“Boruto” Episode 86 is titled “Kozuchi's Will” and will be exploring the deeper motivation of Onoki and his desire to achieve a conflict-free world. Twisted though his reasons may be, the Third Tsuchikage is determined to move forward with his plans involving the Akuta, Ku, and the rest of the synthetic humans.
However, Onoki’s creation may become his undoing as Ku has now decided to take over the village. While Onoki originally created Ku as a means to achieve lasting peace, it seems that the artificial human will be doing exactly the opposite. “Boruto” Episode 86 will probably feature a lot of fighting since Ku is now transitioning from covert operations to an all-out effort to produce more advanced synthetic humans.
To be able to achieve this, however, a great sacrifice is needed as the scientist revealed that a human heart is required in order to accomplish such goals. Not wanting to hurt anyone from the Hidden Stone Village, Ku decided that Shikadai should be the one to take the fall. Fortunately, the genin managed to escape his predicament and injured the scientist in the process. Hopefully, he can reunite with the rest of his crew in “Boruto” Episode 86.
Meanwhile, Boruto and Onoki have now escaped the Sanzu Plains thanks to the effort of Sekki. Although the genin has been portrayed as someone who’s weak-hearted, Sekki is slowly turning into a reliable shinobi and fans are excited what’s in store for this character. It’s still unclear if the young genin will be making an appearance in “Boruto” Episode 86 since a lot of major players in the secret conflict is making their move.
Among them is Konohamaru who has now determined the location of the enemy’s base. The previous episode saw the jonin venturing deeper into the Hidden Stone Village and taking down a few Akuta on his way. He also managed to save Akatsuchi as he infiltrated the village in an effort to bring back Mitsuki. Meanwhile, Mitsuki seems eager to help the other synthetic humans and his stance at the moment is teetering towards betrayal. As for when “Boruto” Episode 86 will be released, it’s slated to drop on Dec. 16.