

Oliver A.H. Jones

Professor, RMIT University
Professor Oliver Jones is a Professor of Chemistry at RMIT University and and internationally recognised expert in analytical science. He is passionate about using science to keep our environment safe. He has a demonstrated track record of research, teaching and leadership within the higher education sector with experience in both the UK and Australia.

Oliver is a graduate of Imperial College London, PhD and MSc (2005 and 2001) and Queen Mary University of London, BSc Hons. (2000). His research expertise is in the field of Analytical Biological and Environmental Chemistry with interdisciplinary applications in biology, environmental science, water technology and forensic science. He is particularly interested in tracking the fate and behaviour of pollutants in the environment and determining their possible effects on biological systems.

Oliver has received a number of awards for his research, including the ANZMAG Sir Paul Callaghan medal the SETAC AU Mid-career medal, the RACI Environmental Chemistry Medal and the Barry Inglis Medal from the National Measurement Institute. In 2019 he was listed as ‘Iridium’ on the IUPAC periodic table of outstanding younger chemists (one of only 118 people worldwide to be honoured in this way). He has over 140 peer-reviewed publications with an h-index of 39 and >7300 citations. His research papers can be found on his Google Scholar profile (

Oliver is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI, and an Associate Fellow of the Institution for Chemical Engineers (AFIChemE). He served on the Australian Academy of Science National Committee for Chemistry and was previously President of the Australian and New Zealand Metabolomics Network and a board member of the International Metabolomics Society, and the Australia and New Zealand Society for Magnetic Resonance. His is a current board member of the Australia and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry.

Oliver has featured widely in TV, radio and newspapers where he is skilled at providing informed, evidence-based context, and explaining complex science to a mainstream audience. He has featured widely in TV, radio and newspapers (Channel 9 News, ABC News, The Age, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Guardian, the Times Higher Education, and the Washington Post) and can be found promoting science on Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram and TikTok as @dr_oli_jones



Oliver C. Stringham

Researcher, University of Adelaide
I research the conservation and biosecurity risks of the legal and illegal wildlife life trade.



Olivera Simic

Associate Professor, Griffith University



Olivia Bellas

PhD Candidate, University of Adelaide
I am a PhD Candidate at the University of Adelaide, based at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute and a part of the Supportive Oncology Research Group. My current project investigates the neuropsychological complications of chemotherapy and the involvement of the endocannabinoid system.

Previously, I worked as a researcher for Flinders University investigating menstrual support in Australian primary schools for children who experience early menarche.



Olivia Davies

Flinders University



Olivia Evans

Indigenous Research Fellow, Australian National University
I am a Gomeroi woman and was born and raised in Newcastle, NSW on Awabakal land. I am currently a research fellow at the Australian National University and was awarded a PhD in Social Psychology from the University of Newcastle in 2019. My research focuses on allyship and prejudice towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, political psychology, inequality and the social determinants of health. My current projects include an ARC funded investigation of online strategies for increasing the social inclusion of working class university students and a longitudinal project investigating non-Indigenous attitudes before and after the Voice to Parliament referendum.



Olivia Gosseries

Le Dr Olivia Gosseries est codirectrice du Coma Science Group. En tant que neuropsychologue, ses premiers travaux ont porté sur le diagnostic et le pronostic chez les patients souffrant de troubles de la conscience qui sortent du coma en utilisant la stimulation cérébrale non invasive et l'électrophysiologie. Ces dernières années, elle a travaillé de manière plus approfondie sur les options thérapeutiques pour cette population de patients difficiles. Afin d'étudier la conscience humaine de manière plus globale, elle s'intéresse désormais aussi à l'anesthésie, à la mémoire du coma, au rêve lucide, à la méditation, à l'hypnose, à la transe cognitive et à la réalité virtuelle.

Elle est rédactrice en chef adjointe des revues Clinical Neurophysiology et Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. Elle a coédité la deuxième édition du livre `Neurology of Consciousness' (Elsevier, 2015), a révisé des articles pour de nombreuses revues scientifiques, supervise des doctorants et a organisé plusieurs conférences (Coma Day, Human Brain Project conference on consciousness). Elle compte plus de 160 publications dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture telles que Science, Lancet, Lancet Neurology, Annals of Neurology et Brain, et de nombreux exposés invités lors de conférences internationales.

Son objectif est de continuer à améliorer les soins aux patients qui sortent du coma, de contribuer à la compréhension de la conscience humaine et de promouvoir l'éducation et la sensibilisation du public à ce sujet clinique et de recherche fascinant.



Olivia Groves

Adjunct Research Fellow, Curtin University
Olivia Groves is a mid-career researcher and experienced educator. Olivia spent 15 years teaching diverse learners in school, language education, and tertiary settings both in Australia and internationally and is now an educational researcher with 13 years experience. Olivia’s research interests lie in understanding the conditions under which learning takes place in order to maximise the potential for learning and success of all students.



Olivia Howland

Research Fellow in Social Science and Geography, University of Nottingham
Olivia is an anthropologist and an artist specialising in visual methodologies, gender, and health related fields. Her work in Kenya and Tanzania has covered livelihoods, indigenous medicines, informal alcohol brewing, WASH and One Health. Olivia uses and explores novel and visual methods in her work, which is primarily ethnographically informed, as well as working with transdisciplinary study design and reflexive techniques. At Nottingham, Olivia is a Research Fellow on the Invisible Women, Invisible Workers project with Dr Sabina Lawreniuk, where she is the in-country lead for Ethiopia. Olivia has supervised a number of postgraduate students, taught masterclasses on social science study design, methodologies and analysis, created and curated visual art exhibitions based on research findings, and is passionate about the use of art in social science both as method and as public engagement.



Olivia Knowles

High Performance Manager, Hawthorn FC, and Researcher, Deakin University
I completed my Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Honours) and PhD at Deakin University. My research explores the impact of inadequate sleep on strength training and skeletal muscle health in females. I have an interest in how the menstrual cycle and hormones can impact exercise and muscle adaptation. I am also the AFLW High Performance Manager at the Hawthorn Football Club.



Olivia Peters

Criminologist & PhD Candidate in Sociology, University of Guelph
Olivia Peters (MA 2017; University of Manitoba) is a Criminologist and PhD Candidate in Sociology at the University of Guelph where she studies intimate partner stalking, help-seeking, and how we think about risk. Her background includes mixed-methods research, and she has experience working with victims of intimate partner violence, child abuse, and criminal harassment. Currently, she contributes to true crime television media as an on-screen expert and is involved in projects on adult cyber harassment and digital piracy of online sex-work.

Olivia has conducted research on risk assessment for intimate partner violence (IPV) with Indigenous populations, IPV policing, male victims of IPV, and femicide. She is dedicated to working with community partners in victim/survivor advocacy, animal welfare, and healthcare.

Olivia Peters is a recipient of the SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier scholarships at both the MA and PhD level. Most recently, she received the Women's Health Scholars Award from the Council of Ontario Universities (2024-25).



Olivia Remes

PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge

Olivia Remes is a PhD student at the University of Cambridge. Her research focuses on mental disorders and is using the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer (EPIC) study, one of the largest, European cohort studies looking at chronic diseases and the way people live their lives.

She has received a PhD studentship from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

E-mail address: [email protected]



Olivia Wills

Accredited Practising Dietitian, PhD candidate, University of Wollongong

Olivia Wills is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and member of Dietitian's Australia. She earned her Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Hons1) as a Dean's Scholar at the University of Wollongong in 2021. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD at the University of Wollongong, with a focus on multiple sclerosis and diet, driven by her passion for advancing our understanding of the impact of nutrition in health and disease. Olivia's research is supported by a post-graduate scholarship from MS Australia. Olivia is also working clinically, providing dietetic counselling services for a diverse range of medical conditions, including endocrine, gastrointestinal, metabolic and neurologic disorders, including MS.



Olivier Bertrand

Full professor of strategy, Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/EAESP)
Dr. Olivier Bertrand is a full professor of Strategy at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) - EBAPE. His research interests center on international strategic issues related to mergers and acquisitions, multinationals, international trade, emerging countries (in particular Brazil and Russia), or for instance innovation.

His articles have been published in leading journals in management (such as Academy of Management Journal, Global Strategy Journal, Harvard Business Review, International Business Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Long Range Planning, Organization Studies, Research Policy, or Strategic Management Journal) and economics (such as the Canadian Journal of Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Comparative Economics or Journal of Economics and Management Strategy).

Among others, he got (with co-authors) the International Management Division Best Paper Award at the Academy of Management in 2014 and the Best Reviewer Award from the Academy of Management Journal in 2019. He is (or was) a member of the editorial review board of journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Global Strategy Journal, or Journal of International Business Studies. He is (or was) part of the research advisory board, among others, of Rennes School of Business and IAE Aix-CERGAM (Aix-Marseille University). He is also a member of the expert network at the World Economic Forum.



Olivier Choinière

Professor of Project Management, Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR)
Olivier Choinière is a professor of project management at the Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR) and an affiliated researcher with the Centre of Governance (University of Ottawa) and the CDA Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in public management from the University of Ottawa and a Master’s degree in public administration from École nationale d'administration publique (ÉNAP). Olivier has expertise and experience in project, change and risk management as well as corporate governance. Prior to joining academia, Olivier has successfully completed numerous high-level strategic projects for public organizations, in addition to having held an executive position in the federal government at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. Olivier is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) as well as a Certified Project Manager (Prince 2).



Olivier Moreillon

Research Associate, University of Johannesburg
I am an English teacher at a state grammar school in Switzerland and a research associate at the University of Johannesburg. I holds a PhD from the University of Basel (Switzerland) and am the author of two books: Reading the Post-Apartheid City: Durbanite and Capetonian Literary Topographies in Selected Texts beyond 2000 (Logos, 2019) and Tracing the (Post)Apartheid Novel beyond 2000: Interviews with Selected Contemporary South African Authors (together with Danyela Dimakatso Demir, UKZN Press, 2021). I am also the co-editor of Cities in Flux: Metropolitan Spaces in South African Literary and Visual Texts (LIT Verlag, 2017).

I have written articles on the works of K. Sello Duiker, Mariam Akabor, Charlie Human, and Lesego Rampolokeng. My fields of interest include post-apartheid literature, speculative fiction, (African) urban studies, world-literature, postcolonial and psychoanalytical theory, and intersectionality.



Olivier Walther

Associate Professor in Geography, University of Florida
I am an associate professor in geography at the University of Florida and an affiliated researcher at the UF Sahel research group. My current research focuses on cross-border trade and transnational political violence in west Africa. Using social network analysis, I study how borders affect the social networks and spatial patterns of west African traders and violent extremist organizations.



Olubunmi Onafuwa

Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Law, University of East London
Dr Onafuwa is the Programme Leader for LLB (Law), the Project Lead and Interim Deputy Head for the Department of Law, Justice and Policing.

Her areas of academic interest include human rights law, behavioural & social methods, socio-legal research, access to justice/legal aid via alternative judicial institutions in African countries e.g. customary court systems.

Dr Onafuwa also researchers the effects of cuts to legal aid on service providers in England and Wales, time and stress management in the Nigerian judiciary and implications for access to justice. Customary law and succession in Nigeria. Including other crucial matters relating to law and society and law and development e.g., fuel subsidy removal in Nigeria and the unfettered police powers in the UK.



Oludayo Tade

Dr Oludayo Tade teaches Sociology of Deviant behaviour and Social problems at the Department of Sociology, University of Ibadan. He holds a PhD in Criminology. His research interests include crime, Media Studies, child labour, child trafficking, Family Studies, transactional sex and cybercrime.

He is an associate member of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR). Dr Tade was a recipient of the University of Ibadan Postgraduate School Scholar Award in 2008-2010. He was a grantee of the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion (IMTFI), University of California, Irvine, United States of America in 2013. He is currently a 2015 grantee and the principal investigator on "Dimensions of Electronic Fraud and Governance of Trust in Nigeria's cashless ecosystem, being funded by IMTFI.



Olumayokun Ogunde

PhD Candidate in English, City, University of London
Olumayokun Ogunde is a doctoral researcher in English at City, University of London, specialising in representations of memory, migration, and intergenerational trauma in British-Nigerian communities. Her research particularly focuses on the experiences of British-Nigerian women, exploring themes of motherhood and daughterhood. This project takes a critical and creative approach, with each aspect informing the other. As part of her research, she is writing a novel that draws from the experiences of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation Nigerian immigrants in Britain.



Oluremi (Remi) Ayoko

Associate Professor of Mangement, The University of Queensland
-Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management (2003) UQ
-MBA (1997) UQ
-Management Discipline Leader at the UQ Business School (2020-2021)
-Australian and New Zealand Academy of Mangement (ANZAM) Board Member: Representing -QLD and NT Universities on the Board (2016-2017 and 2023-2024)
-Editor In Chief: Journal of Management & Organization (JMO), 2020 till present



Olushina Olawale Awe

Professor of Statistics, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)
Olushina Olawale Awe is an experienced data scientist and statistician. He is the vice-president of Global Statistical Engagements of the USAID-sponsored LISA 2020 Global Network with headquarters in Colorado, USA, and over 35 centres in 10 developing countries. Prior to this, he had considerable experience in the industry, research and academic sectors. In 2013, he was the only statistics leader selected out of 108 applicants from 34 developing countries to be trained in the United States as a Google-funded Statistics and Data Science Ambassador. He has over 15 years of professional working experience spanning international development, public and private sectors, both in the United States and Africa. As a global statistics leader, he has overseen several data management and capacity-building activities across many statistical training centres and sub-regional organizations. He has mentored several statistical offices/training centers in developing countries like Brazil, Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt, Ghana, Ethiopia, and India. He established the first LISA 2020 Statistics and Data Science Laboratory in Africa in 2014. He has travelled widely and presented academic papers on various topics in statistics in five continents. He has also paid short academic visits to top universities like Oxford University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of London, LSE, Virginia Tech, UNICAMP, USP, UFBA Brazil, Harvard University, MIT etc. He is a country coordinator (Nigeria) of the International Statistical Literacy Program. He is an elected fellow of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), an African Academy of Sciences affiliate member. He was recently elected as a vice-president of the International Association for Statistics Education, having served on the council of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics for two terms. He has published over 70 research articles in local and international journals in the areas of applied statistics, computational statistics, econometrics, machine learning, time series analysis, data science, and statistics education. His recent book (with Kim Love and Eric Vance) is titled Promoting Statistical Practice and Collaboration in Developing Countries. He is a dynamic, creative, and innovative professional who is highly motivated by new innovations.



Olusola Adewumi John

Visiting Researcher, Centre for Socially Engaged Theatre, University of Regina
Sola John is an experienced coach and mentor with over 15 years in working with various groups of people from young people to leadership teams from the development space, to the Business start-up entrepreneurs. His clientele includes the GIZ, PEF, NMDPRA, Aiducation Int’l, Eramet, and many others across Nigeria, Africa and Europe.

He has focused on problem solving in the areas of leadership crisis management, change management and emotional intelligence. This has taken him to some African countries for similar assignments with proven results. He is also a workshop facilitator, conference speaker, leadership and organizational skills development trainer.

He is a certified Emotional Intelligence; Certified Career Coach and NLP Coach. Sola John is an aviation professional with the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency. He got a PhD in Arts Management from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Nigeria. He is currently a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Socially Engaged Theatre (C_SET), University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

While at C-SET, he will be researching into the intersection between aviation, entertainment and culture; performing artists and emotional intelligence; artists and data management on the prairie. He is open to collaborations and critical engagement on these themes and the areas of interest to C-SET.



Olutobi Daniel Ogunbiyi

Ph.D. Candidate in Chemistry, Florida International University
Olutobi Daniel Ogunbiyi is an environmental analytical chemist with interests in targeted and non-targeted analysis of per-and poly fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in environmental samples using liquid chromatographic in tandem mass spectrometry techniques.



Oluwadara Pelumi Omotayo

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, North-West University
Oluwadara Pelumi Omotayo is a dedicated researcher making strides in the field of biological sciences. Her academic journey began with a Bachelor of Technology degree in Anatomy from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology in 2011. She pursued a Master's degree in Biological Science at North-West University, South Africa, and graduated in 2018. Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a passion for research, Oluwadara continued her academic journey, earning a PhD in biology from the same institution in 2022.

Currently serving as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at North-West University Potchefstroom, South Africa, Oluwadara focuses on cutting-edge research in mycotoxin, metagenomics, and metabolomics. Her expertise lies in unraveling the complexities of biological systems, seeking innovative solutions to real-world challenges. With a keen eye for detail and a rigorous approach to experimentation, Oluwadara has contributed to numerous publications in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals.

Beyond her academic pursuits, Oluwadara is known for her collaborative spirit, always eager to engage with fellow researchers and explore new avenues of inquiry. Oluwadara Pelumi Omotayo remains open to exciting opportunities for collaboration and looks forward to shaping the future of biological sciences through her innovative research endeavors.



Oluwafikayo Akeredolu

PhD Candidate, University of Oxford



Oluwamayokun Adetoro

Senior Lecturer, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Brunel University London
Mayo is a senior lecturer in Aerospace Engineering and prior to joining academia he worked in the aircraft manufacturing industry. He PhD was at Queen Mary University of London and it was on the bifurcation of dynamical systems and stability theory and its application in manufacturing processes. He subsequently worked as a Research Fellow at Queen Mary. His expertise is in numerical modelling and his research is focused on the analytical and numerical modelling of fluid and solid continua. Recent works have focused on the development of analytical models, modelling of multi‑phase fluid flow, flow atomisation and the scaling of solid and fluid continua.

His current research is focused on the modelling of Fluid-Structural Interaction and his research interest is on turbulence modelling, shape and topology optimisation.



Oluwaseun Abdulganiyu Badru

PhD student, University of Iowa
Oluwaseun Badru is a PhD student of the department of Community and Behavioral Health at the University of Iowa. He has a keen interest in primary and secondary HIV research, as well as interventions focused on behavioral change.



Oluwaseyi Omowunmi Popogbe

Lecturer II, Crawford University
Dr Oluwaseyi Omowunmi Popogbe had a first class in economics (BSc Hons) from Crawford University, where she currently lectures in the Department of Economics. She got her MSc and PhD in economics from the University of Lagos. Her PhD thesis focused on providing an analytical measure and revealing the dynamics of social exclusion and poverty in Lagos State slums. Her core areas of research include development economics, environmental economics and monetary economics.



Oluwatosin Olorunmoteni

Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician, Obafemi Awolowo University
I am a neurodevelopmental paediatrician with a special interest in child and adolescent sleep and brain development.



Olympia Nelson

PhD Candidate in Modern Greek & Byzantine Studies specialising in Byzantine art and literature, University of Sydney
Olympia Nelson is a PhD Candidate at the University of Sydney, with a research focus on the history of emotions in Byzantinum, drawing upon literary as well as visual material. Her academic interests include hagiography, Komnenian art and the Komnenian novella genre, art history and iconoclasm.



Omar Zanna

Sociologue, Le Mans Université



Omar Shahabudin McDoom

Associate Professor in Comparative Politics, Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science
Omar Shahabudin McDoom is a comparative political scientist and Associate Professor in the Department of Government at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research interests lie in peace and security. He specializes in the study of conflicts and violence framed along ethnic and religious boundaries, and in strategies that promote co-existence and cooperation between social groups in plural societies. He has field expertise in sub-Saharan Africa — primarily Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda — and in South-East Asia, notably the Philippines.

Dr McDoom’s work has been published in International Security, the Journal of Peace Research, and the Journal of Conflict Resolution. He has held research fellowships at Harvard and Oxford universities. His professional experience includes work as a Policy Officer for the World Bank, as a Legal Officer for the Government of Guyana, and on electoral missions for the OSCE and UN.

He holds law degrees from King’s College London and the Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, a Master’s degree in International Development Studies from George Washington University, and a PhD in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is also an attorney (non-practicing) admitted in New York.



Omer Bartov

Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Brown University
Omer Bartov is the Samuel Pisar Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Brown University and the author, most recently, of Genocide, the Holocaust, and Israel-Palestine: First-Person History in Times of Crisis (2023), The Butterfly and the Axe. A Novel (2023), Tales from the Borderlands: Making and Unmaking the Galician Past (2022), and Anatomy of a Genocide: The Life and Death of a Town Called Buczacz (2018).



Omid Akbari

Professor of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, University of Southern California
Dr. Akbari obtained his Ph.D. from Brigitta Stockinger’s laboratory in the Division of Molecular Immunology at the National Institute for Medical Research in UK. He performed postdoctoral work at Stanford University and in 2004 became Assistant Professor of Allergy and Immunology at Harvard Medical School. In 2008, Dr. Akbari joined the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, USC Keck School of Medicine, where he is currently Professor of Immunology. Dr Akbari’s research is focused on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms orchestrating the differentiation and function of innate and adaptive immune responses. Major areas of interest include: the molecular and cellular mechanisms governing the differentiation and function of regulatory T cells, dendritic cells and innate lymphoid cells and the potential roles these cells play in vaccination, autoimmunity, inflammation, cancer and infection.

Dr. Akbari is a recipient of several national and international grants and awards such as: American Lung Association fellowship award, the American Lung Association Research Grant, The Pharmacia award for the best research in the field of Immunology, Henning Loewenstein Research award for the excellent research in the field of Immunology. He is also a recipient of the Eleanor and Miles Shore prestigious grant from Harvard Medical School and several other grants from the National Institute of Health. He is currently serves as Associate Editor of several journals and also serves as a reviewer for several NIH and non-NIH study sections.



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