

Irfan Mehmood

Associate Professor in Business Analytics, University of Bradford
Dr. Irfan Mehmood serves as an Associate Professor in Business Analytics at the University of Bradford. His research interests span across vision AI, business data analytics, machine learning, and responsible AI. In addition to contributing to prominent peer-reviewed journals like the International Journal of Information Management and Future Generation Computer Systems, Dr. Mehmood actively engages in scholarly endeavours.



Irina Ceric

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
Irina Ceric joined the University of Windsor Faculty of Law in 2022. She holds a PhD from Osgoode Hall Law School. Her research lies at the intersection of law and social movements, with a particular focus on the regulation and criminalization of dissent by movements for social and environmental justice and Indigenous sovereignty. Irina is also a longtime community activist and legal support organizer and educator, having worked with movements in Canada and the US since the late 1990s. Prior to shifting into academia, she practiced criminal and clinical law in Toronto and Vancouver.



Irina Ponomareva

Adjunct Research Fellow in Griffith Center for Social and Cultural Research (GCSCR), Griffith University
Irina Ponomareva is an archaeologist with experience working across four countries: Russia, Ukraine, Spain and Australia. She has a PhD in Archaeology from Griffith University on the rock art of Siberia and ethno-cultural identity. Following her Ph.D., Irina entered Australian consulting archaeology for a few years before undertaking a postdoctoral position in Spain. She has since returned to Australia, eager to continue her career in the consulting industry.



Irina Fernández Lozano

Profesora de Sociología, UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Profesora de Sociología e investigadora en la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).
Su investigación gira sobre todo en torno a las diferencias de género en el uso del tiempo y el acceso a las políticas de conciliación.



Iris Chan

Fellow, Grattan Institute
Iris Chan is a Fellow in Grattan Institute’s Budgets and Government Program. She has previously worked in a wide range of policy roles at the Reserve Bank of Australia, including as a senior research economist specialising in using microdata to answer policy questions, and has managed teams focused on payments policy and emerging financial markets issues. She holds a Master in Public Affairs (Economics) from Princeton University, and honours degrees in Commerce (joint honours in economics and econometrics) and Law from the University of Sydney.



Iris Lim

Assistant Professor, Bond University
Assistant Professor in Biomedical Science



Irma Mooi-Reci

Professor in Labour Sociology, The University of Melbourne
Irma Mooi-Reci is a Professor of Labor Sociology at the School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS) and an Adjunct Professorial Fellow of the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research (MIASER) at the University of Melbourne. Irma has served as a Deputy Editor of the renowned journal Gender & Society (2019-2023) and was Head of Sociology at the University of Melbourne (2017-2020).

Irma is a leading expert in the field of unemployment research and the study of labor market dynamics. Over the past 15 years of her academic career, she has rigorously researched labor market and career dynamics to understand how disruptive events such as - unemployment, underemployment, early disadvantage and the changing nature of work (conditions) - shape labor market inequalities for workers and their families. Her work has been widely published in some of the most prominent academic journals including Human Relations, Social Science Research, European Sociological Review, British Journal of Industrial Relations, SSM-Population Health , Social Forces and many more prominent journals. Relatedly, her work has been (inter)nationally recognized through various research prizes and awards, invitations to give keynote lectures and visiting positions at top universities including the Oxford University, Nuffield College (2017), and the University of Madison Wisconsin (2010, 2011 and 2012).



Irmine Keta Rotimi

Doctoral Candidate, Marketing and International Business department, Auckland University of Technology



Irvin Waller

Emeritus professor of Criminology, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa
Irvin Waller is professor emeritus of criminology at the University of Ottawa. He is author of Science and Secrets of Ending Violent Crime (2019) and numerous publications use research and data to advance crime prevention and victim support policies. In the 1970s, he was a senior official in the Canadian government. He has served on national commissions in Canada, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. He gained particular recognition for pioneering the United Nations General Assembly resolution on principles of justice for victims as well as international organizations influencing prevention and victims' rights in Europe, the Americas and in the world. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge.

Irvin Waller est professeur émérite de criminologie à l'Université d'Ottawa. Ses nombreuses publications utilisent la recherche et les données pour faire avancer les politiques de prévention du crime et d'aide aux victimes. Dans les années 1970, il était un haut fonctionnaire du gouvernement canadien. Il a siégé à des commissions nationales au Canada, en Afrique du Sud, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis. Il a acquis une reconnaissance particulière pour avoir été le pionnier de la résolution de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies sur les principes de justice pour les victimes ainsi que les organisations internationales influençant la prévention et les droits des victimes en Europe, la Amériques et dans le monde. Il a un doctorat. de l'Université de Cambridge.



Iryna Skubii

Mykola Zerov Fellow in Ukrainian Studies, School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, The University of Melbourne
Iryna Skubii is the inaugural Mykola Zerov Fellow in Ukrainian Studies at the University of Melbourne. She obtained her PhD in History at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario and a Candidate of Science Degree in History at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine). Previously, Iryna taught in Ukraine and Canada and held visiting research positions in Germany, Poland, Austria, and Canada. Her research projects dealt with the history of consumption, materialities, and human-environmental relationships during the Soviet famines in Ukraine and Soviet social and economic history more broadly. Her first monograph was titled “Trade in Kharkiv in the Years of NEP: economy and everyday life” (Torhivlia v Kharkovi v roky NEPu (1921–1929): ekonomika ta povsiakdennist’) (Kharkiv: Rarytety Ukrainy, 2017). She is also currently working on two monographs, one based on her recent thesis, “Survival Under Extremes: Human, Environmental, and Material Relationships Amidst the Soviet Famines in Ukraine,” and another one focused on her research on consumption and material culture in early Soviet Ukraine. Her new research will explore the economic, environmental, and cultural history of sunflowers in Ukraine.



Iryna Voloshyna

Ph.D. Candidate in Folklore, Indiana University
Iryna Voloshyna is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology at Indiana University, Bloomington. She is the founding artistic director of the Indiana Slavic Choir.



Isa Haskologlu

Lecturer, American University
Isa Haskologlu is an Invited Lecturer at the American University in the Department of Government. His research interests are civil conflict and negotiations. His papers appear in the British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies and Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict.



Isa Menzies

Visiting Fellow, Research School of Humanities and the Arts , Australian National University
Isa holds a PhD from the Australian National University (ANU). Her research critically engages with representations of the horse in national identity narratives, examining the role of this animal in the Australian national imagination. She has published substantially in this area and is currently working on a book.
Isa also holds a Master of Arts (Museum Studies) and has spent over 15 years working with material and cultural heritage, both in Australia and internationally. She has worked across a range of areas, from exhibition development to collection management, and has also lectured in museology at ANU.



Isa Olalekan Elegbede

Lecturer, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Dr Isa Elegbede has interdisciplinary experience and background in marine and coastal resources. He is interested in applying a holistic sustainability approach to environmental issues and their impact on resources.

He has a PhD in environmental sciences (specialisation marine sustainability and blue economy) from the Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany.

His PhD research investigated the impact of voluntary sustainability standards in marine industrial fisheries, a case study with the Nigerian industrial marine fisheries.

He has a bachelor's degree in fisheries from the Lagos State University and a master's degree in marine sciences (marine pollution and management) from the University of Lagos.

He is a visiting scholar with the Dalhousie University in Canada and a fellow of the Ocean Frontier Institute and Robin Rigby Trust. Also a diaspora expert with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH/ Centre for International Migration and Development.



Isaac Elking

Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management, University of Houston-Downtown
Isaac Elking is an associate professor of supply chain management at the University of Houston – Downtown’s Marilyn Davies College of Business. Prior to receiving his doctorate in Supply Chain Management from the University of Maryland, he worked in Contracting & Procurement for Shell Oil Company. His research interests include buyer-supplier relationships, innovation, and sustainability in supply chain management. His research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Supply Chain Management, the Journal of Business Logistics, the International Journal of Logistics Management, and Transportation Journal.



Isaac Kamola

Associate Professor of Political Science, Trinity College
Isaac Kamola is an associate professor of political science at Trinity College, Hartford, CT. His research examines the political economy of higher education, critical globalization studies, and African anticolonial theory. He is author of Free Speech and Koch Money: Manufacturing a Campus Culture War (with Ralph Wilson, 2021) and Making the World Global: US Universities and the Production of the Global Imaginary (2019). His scholarly work has appeared in International Studies Quarterly, International Political Sociology, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Millennium, Journal of Academic Freedom, African Identities, Journal of Higher Education in Africa, Third World Quarterly, Alternatives, Cultural Politics, Polygraph, and Transitions as well as numerous edited volumes.

Isaac is the creator of Faculty First Responders, a program that monitors right-wing attacks on academics and provides resources to help faculty members and administrators respond to manufactured outrage. And he currently serves as the director of the Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom at the American Association of University Professors (AAUP).



Isaac Tabner

Senior Lecturer in Finance, University of Stirling

I have maintained an active personal interest in stock market investment since the BT3 privatization in 1993. Much of my research and teaching is motivated and informed by practical experience as a private investor: both through the dot com bubble and collapse, as well as, the more recent financial crisis. I am particularly interested in the practical applications of investment theory and research for individual, as well as for institutional investors.

I was awarded the Diploma in Financial Planning (DipPFS) in 2010, the CFA designation in 2003, the ASIP in 2002 and the IMC in 1998. My PhD thesis titled "The relationship between concentration and realised volatility: an empirical investigation of the FTSE 100 Index January 1984 through March 2003" was completed at the University of Stirling in 2004 and in 1999 I was awarded the MSc with distinction in investment analysis from the University of Stirling.

I have been at the University of Stirling since September 1998. I was appointed as a lecturer in finance in September 2003. Prior to this, I was a PhD student, teaching assistant, research assistant and MSc student. Before studying finance and investment, I worked as a marine biologist in Canada, after graduating with an upper second in marine and environmental biology from the University of Saint Andrews.



Isaac A. R. Kerr

Research Assistant at Flinders University Palaeontology Laboratory, Flinders University
In early 2023 I received my PhD with a thesis on the systematics and palaeoecology of the giant fossil kangaroo genus Protemnodon. My recent research focusses on the fossil kangaroos of New Guinea.

I undertook a Bachelor's Degree in science majoring in evolutionary biology at the University of Adelaide. My Honours project, also at Adelaide Uni, was on the fossils, evolution and biogeography of a peculiar genus of vine, Ripogonum, from New Zealand and eastern Australia.



Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo

PhD Candidate, Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies
Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo is a PhD candidate and junior fellow at the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth. He is currently completing his dissertation on the political economy of money and finance in Ghana.



Isabel Estrada

Associate Professor of Innovation & Strategy, University of Groningen
Isabel Estrada Ph.D, is an Associate Professor of Innovation and Strategy at the University of Groningen. She is an expert in collaboration between organisations and has extensively studied the governance of 'particularly challenging' collaborations: collaborative innovation, alliance-to-acquisition transitions, competitor collaboration, public-private projects and multi-partner alliances. Besides publishing in leading academic journals in the management field, Isabel seeks to connect for impact (e.g. expert consultation, guest lectures). She has served in the Editorial Review Board of Journal of Management Studies and as a Co-Chair of the Strategic Management Division of the European Academy of Management, where she currently serves as Development Co-Chair.



Isabel Gauthier

David K. Wilson Professor of Psychology, Vanderbilt University
I have the privilege to head the Object Perception Lab in the Psychology Department at Vanderbilt University.

I think of myself as a cognitive neuroscientist – I am interested in how we perceive, recognize and categorize objects (such as faces, letters, cars and novel objects such as Greebles). My laboratory is interested in the structure of individual differences in perceptual abilities. We also seek to understand perceptual expertise – defined as becoming very good at making perceptual judgments that started off as being very difficult – and investigates the behavioral and neural changes that occur during its acquisition.



Isabel Grant

Law Professor, Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia
Isabel Grant is a professor of law at the Allard School of Law. She is a member of the British Columbia bar and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.



Isabel Key

PhD Candidate, Marine Ecology, The University of Edinburgh
For my PhD I am investigating the biodiversity of seagrass meadows in Scotland, looking across trophic levels and bridging marine and terrestrial realms. I am interested in novel approaches to monitoring biodiversity, including using semi-aquatic predators such as birds and otters as indicator species, and trialling acoustics to monitor fish and crab activity. I have previously worked on nature-based solutions at the University of Oxford, and hold a bachelors degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge.



Isabel Argüelles Rozada

Investigadora predoctoral en Filosofía, Universidad de Oviedo
Isabel Argüelles Rozada es graduada en Filosofía por la Universidad de Oviedo (2013-2017), habiendo recibido el Premio Fin de Grado. Ha ejercido como profesora de Filosofía en Bachillerato. Actualmente es contratada predoctoral en el departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Oviedo (2021-), dentro de la rama de Investigaciones Humanísticas. Desarrolla su tesis doctoral analizando desde una perspectiva filosófica la idea del flâneur partiendo del pensamiento de Walter Benjamin e identificando sus influencias simbólicas y estéticas, con especial atención al medio cinematográfico.



Isabella Currie

PhD candidate, La Trobe University
Isabella Currie is a PhD student and sessional academic at La Trobe University. Her research focuses on the Wagner Group and its role in international relations. Her research interests include foreign interference, authoritarian regimes, security, private and semi-state actors, and geopolitics.



Isabella Gagliardi

Professeur Associé d’Histoire du christianisme, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH)
Isabella Gagliardi est Professeur Associé d’"Histoire du christianisme" à l'Université de Florence. Depuis juillet 2021 elle est membre associé du Laboratoire d'études sur les monothéismes - UMR 8584 et depuis octobre 2017 senior fellow au Medici Archive Project. Elle a collaboré à plusieurs projects de recherche nationaux et internationaux. Elle est également chercheuse invitée du programme DEA | Directeurs d'études associés de la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH).



Isabella Reeves

PhD Candidate, Flinders University
Isabella is PhD Candidate at Flinders University in conservation genomics and evolutionary ecology. She specialises in marine wildlife genomes, particularly cetaceans.



Isabella Soscia

Professeur de marketing, SKEMA Business School
Le Dr Isabella Soscia est professeur titulaire de Marketing à SKEMA Business School. Ses recherches portent sur la communication marketing et le comportement des consommateurs, avec un accent particulier sur les émotions liées à la consommation.



Isabelle Avakumovic-Pointon

PhD Student in History, University of British Columbia
Isabelle Avakumovic-Pointon works for the PROUD Project as a Research Assistant. She is PhD student in the Department of History at the University of British Columbia (UBC) researching disability history. She has an MA in European and Russian Affairs from the Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies in the Munk School at the University of Toronto. Isabelle also has a BA in Honours history from UBC and a Bachelors from the Institut d'études politiques de Paris. Isabelle has been a research assistant for the PROUD Project at the University of Toronto Scarborough since 2021.



Isabelle Huning

PhD Candidate in the School for Business and Society, University of York
I am interested in the political economy of skill formation, welfare institutions and institutional change, as well as comparative social and education policy. My PhD research at the University of York shifts the focus from formal institutions to the narratives surrounding apprenticeships, considered to have grown over decades and centuries. I use state of the art quantitative methods that rely on a large amount of text as data to understand how narratives shifted across different institutional and cultural settings, and their impact on the institutional paths towards or away from traditional apprenticeships.

Prior to starting my PhD, I worked in the German vocational education sector for seven years, first as a trainer and social worker, then in quality management.



Isabelle Langrock

Postdoctoral researcher, Le Centre de Recherche sur les Inégalités Sociales, Sciences Po
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at Le Centre de Recherche sur les Inégalités Sociales (The Center for Research on Social Inequalities) at Sciences Po in Paris, France. Here, I work with Dr. Jen Schradie and study the different information environments of the US and France.

I received my Ph.D. from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania in May 2023. My Dissertation, “The Irony of Openness: Gender Inequality in Self-Governed Knowledge Systems” built a framework for investigating gender gaps across different forms of open knowledge production, including Wikipedia and Open Source Software. My work speaks to the inter-disciplinary domains of digital governance and organization, information environments, and social activism.



Isabelle Perry Newman

Medical Student, School of Medicine, University of Virginia
Isabelle Newman is currently a first year medical student at University Virginia School of Medicine. She has been working with the Reproductive Politics Lab with Vanderbilt University since 2021, and is interested in reproductive health.



Ishara Casellas Connors

Assistant Professor, Public Service and Administration, Texas A&M University
Dr. Ishara Casellas Connors joined the Bush School’s Department of Public Service and Administration in 2021. Dr.Casellas Connors has an extensive background in higher education administration and in diversity and equity policy, having previously served as Associate Director for the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education at Tufts University and as Assistant Dean for Diversity at Texas A&M University’s College of Geosciences.

Casellas Connors holds a PhD from Boston College in Higher Education, an MA from Columbia University in Higher and Postsecondary Education, and a BA from Clark University in Business Management. Dr. Casellas Connors’ research examines issues of equity higher education, focused on state and institutional policy related to minority serving institutions. This work addresses the organizational efforts to address diversity and equity within complex policy and organizational landscapes. Finally, Dr. Casellas Connors considers the experiences of displaced learners, such as refugee and asylum students, in U.S. higher education to frame how state and institutional policy create a context for student success.



Isis Artze-Vega

College Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, Valencia College
Isis Artze-Vega, Ed.D. serves as college provost and vice president for academic affairs at Valencia College in Central Florida, a Hispanic-Serving Institution that serves about 70,000 students annually and has long been regarded one of the nation’s best community colleges. Prior to joining Valencia, Isis served as assistant vice president for teaching and learning at Florida International University, before which she taught English composition and enrollment management at the University of Miami. Isis is the editor and lead author of the Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching and co-author of Connections are Everything: A College Student's Guide to Relationship-Rich Education.



Isla  Graham

Isla Graham

I'm a research fellow in the School of Biological Sciences, based at the University of Aberdeen's Lighthouse Field Station.

My work focuses on the interactions between marine top predators and offshore energy developments and fisheries.



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