U.S. Election Series: How Dollar may respond over Trump or Hillary?
May 11, 2016 12:09 pm UTC| Commentary Politics
Donald Trump is now Republican Partys presumptive nominee for the presidential race, while Hillary Clinton is still fighting Bernie Sanders. Hillary is very much likely to be Democratic Partys presidential nominee and has...
U.S. Election Series: May 10 primaries show the trouble facing Donald Trump
May 11, 2016 07:09 am UTC| Commentary Politics
Donald trump was largely expected to win May 10th primaries in Nebraska and West Virginia and he won. Closed in further to win 1237 delegates, required to win an outright nominations. After winning, he greeted the crowd,...
U.S. Election Series: How S&P 500 may perform under Trump or Hilary?
May 11, 2016 06:28 am UTC| Commentary Politics
Since markets are not good at pricing non-binary events, it may not be until the very last day, markets react to the certainties or uncertainties of new President of United States. Given the negative publicities...
U.S. Election Series: Trump and Sanders win again
May 11, 2016 05:33 am UTC| Commentary Politics
Republican partys presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, who is the last man standing in 17 competitor race won again in yesterdays primaries in West Virginia and Nebraska. Trump was largely expected to win, even if Ted Cruz...
U.S. Election Series: How divided is the Republican Party?
May 06, 2016 05:08 am UTC| Commentary Politics
The answer is Very over Donald Trump becoming Presidential nominee of the Republican Party. Trumps anti-establishment campaign, arrogant attitude and insults to other runners have split the party so hard that lot many...
Clinton and Trump: different visions of America abroad
May 05, 2016 16:53 pm UTC| Insights & Views
Despite the medias best efforts to keep us guessing, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are now the overwhelming favorites to represent the Democratic and Republican parties in the presidential election in the...
U.S. Election Series: Policy ideas of Donald Trump
May 05, 2016 08:42 am UTC| Commentary Politics
As Donald Trump has become Republican Partys presumptive nominee, with last two men Ted Cruz and John Kasich fell out this week, its time to look at Mr. Trumps policy ideas to assess what may lie ahead if he becomes the...
Leonardo da Vinci’s incredible studies of human anatomy still don’t get the recognition they deserve
South African telescope discovers a giant galaxy that’s 32 times bigger than Earth’s