social-ecological systems analysis, ocean acidification and seagrass, and the resilience and ecosystem service provision of seagrass.



Richard L. Abe

Michael J. Connell Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles
Richard Abel teaches Torts, Legal Profession, and Law and Social Change. Over the years, he has been president of the Law and Society Association, editor of African Law Studies and of the Law & Society Review, and member of the editorial boards of other journals in the law and society field in the United States, Europe, and Australia. He participated in the founding of the Conference on Critical Legal Studies in 1977 and helped organize the meeting on "Law and Racism: The Sounds of Silence." At UCLA, he has been faculty coordinator for the Public Interest Law Program.

Professor Abel spent two years after law school reading African law and legal anthropology in London, and then a year of field work in Kenya studying the ways in which primary courts staffed by and serving the African population had preserved indigenous notions of law and procedure within European institutions. He began teaching at Yale in 1969 and spent the 1971-72 year practicing with the New Haven Legal Assistance Association.

Professor Abel's books include Lawyers in the Dock: Learning from Attorney Disciplinary Proceedings (2008); English Lawyers between Market and State: The Politics of Professionalism (2003); Speaking Respect, Respecting Speech (1998); Lawyers: A Critical Reader (1997); Politics by Other Means: Law in the Struggle Against Apartheid, 1980-1994 (1995); The Law & Society Reader (1995); Speech and Respect (1994); American Lawyers (1989); The Legal Profession in England and Wales (1988); The Politics of Informal Justice (editor, 1982); and Lawyers in Society (co-editor, 1988-89).



Richard L. Gruner

Associate professor, The University of Western Australia
Richard is Associate Professor at the University of Western Australia (Business School) and University Associate at Curtin University. His research interests include digital marketing, operations and IT management, and sustainable supply chain management.

Richard obtained several awards for his research, reviewing and teaching. His work has been published in leading international journals, such as Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, European Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, and Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Prior to his academic career, Richard was Marketing Manager at Hubert Burda Media. He also consults with clients from around the world.



Richard Mackenzie-Gray Scott

Postdoctoral Fellow, Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, University of Oxford
Dr Richard Mackenzie-Gray Scott is Postdoctoral Fellow at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, where his research is funded by the British Academy. He previously worked at the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, part of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, where he was a research fellow and a member of its equality, diversity and inclusion committee.

Richard has provided evidence to the Scottish Government, the UK Government, and the UK Parliament, and has worked on cases before the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, the London Court of International Arbitration, the UK Supreme Court, and the Court of Appeal. He also served on the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute Task Force on Drones.

His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals and reported on in the press, including newspapers such as The Herald and The Times, as well as being referred to by the International Committee of the Red Cross, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, and the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee of the UK Parliament.

He is the author of State Responsibility for Non-State Actors: Past, Present and Prospects for the Future (2022).



Rick Sarre

Professor of Law, University of South Australia

Dr Rick Sarre is Professor of Law and Criminal Justice at the University of South Australia’s Law School. He completed his law degree at Adelaide University in 1976, undertook undergraduate studies in theology and sociology at Graceland University, 1978-1979 (Iowa, USA), finished a Masters degree (criminology) in Canada in 1983, and received his doctorate (legal science) from the University of Canberra in 2002. In 2015 Dr Sarre was awarded an honorary doctorate in law from Umeå University, Sweden. He has been teaching commercial law, media law, sports law and criminology for 30 years in addition to five years of part-time legal practice. He currently serves as the President of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology. He also served three years on the Victim Support Service (SA) board, six years on the Offenders Aid and Rehabilitation Services of SA board, and 8 years at the helm of the SA Institute of Justice Studies. He is currently a Vice-President of the Adelaide University Football Club. He and his wife Debra and their two children live in Adelaide. They have travelled with him for overseas teaching stints in the USA (1996-1997) and Sweden (2004). He has been a member of the ALP for 30 years and continues on State Council, and as the President of the Dunstan Sub-Branch of the party. In 2010, and again in 2013, he stood as the candidate for Labor in the federal seat of Sturt, and is currently the President of the Sturt FEC.



Rico Devara Chapman

Professor of History, Jackson State University
Rico Devara Chapman currently serves as dean of the College of Liberal Arts and professor of history in the Department of History and Philosophy at Jackson State University (JSU). Before taking on this role, he was a professor of history in the Department of African American Studies, Africana Women’s Studies and History at Clark Atlanta University (CAU) where he also served as assistant dean for the School of Arts and Sciences and director of the Humanities PhD program. At CAU Chapman founded the Center for Africana Digital Humanities. Chapman’s academic journey includes earning his BS and MA in history from Jackson State University and a PhD in African Studies from Howard University. His scholarly work is rich and varied, with research interests that span student movements, public history and digital humanities. His academic and professional pursuits are deeply intertwined with the African diaspora’s historical and contemporary struggles for justice, particularly focusing on student activism both in the United States and South Africa. Notably, Chapman has been named a Fulbright US Scholar Program award recipient in 2024 with affiliation at the University of the Witwatersrand. He has secured funding and directed multiple grant projects from various agencies, such as the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the National Park Service, the Microsoft Corporation, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. In addition to his book Student Resistance to Apartheid at the University of Fort Hare: Freedom Now, A Degree Tomorrow, he has a number of published articles and book chapters.



Riikka Kinnunen

Postdoctoral research fellow, Biology, Concordia University
I am a postdoctoral research fellow at Concordia University, in Montréal, Canada, generally interested in urban ecology and how biodiversity responds to human-caused environmental change. I am currently studying the role of urban forests in carbon storage and supporting bird biodiversity. Results from this work will support the development of future research priorities under the Government of Canada’ s 2 Billion Trees Program. During my PhD, I studied the mechanisms that enable wildlife to colonize and persist in cities, using synthetic analyses and field work to answer my questions.



Riley Duren

Research Scientist, University of Arizona
Riley Duren is a Research Scientist at the University of Arizona's Office of Research, Innovation and Impact and Chief Executive Officer for the non-profit organization Carbon Mapper. From 2008-2019 he served as Chief Systems Engineer for the JPL's Earth Science & Technology Directorate with a portfolio including spaceborne instruments and missions, airborne studies, research and analysis, and applied science. For over three decades he has worked at the intersection of science and engineering to deliver observational systems, including seven successful satellite missions ranging from earth-mapping radars to telescopes in deep space. He served as Chief Engineer for the Kepler mission that conducted a major survey of earth-size planets around other stars. Since 2008 he has worked to extend the discipline of systems engineering to the challenge of societal decision-making for climate change responses with a focus on greenhouse gas mitigation.



Riley Post

PhD Candidate in Water Resources Engineering, University of Iowa
Riley Post, P.E., is an engineer with well over a decade of experience in reservoir management. As a Graduate Research Fellow within the University of Iowa's Iowa Flood Center, Post studies the operation of large systems of reservoirs for the reduction of flooding along tributary rivers throughout the Midwest. His doctoral research focuses on riverine flooding and mitigation through distributed storage, as well as uncertainty in radar rainfall estimation. Prior to starting his PhD studies, he was the lead reservoir operator for three major flood control reservoirs in Iowa while working for the US Army Corps of Engineers where he also operated 18 locks and dams along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers.



Rima Beesoo

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research
I am a marine scientist originally from Mauritius Island. I have a PhD in the field of marine biochemistry from the University of Mauritius. After my PhD, I did my postdoctoral research at the Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (IFREMER) in France where my research work was focused on the toxic effects of harmful microalgae. Currently, I am a postdoctoral research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research and the University of Oldenburg in Germany where I am investigating the nutraceutical potential of selected jellyfish species.



Rina Biswakarma

PhD researcher in Reproductive Health, UCL
Rina is a Reproductive Health researcher with a BSc in Biomedical Science and an MRes in Women's Health and Reproductive Science. Currently, she is pursuing her PhD at University College London (UCL), where her research focuses on understanding men's attitudes towards parenthood in the UK. Rina has made significant contributions to improving Reproductive Health education in England and has collaborated with international partners to advance these efforts globally. Rina has also led an independent, international research project in Nepal, funded by a UK government grant, which explored Reproductive Health awareness and education. Passionate about global Reproductive Health, Rina is committed to enhancing education and awareness worldwide.



Rina Swart

Professor, University of the Western Cape
UWC’s Professor Rina Swart is a registered dietician as well as a registered nutritionist with the HPCSA. Her research focuses on the prevention of malnutrition through nutrition programs.



Risa Aria Schnebly

Risa Aria Schnebly is a PhD student in the Biology and Society program at Arizona State University. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on the history of extinction and de-extinction, and the effects of environmental messaging on public ways of thinking about nature, drawing together history of science, conservation psychology, and creative writing. She also is the Managing Editor of ASU's Embryo Project Encyclopedia, which puts forth accessible, peer-reviewed information about embryos, development, and reproduction.



Rita Abrahamsen

Professor of International Politics, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
Rita Abrahamsen is Professor of International Politics in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa. Her research is situated at the intersection of the global and the local, mostly focused on African and international politics. She also works on the transnational radical right, and has recently co-authored the book "World of the Right: Radical Conservatism and Global Order" (Cambridge University Press).



Rita Farah

Researcher of Epidemiology, University of Virginia
Rita Farah graduated from the Lebanese University with a PharmD degree, and a Master’s in Public Health (sub-specialty in Epidemiology and Biostatistics); she holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Research from the Paris-Est Créteil University (UPEC) and completed an international fellowship in clinical toxicology at Emory University School of Medicine. She worked as an Epidemiologist at the Ministry of Public Health at the central level in Beirut between 2012 and 2020.

She has experience in design and implementation of public health response to contain outbreaks as well as designing, implementing and assessing performance and sensitivity of surveillance systems. She has experience in COVID-19 containment with special focus on case investigation, contact tracing and preparing sitrep and outbreak bulletins. She has seven years’ experience in teaching epidemiology, biostatistics and research methods. She is member of the INSPECT-LB research group. She joined the School of Medicine-Emergency Medicine department-Medical Toxicology division at the University of Virginia in June 2022 as an epidemiologist.



Rita Kottasz

Associate Professor of Marketing, Kingston University
I joined Kingston Business School in 2016. Currently, I am Associate Professor of Marketing within the Department of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation at Kingston University, London.

As of January 2020, I am Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing (previously: International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, Wiley):

I am also Deputy-chair of the Academy of Marketing Special Interest Group on Arts, Heritage, Non-profit and Social Marketing and serve on the editorial boards of Arts and the Market (Emerald Publishing), the International Journal of Arts Management (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales) and Young Consumers (Emerald Publishing).



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