

William Waqavakatoga

PhD candidate, University of Adelaide
William Waqavakatoga is a PhD candidate in Politics and International Relations at the University of Adelaide. He was previously a teaching assistant at the University of the South Pacific and has worked in the Fiji media.



William Watkin

Professor of Contemporary Philosophy and Literature, Brunel University London

I am one of the leading experts on contemporary, continental philosophy in particular as regards how it relates to contemporary political situations. I specialise in the work of Agamben, Badiou, Derrida, Foucault, and Deleuze. I also work extensively on violence, conflict, terrorism, world politics and technology.

I teach a course on violence at Brunel University specialising in issues of capital punishment, technology, terrorism, surveillance and control. I have recently published articles in the media on ISIS decapitations and on the crisis in capital punishment in the US.

I have also published academic work on violence, for example: “Agamben, Benjamin and the Indifference of Violence” in Towards a Critique of Violence: Benjamin and Agamben. London: Bloomsbury, July 2015.

I am currently working with my agent on a book about the way digital technology has changed our relationship towards violence and death. Provisionally entitled "Snuff" it stretches from the use of social media to develop an intimate digital relationship with images of extreme violence, to the way digital technologies such as drones distances us from acts of war making them seem no more real than video games.



William Whyte

Professor of Social and Architectural History, University of Oxford
Like all historians, I am interested in people, but unlike many I am also equally preoccupied by things and places. I'm especially intrigued by what the serious investigation of the built and natural environment does to existing accounts of modern history. My research has consequently often focused on architecture, and I have a special interest in institutions like schools, universities, and churches.

My first book, Oxford Jackson: architecture, education, status, and style, 1835-1924 (OUP, 2006) explored the work of an influential university architect. My second, funded by a Philip Leverhulme Prize, was Redbrick: a social and architectural history of Britain's civic universities (OUP, 2015). My third, Unlocking the Church: the lost secrets of Victorian sacred space (OUP, 2017), grew out of my Hensley Henson Lectures. Now, as the final part of what's become a trilogy on university architecture, I am working on The University: a material history, for Harvard University Press. Along the way, I have edited or co-edited a dozen or so other books.

Current projects include the Oxford Illustrated History of England, for OUP, and the six-volume Cultural History of High Learning, which I am editing with Ning de Coninck-Smith (Aarhus) and Julia Horne (Sydney). I chair the editorial board of the Oxford Review of Education and sit on the board of the Oxford Historical Monographs series. I am currently serving as Senior Responsible Owner and Chair of Project Board for the Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities: the university's largest ever capital project, the result of the largest ever gift given to Oxford.

It is my immense good fortune to be involved in a large number of organisations outside the University. I am chair of the Oxford Preservation Trust, the Oxford Historical Society, and the Victoria County History of Oxfordshire. I am a Trustee of English Heritage and Chair the Blue Plaques Panel. I am also a member of the Fabric Commission of Westminster Abbey, the Heritage Committee of the British Academy, the Oxford Diocesan Advisory Committee, and serve on the International Commission for the History of Universities/Commission internationale pour l'histoire des universités.

Research Interests
As professor of social and architectural history I am very glad to discuss graduate supervision with anyone whose interests fall within these fields. In the past, I have been lucky enough to work with a score or so of doctoral students on science in the nineteenth century, theology in the twentieth, and architectural history over both periods. Recent theses include George Entwistle on inter-war housing, Elena Porter on the political economy of country houses, and Anna Clark on women’s portraits in early modern colleges.



William Andrew Thompson

Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Biology, McMaster University
I am a Mitacs Post-doctoral Fellow at McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario) in the department of biology. I'm a developmental toxicologist, and my work delves into trying to understand our impacts on aquatic life. As carekeepers of this planet, humans haven't really done a great job. We have released pharmaceuticals, personal care products, single-use plastics, and other contaminants into aquatic environments through our wastewater, and we don't really know what their consequences would be in habitats receiving municipal wastewater effluent. I like to investigate the damage these contaminants may have on early-life stages of fish, because these critical windows of development can have life-long effects. I look at these animals from the top-down, finding changes in their behaviour, and then looking under the hood to see what part of the engine is malfunctioning.



William C. Clark

Professor of International Science, Public Policy and Human Development, Harvard University
William Clark is the Harvey Brooks Research Professor of International Science, Public Policy and Human Development at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Trained as an ecologist, his research focuses on sustainability science: understanding the interactions of human and environmental systems with a view toward advancing the goals of sustainable development. He is particularly interested in how institutional arrangements affect the linkage between knowledge and action in the sustainability arena.

At Harvard, he co-directs the Sustainability Science Program. He is co-author of Pursuing sustainability: A guide to the science and practice (Princeton, 2016), Adaptive environmental assessment and management (Wiley, 1978), and Redesigning rural development (Hopkins, 1982); editor of the Carbon dioxide review (Oxford, 1982); coeditor of Sustainable development of the biosphere (Cambridge, 1986), The earth transformed by human action (Cambridge, 1990), Learning to manage global environmental risks (MIT, 2001), Global Environmental Assessments (MIT, 2006) and The global health system: Institutions in a time of transition (Harvard, 2010); and co-chaired the US National Research Council’s study Our Common Journey: A Transition Toward Sustainability (NAP, 1999). He serves on the editorial board of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. Clark is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is a recipient of the MacArthur Prize, the Humboldt Prize, the Kennedy School’s Carballo Award for excellence in teaching, and the Harvard College Phi Beta Kappa Prize for Excellence in Teaching.



William D. Ristenpart

Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Davis
My research is in complex transport phenomena, with an emphasis on using advanced experimental techniques to extract quantitative measurements from complicated phenomena. My group strives to answer fundamental scientific questions about a variety of systems where the transport behavior is paramount. Recent topics include: electrocoalescence of charged droplets, electrically-induced aggregation of colloids near electrodes, extraction dynamics in coffee, and turbulent dispersion of airborne pathogens. My lab has two Phantom high-speed cameras (a grayscale v7.1 and a color v7.3), both of which can capture at more than 100,000 frames per second. We also have several microscopes and various optical and laser systems.

I am also passionate about coffee – I serve as Director of the UC Davis Coffee Center, and my undergraduate course, The Design of Coffee: An Introduction to Chemical Engineering, regularly enrolls more than 2,000 students per year.



William E. Donald

Associate Professor of Sustainable Careers and Human Resource Management, University of Southampton
William E. Donald is an Associate Professor of Sustainable Careers and Human Resource Management at the Ronin Institute (USA) and a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Southampton (UK) as a guest of Professor Yehuda Baruch. Will’s research interests include graduate employability, career development, and sustainable career ecosystems. He has published 50+ peer-reviewed works (journal articles, book chapters, and conference papers)–which have been read 30,000+ times (ResearchGate) and cited nearly 1,000 times (Google Scholar).

Will authored the book ‘Strategic Opportunities for Bridging the University-Employer Divide‘ (IGI Global, 2024), and was the sole Editor of the ‘Handbook of Research on Sustainable Career Ecosystems for University Students and Graduates’ (IGI Global, 2023).

For more information, please visit Will's website:



William H. Worger

Professor Emeritus of History, University of California, Los Angeles
William H. Worger specializes in the social and economic history of southern Africa. A New Zealander by birth, his first research project was a study of Te Puea Herangi, a Maori woman who led a cultural and economic revival among the Waikato people in the early 20th century. Since coming to the United States in 1975 he has worked on historical representations of Shaka, the industrial origins of racial discrimination--South Africa's City of Diamonds: Mine Workers and Monopoly Capitalism in Kimberley, 1867-1895 (Yale University Press, 1987)-- and, currently, contestations between African and European over the meaning of colonialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Prior to coming to UCLA in 1989, he taught at Stanford University, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and Dalhousie University.



Willow Kreutzer

PhD Candidate in Political Science, University of Iowa
Willow’s research focuses on gender, conflict, and international institutions. Some of her current research projects include examining how states' commitments to the UN Treaty CEDAW influence women’s rights over time; how rebel commitments to human rights affect violence against civilians, particularly violence against women; how natural disasters influence women’s political trust in their government in post-disaster countries; and how different peace agreements after civil war can influence the duration of peace as well as create a sense of healing for citizens. Overall, she is curious about how gender influences and is influenced by institutions and the outcomes created by these institutions for women. She hopes to add to the current field by engaging on a deeper level with feminist literature and institutional design to help create solutions to issues for women. Willow graduated summa cum laude from the University of Kentucky with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, as well as two minors in Gender & Women Studies and International Studies. She holds a master’s degree from the University of Iowa in Political Science and is working to complete her Graduate Certificate in Gender Women’s and Sexuality Studies in addition to her Ph.D. in Political Science.



Willow Caroline Holloway

Researcher in Autism, Swansea University
Willow Holloway is currently a Swansea University researcher and Community Council Advisor on the Wellcome Trust-funded ‘Autism: from menstruation to menopause’ project led by Dr Aimee Grant.

Willow has been involved in the Disability Rights Movements for many years and the Autistic Rights Movement for the last decade. She is a director and trustee of several Disabled Peoples Organisations including Disability Wales, Autistic UK and Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales as well as being a trustee of RASAC North Wales.

Willow’s interest lies in improving the wellbeing and quality of life for disabled and neurodivergent people and firmly believes in “Nothing About Us Without Us “and that community voices should be involved in all decisions that impact our lives.

Willow works with organisations across Wales to encourage and support co-production at all levels from national policy to local service design. She also supports research which includes the experiences of disabled and neurodivergent people.

Willow is a member of the Welsh Governments Disability Rights Taskforce and the Ministerial Advisory Group on Neurodivergence and acts as an advisor to The National Autism Team Wales. At a local level she co-chairs The North Wales Integrated Autism Service Strategy Board.



Wim Vandekerckhove

Professeur en éthique des affaires, EDHEC Business School
Wim Vandekerckhove is Professor of Business Ethics at EDHEC Business School in France. He holds a PhD from Ghent University. Before joining EDHEC, he held a lecturer post at Ghent University (Belgium), visiting scholarships at the University of Oslo (Norway), Griffith University (Australia), the International Anti-Corruption Academy (Austria), and was Professor of Business Ethics at the University of Greenwich (UK). Wim has provided expertise on whistleblowing to various organisations, including Council of Europe, UNODC, the International Olympic Committee, Transparency International, the UK Department of Health, and the British Standards Institute (BSI). He was the convenor for ISO37002, the international standard for whistleblowing management systems.



Win Cowger

Research Director, Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research, University of California, Riverside
I am an environmental data scientist and currently lead a team of 9 other researchers focusing on microplastic research to reduce microplastics in the environment.



Win Myo Thu

Win Myo Thu is a development practitioner with over 30 year’s working experience extensively in environmental conservation and rural development. He professionally contributed to several policy developments such as the national communication report on climate change, national biodiversity strategic action plan (NBSAP), national environmental performance assessment, national rural development strategic framework for poverty reduction, and Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan (MSDP). In addition to these contributions, he has been actively advocating for the cancellation of hydropower mega-dams, promoting renewable energy, improving land tenure security of the poor and indigenous people, and strengthening a common platform for civic empowerment in the process of natural resource governance. He directs a local environmental organization, the Association of Advancing Life and Regenerating Motherland (ALARM) and is currently a Visiting Research Fellow at Christ Church College.

He studied at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand for M.Sc in Rural and Regional Development with the background of undergraduate study in B.Sc(Forestry) from Yangon University and Yezin Agriculture Institute of Myanmar. He also pursued the Chevening Fellowship in Governance and Environmental Democracy at the Center for International Development and Training of the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom.

Academic Background
He studied at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand for M.Sc in Rural and Regional Development with the background of undergraduate study in B.Sc(Forestry) from Yangon University and Yezin Agriculture Institute of Myanmar. He also pursued the Chevening Fellowship in Governance and Environmental Democracy at the Center for International Development and Training of the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom.

Research Interests
He is currently conducting a research study on the assessment of climate risk by severe drought and water insecurity in the central dry zone of Myanmar and its impacts on local livelihoods and political economy.

Luke Bridgestock, Gideon M. Henderson, Phil Holdship, Aung Myo Khaing, Tin Tin Naing, Tin Aung Myint, Wint Wint Htun, Win Khant, Win Myo Thu, Mo Aung Nay Chi, Jotautas Baronas, Edward Tipper, Hazel Chapman & Mike Bickle (2022), Dissolved trace element concentrations and fluxes in the Irrawaddy, Salween, Sittaung and Kaladan Rivers. Available from: [accessed Jul 22 2022].

Win Myo Thu (2019). Deforestation Dilemma in Myanmar, In University of Nottingham, Asia Dialogue Blog,

Oliver Springate-Baginski, Aung Kyaw Thein, Anthony Neil, Win Myo Thu, Faith Doherty (2014), An assessment of Myanmar's emerging ‘Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade’ (FLEGT) process, Forest Policy and Economics (2014),

Win Myo Thu (2012), Impact of cross-border road construction on the livelihoods of women and men in Kyaing Ton – Tachileik, Myanmar, In Kusakabe Kyoko (ed.) Gender, Road and Mobility in Asia, Bourton on Dunsmore, Rugby: Practical Action Publishing 2012 ISBN: 978 85339 734 9, 225 pp

ADB (2007), Myanmar National Environmental Performance Assessment: Asian Development Bank - National report of Greater Mekong Sub-regional Core Environmental Program,




Win Thandar Zaw

PhD Candidate, Te Piringa-Faculty of Law, University of Waikato
My PhD research focuses on the role of law for "extended producer responsibility" . The emphasis is on product-oriented law and policies mandating producers to bear responsibility for environmental impacts of their products through their lifecycle. My research examines intricate legal issues related to upstream and downstream producer responsibilities, including waste reduction, waste prevention, reuse, repair and recycling. Other areas of research include consumer protection, competition and industry self-regulation.



Winnie N. A. Sowah

Lecturer, Department of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, University of Ghana
Research Interest

Interests include invasive species(Sargassum) impacts and management; applying genetic principles and methods in Aquaculture development and management, population genetics and fisheries management;

Current research/project(s)

Research Scientist, Teleconnected Sargassum risk across the Atlantic: building capacity for transformational adaptation in the Caribbean and West Africa (SARTRAC). GCRF funding



Wissam Samia

Enseignant-chercheur, PhD en économie, Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV)



Witold Jerzy Henisz

Vice Dean and Faculty Director, ESG Inititative; Deloitte & Touche Professor of Management, University of Pennsylvania
Witold J. Henisz is the Vice Dean and Faculty Director, ESG Initiative and the Deloitte & Touche Professor of Management in Honor of Russell E. Palmer, former Managing Partner at The Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania. His research examines the impact of political hazards as well as environmental, social and governance factors more broadly on the strategy and valuation of global corporations. He has won multiple teaching awards and teaches extensively in executive education programs. He is currently a principal in the consultancy PRIMA LLC whose clients span multinational firms, asset managers, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations.



Wolfgang Rack

Associate Professor for Remote Sensing and Glaciology, University of Canterbury
I received a MSc in meteorology and a PhD in glaciology from Innsbruck University, Austria, in 1995 and 2000, respectively. From 2001-2006, I was a post-doctoral researcher and research scientist at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Germany) studying polar land-ice using remote sensing and airborne geophysics. Since 2006 I am employed at the University of Canterbury's Centre for Antarctic Studies and Research (Gateway Antarctica) - first as a senior lecturer and then as an associate professor. I teach and research remote sensing and polar glaciology for both land ice and sea ice. For my special interest in the mass balance of the polar cryosphere I spent 17 field seasons in the Arctic and Antarctica to collect ground data for satellite validation.



Wonga Masiza

Researcher, Agricultural Research Council
I am a researcher at South Africa's Agricultural Research Council. I also lectured GIS and Remote Sensing for two years at the University of Fort Hare. I hold a PhD in Geography specializing in Applied Remote Sensing, a masters degree in Applied Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, and Computer Science.



Wonsun Shin

Associate Professor in Media and Communications, The University of Melbourne
Wonsun Shin is an Associate Professor in Media and Communications at the University of Melbourne. Her research examines young people's use of digital media and the roles played by socialisation agents, including parents, peers and school teachers, in youth’s acquisition of knowledge and skills relevant to their functioning as media users and consumers.



Woon Ju Park

Research Scientist, University of Washington
I am a researcher interested in how the computations in the human visual system are influenced by experience. I characterize the building blocks of perception using a combination of visual/auditory psychophysics, eye-tracking, neuroimaging, and computational modeling. I work with both neurotypical and neurodiverse populations (e.g., autism spectrum disorder, blindness), with an aim to find ways that can positively shape individuals' perceptual experiences.



Xanthe Lowe-Brown

PhD Student, The University of Melbourne
Xanthe Lowe-Brown is a PhD candidate in Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Melbourne, holding a PhD scholarship from the Centre for AI and Digital Ethics (CAIDE). Working with an exceptional interdisciplinary supervision team - Dr Greg Wadley (Human-Computer Interaction), Dr Solange Glasser (Music Psychology) and A/Prof Peter Koval (Psychology), Xanthe’s PhD aims to enhance wellbeing outcomes for music listeners by improving recommendation algorithms used by music streaming services such as Spotify to recommend music helps users regulate their emotions. Xanthe completed a Bachelor of Music Performance (Contemporary Guitar) at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music in 2021 and her Honour's thesis on the individual differences in the experience of Musically-Evoked Chills in 2022, alongside Dr Solange Glasser.



Xavier Aparicio

Professeur des Universités en psychologie cognitive, Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne (UPEC)
Xavier Aparicio est Professeur des Universités en psychologie cognitive à l’Université Paris-Est Créteil depuis 2015 et fait partie du laboratoire Cognitions Humaine et Artificielle (CHArt). Il est rattaché à l’INSPE de l’Académie de Créteil où il assure des enseignements portant sur la psychologie des apprentissages auprès d’étudiants inscrits en Master MEEF (Métiers de l’Enseignement, de l’éducation et de la Formation) premier et second degré, ainsi qu’auprès d’enseignants en poste dans le cadre de la formation continue.
Ses recherches portent sur les processus cognitifs impliqués dans la reconnaissance visuelle de mots et l’activité de compréhension en lecture chez des monolingues et des bilingues, intégrant des données comportementales, oculomotrices et électrophysiologiques. Il a publié différents articles expérimentaux sur l’organisation et le fonctionnement du lexique mental multilingue, ainsi que sur les processus de lecture/compréhension mobilisés lors de la lecture écran et de la lecture sur papier.



Xavier Coumoul

Professor of Toxicology and Biochemistry, Université Paris Cité
Xavier Coumoul is a professor of toxicology and biochemistry at Université Paris Cité and co-leads the toxicology - ecotoxicology master of the university. His research focuses on the characterization of the modes of action of environmental contaminants. He leads the INSERM METATOX team which focuses on various pathologies including cancer and metastasis formation, chronic liver diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. Metabolic deregulations are one of the most studied modes of action of his team. He has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed articles in the field of cellular and molecular toxicology. He is also an expert in environmental health for the university and INSERM, having participated in two INSERM collective reports and having been interviewed by numerous media. He has also held positions of responsibility for the university (board of directors and vice-president) as well as a strong involvement in educational innovation.



Xavier Ho

Lecturer in Interaction Design, Monash University
Xavier Ho is a creative designer and a games researcher at Monash University’s XYX Lab and SensiLab. He is the Junior Visiting Chair in Sexuality Studies at the Hunt-Simes Institute within the University of Sydney. He leads the curatorial team to produce Pride at Play with the Sydney Games and Play Lab and other independent game curators and makers. He is a finalist in the 2020 Victorian Premier Design Awards, and also one of the recipients of the inaugural CSIRO Medal for Diversity and Inclusion for his contribution in raising awareness for LGBTQIA+ issues in the organisation. In his free time, he enjoys barebow recurve archery with his boyfriend.



Xavier Hollandts

Professeur de stratégie et entrepreneuriat, Kedge Business School
Xavier Hollandts est Professeur à KEDGE BS. Il enseigne l’entrepreneuriat et la stratégie à KEDGE BS campus Bordeaux.

Ses recherches se concentrent sur la gouvernance des entreprises et les questions de théorie de la firme. Spécialiste des questions agricoles, il intervient régulièrement dans les médias. Il a coordonné la chaire de recherche Alter‐Gouvernance de 2012 à 2019 et a notamment publié un Référentiel de gouvernance des coopératives agricoles. Il est également membre de la chaire AGIPI/KEDGE. Ses travaux ont notamment été publiés dans Corporate Governance, Journal of Institutional Economics, Managerial and Decision Economics, Finance, la Revue Française de Gestion, Management International, ou la Revue Française de Gouvernance d’Entreprise.



Xavier Medina Vidal

Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Mexican American Studies, University of Texas at Arlington
My research centers on a variety of contemporary issues in North American politics including the transnational political behavior of the Mexican diaspora in the US, Latino political thought, Latino college student access, Mexican American politics, Mexican electoral politics, and North American migration.



Xavier Symons

Research associate, University of Notre Dame Australia

Xavier Symons is a research associate with the Institute for Ethics and Society. Xavier has a masters degree in philosophy from the University of Sydney, and is currently a PhD research student with the Centre for Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics at the Australian Catholic University. In 2016 Xavier is a visiting scholar at Georgetown University’s Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics. He is also deputy editor of the online bioethics news service BioEdge. Xavier has a strong background in the Catholic intellectual tradition, and has taught philosophy and Catholic social ethics at the Australian Catholic University.



Xhana Tishler

Medical Student, UNSW Sydney



Xianglong Locky Liu

Research fellow, Victoria University
Locky is a Research Fellow at the Centre of Policy Studies (CoPS). He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Melbourne. Locky’s key areas of interest include applied economic modelling, applied macro-finance, and policy analysis.



Xiaohan Li

Doctoral Researcher, University of Southampton
Xiaohan Li, is currently pursuing her PhD at Southampton Business School, University of Southampton. She earned her BA in International Tourism Management from Macau University of Science and Technology and completed her MA in Human Resource Management at the University of Leeds. Her research looks at the interplay between work flexibility, gender dynamics, and their implications in the gig economy and policy-making. Presently, Xiaohan is working on the work environment of female takeaway riders in China.



Xiaojun Zhang

University Chief Officer of Education; Executive Dean, Academy of Future Education; Acting Dean, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Hub, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang), Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Dr Xiaojun Zhang got his PhD degree at Xi’an Jiaotong University. He joined Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University as the Deputy Director of Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development (ILEAD) in 2013, which was created by him under the support of university leaders. Now Xiaojun is the University Chief Officer of Education; Executive Dean of the Academy of Future Education at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Xiaojun also takes the role of Acting Dean of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Hub in Entrepreneur College (Taicang) at XJTLU since August 2022.

Xiaojun is an edupreneur who initiated all the four units within the Academy of Future Education. He was appointed as Head of ILEAD in 2017 when ILEAD became a department of Education. He restructured the faculty development centre at XJTLU and built the team of Educational Development Unit (EDU) in 2018. The Department of Educational Studies (EDS) was created by Xiaojun in 2019, and Learning Institute for Future Excellence (LIFE), as an innovative platform to support student transfarmation and global citizenship competence development at XJTLU, was created under his leadership in 2021.

Dr Zhang led the development of several projects with national level impact. He created XJTLU National University Teaching Innovation Award in 2016, developed the Association for Sustainable Faculty Development in Higher Education in 2018 with more than 90 institutional members, and initiated the ILEAD Talk series established in more than 20 cities in China.

Dr Zhang is a Principal Fellow of Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) in UK.

One of Xiaojun’s current work focuses on educating the educators in universities, including teachers, professionals, and institutional leaders and managers. He has developed many professional development programmes for educational practitioners across the country. His programmes were attended by more than 15,000 staff from more than 500 Chinese universities. Since 2013 he has been invited for more than 200 speeches for educational practitioners and researchers on the topic of education and teaching innovation. Xiaojun created one of the most influential community for teaching innovation in China: XJTLU National University Teaching Innovation Award. More than 4,250 innovative teachers from 500 Chinese universities applied for this award since 2016. Every year there are millions of online visits to this events, and there has accumulated more than 500 excellent teaching innovation cases.

Dr Zhang’s research area includes institutional change and institutional logics; Educational leadership; Internationalization in Higher Education, especially the Sino-foreign Cooperative universities; Future education in the AI era; University transfarmation and teaching innovation, in particular research-led learning and teaching; student-centred education; student transition etc. Dr Zhang welcomes PhD applications in these areas.

Xiaojun has published more than 100 academic papers and 5 books. His research focus on problems in practice and pay attention to practical implications. Most of his research has been adopted in his training programmes for higher education practitioners. One of his most recent books titled "University Transfarmation: From Teacher Dominated to Student-Centred" published by Tsinghua University Press is a guidebook for education practitioners who want to transform their education. Xiaojun proposed the "diamond model" of teaching innovation in AI era and highlighted ten key directions of teaching innovation in his another recently published book "Future-oriented Teaching Innovation" by Economic and Management Press.



Xiaoling Guo

The University of Western Australia
Xiaoling Guo is a PhD candidate in Marketing at the Business School at the University of Western Australia. She is a researcher in the areas of social marketing, social media, influencer marketing, and QCA (Qualitative comparative analysis) methodology.



Xiaoyue Xu (Luna)

Scientia Lecturer, UNSW Sydney
Dr Luna Xu is an epidemiologist, currently working as Scientia Lecturer/Fellow at the School of Population Health, University of New South Wales. Luna is also an Honorary Fellow at The George Institute for Global Health and the University of Technology Sydney, Australia.

Luna awarded Bachelor of Nursing degree in China and completed her Master of Clinical Nursing in the United Kingdom. Since 2013, she changed her career trajectory to epidemiology by completing her Masters and PhD in Public Health at the University of Newcastle, Australia.

Luna’s research focuses on using large population-based health data to inform cardiovascular disease prevention and management. Luna has published over 70 publications, including in the Lancet, Lancet Neurology, and Advances in Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition. Luna has contributed to 2 book chapters and 6 government reports, including WHO and United Nations. Luna has delivered 46 national and international conference presentations, including invited presentations.

Luna serves as an Executive Member of the Australian Association of Gerontology and Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. She has editorial roles for Nutrients, Frontiers in Public Health, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and Diabetology. Luna has reviewed competitive national and international grants, such as The National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia), Heart Foundation of Australia and Canadian Poultry Research Council. Luna also have reviewed over 100 articles in leading journals, such as The Lancet Public Health.



Xichavo Alecia Ndlovu

Lecturer (Political Economy), University of Cape Town
Dr. Alecia Ndlovu teaches political economy in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Cape Town. Ndlovu completed her PhD and MA (with distinction) in International Relations from the University of the Witwatersrand. Her research focuses on political accountability, socioeconomic development, and the governance of Africa's natural resources, leveraging cross-national datasets and on-the-ground research in various African countries. She leads a Worldwide Universities Network project exploring the politics of human development in sub-Saharan Africa's resource-rich economies. Her work aims to advance scholarly discourse and support evidence-based policies and strategies for sustainable resource management and inclusive development across the continent.



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